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TlUS IN DEHTU RR, M...de tbi..._.___ .6t.h "__'_-"-.. . ._____cb). 01.--_.___...,_..-.\ pr-11...-.--- ......_.... ....._____A. D. 19.dl. BETWE f.N
-~... -.. -u-__..........__..'1..._.J.. .-31 rkT._.bc.~c1or.__...____..._.. _....,._...___._._..._._....... ___...._........'____........_....... __ _.___....._.._......_...._.......
01 th~ Count;,' 01_.3 t .u.Luo.ie..___.._._.....___. --. .....and Stat~ or......_..._... F'lorlda...__._..__....:.......__._..._. __put:/__ of the firat part, and
_...___.___...._....__.___.......t~J.!H!..._~eO_1.r...!~'!_AL~~.!l!.!.I::__.___....____. _'___...__ ._._._.__..______..___.......__..____.....
(>1 th~ CounlY oL~._...s.t..._.Luc1.e_......._.__.__.____._and State 01_____21.Qrioll ----..-.----____part.:'u...._ 01 the ueond pari.
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WITNESSETII, Ihatlhe ~id part.~_._._ or th~ rim Nrt. for ;l,nd in consid~ralio" of the sum oL__Qj1~JLQ.ll.@...l,:....!l3tQ...Q~h.~.L.._..__.._..__.._._._
-----.-..-.'\:a1ll&.bleu.c.uL.Bl.derati.:r:.s._..._.____~:r\T, to._..hila.....in hand paid,lhe re(~ipt \Y11~rrol is h~rr!.y lekno..lrdg:ed,
h~_ gral1l~d. barlCained. soJ.l ...nd trausferr~d, ud by thu~ prrscnlS do..~_J.:rant, b""llaiD. soli and traudu unto th~ saId p....t4l.- 01 Ih~ second
part an~ar..__.._--heir. and assillns Ivrnu. ...11. Ih...t c~rtaia parcel or land I)'ing and beinll in Ihe Count)' 01_ S t .,~UQ..t~______
and State 01_21 or Ida ..=-.--...-...-_more particularly dueribec! as iollows:__. _"_'______'_'___'''_''_'_ .....________. _'._..._..___..__
.. L.ot..1.:o .~Yel '\'e_J12L .of ...31ockl~o.._?oll.r. _t1 }_1.JL.!i,.C.~l'~.~!.1l.pl.~~.._~119.Yi11._Ii.~....h..... ........_._........
" . .-...-- .0 nngc.. Pla 0 e .. a.Q...s.l.tl."~~._~_qJ~~L~~.!;;..!...$pgl~~.u_C.n!....Sn'_L_a..nA._!e <!.Q.!.~.~~_..~l......~.h, Et.._~.f.p.e e___._._..
o.f . the .Clerk..Qf..Cl rcu1..t....Co.ur.t....Q.L's.t ..L1J9L9_..C.Q'P11;:r. ....v.Q~J .0&. ._C?n_.the....~i-,.<1...~a:r_...Q.L_
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." ....--..--.- ----- ($~.OfLD.o.c. _.3i;;a.u:p....cJ<.nc all.ed .1__...:_-;-. __....____._____.__..
-.- ----.------....-..---...."":'.-..--.- --.--.------...-....-.-----...-------.--_.__..___._e____._______.__.___.._,___._...__.____.___
--.--.-..-----.-.-.--.-..-.--.---...----..-..-.--.,-..-.---------...----------.---..-.--.--..--------------...- .. --.------.---..--.-----
TOGETHER wilh all the tenemenls. her~ditam~nu and appurt.nanees. with e,'er, privilegr, right, tillr, iDtcr~st and utale, dow~r and right 01 dow~,.
renrsion, remainder and eas.m"ntlherClo belonging or on aDYwUe appert..ining: TO HAVE ASH TO lIul.D th~ same an fe.~ simple forrver.
-"--.---." __.__._____..u..._._ ----_______.... . __.__._. _____._______..__.._ _...._.. "_'U. _ _'_" ...._.____._._ _.._..__..___.___.__________._...._..._..._..____..___.__"__
And 110" said par/4l'._. of th~ first p~:t d...eIL- connant wi.h the said part;/__ of th~ second put .hat_.h.e._i.s..__._.._lawlully seind of llir
...id premises. Ihat Ihe, are frc" Irom "II in(um!Jrancu and L'>at..._.h.a.hE.S gvu.J righl and lawlul authority to sell the sam~; and the said parc:r _..... ..I
the firsl part .10.83-. herr!.)' fully wa"..nt Ih~ lille 10 sa;d lanol. ...nd will dciend III~ same against Ihr lawful c1..ims of all persons whomsoe,'er.
IN WITNES;; "'HEREOF. Ihe said part :/-_ 01 Ih~ liul part ha.5...._ hcreunlo set.._r..i.S.__.hand_ and seal._ th~ <b)' and year abo,'~ 'nitt....
Si&ued. ;:ed ;:d 1~;:~~:'~_0..~ prrsrn~~:_._._.. .__...._...____ \
.2. .C. .'tiei.:.!er;__.._.____________._..__~
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~.'''-'. ----........-...---- --..-.-..-------..
...-._._....-..-..._.~.~ . -~-.! -,~! ~ ~...---- ..-..---.---_.___.....___.__(S EA L)
STATE OF---!."l11ri.da........:.
COUNTY OF-.S":'.---LUCi.e.
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_~j;h___ _o-_day or.---..J..;..rll._.__.._.._.
-A. D. 1922_ beror~ me
pcrsonally arr-cared-2&-....:..._3 ... k
10 mr known to be the perSOD._ described iD and who u~euled the loregoing eonYfyance to___..l:l.SB._3es.t.ri.ce..liit..tID.a.I....
and snerall)' acknowledged the eJ[~eutioD Iherrol to be__~~ 8 .__m...lrer act
and d~ed lor th~ uses and purpos.. Ih~rein m~Dtion~d; aDd the ....id
the ..ile 01 Ih~ said.. on a Kparale and print~ ~J[amiDalion
laicen and made L)' and brlorr mr. and uparaldy and apart Irom Iocr said hllsband, did aclruowl~dge that shr made hersclf a part, to the ....id Dred 01
Conyc)'ancr, for the lJurpose of rrnouneing, relinquishing and eonnying :oil her right. titlr and ir.:eresl,. .he.h.. 01 dow.r or 01 srp;arat~ property. stal:Jlor)'
or ~quilablr. in and to lh~ I..nds therein dcscrib~d. and tba! shr eucut~d said d~ed frrely and volunlanly and ..ilhout aay cDnstrainl, f"ar. appreheDsion
<-r compuls:on of or Irom hu said husband.
WIT:-;ESS my signature aDd official sui at
in th~ Count, ol-.-S.t..._IulCi.e
and State ol..?lo.r.1..d.a.._______the da, and yU! last aloru...id.
~. P. S€'el
cotJ~nY OF sT. LUCIE
------~. ~..-i:l'el e -.........-.--_.__._(SEAl.)
fiot'ior~' '?llbllc' -.fO:' ti1C'Hate of ?lor iOn Qt. L~rie
i:.y CO:llmisslon e:xriTf:8 ~ept. ~l. l::~o
filed ror record. and being duly acknowledced and pronrr. I hue r~corded the Arne on pag~_~of Boo" lJO
t 'ounty.
in the pnblie records 01 said
On thiJ__J~~h _.m_____da)' oL_.A!! d 1
--A. D. 19l_~~ at__o'cloclt...-.-DL. this instrument was
IN WIT~ESS WHEREOF. I hne her~unto ~t m, hand and affiud the ual or thr Circuit CClUrt 01 tire FilteeDlh Judicial Cirenit or Aid Sla!~. in a!1d
lor Aid Count,.
P. C. Zldred
?1'1~'dA-lP '~f
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