� St. Lucie County
and Zoning Departme
2 00 Virginia Avenue
• Ft�rtlPieece, FL 34982
1 561.462.1553
Design Certification.for Wind Load Compliance
This Certification is to be completed by the project design rehl. Wa or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all
applications for building permits involving the constructlo� of new residence (single or multi. family). -residential addition, anv
accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nopresidential strueturo. This Certification shall not apply to interior
rdnovations (provided that no struetural walls, columns or other similar component. is being effected) sod Certain other minor building
permits. For further assistance, please contact the Buildini Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172.
Project Nam
Office Ltbc Only
Street Address
Permit plumber
Conatruction Type
Certification Statement:
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, those plans and specifications have been designed to
comply with the applicable structural portion of th'e building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St, Lucie
County. I also certify that structural elements deocted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind
loads and forcers specified by current code provisions.
Vesi Pttraineters and ' Ass m ns Used: (Mease check or complete the appropriate box.)
1.1C1orfda Building Code 2001 Ed1Aai n 1 ASCE 7.98
2. BtuildfOg TMSIgn is (check one) Enclosed ftrtially Enclosed Open Building
3. Building Height: t 0 W 4. Wh Sp d Used in Building Design: 17-0 3 second gust
S. Wind Exposure Classiilcation (refe,r to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #I,); 8 _
6, Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 2Lo_ _PSF
7 Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Face's of Structure 52...
8. Xmportancefilse Factor (obtain from Building Cods .. 1 o
9. roads. Floor S
-- ,PSF Kbof/dead __....25 PSF• Roof/live 30 PSF
1.9. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (il heck one): Yes . X _ ._ No (If No, attach explanation)
11- llg u Cdttttdnuoxsse Load Path Provided (ehertt nn I)t Yeg X N6 - (if Nn, attach explanatian)
12. Are Compouent gnd ClOdding Detail Provided (check one): Yes x No (if No, attach explanation)
13, Minimurn Soil Bearing Pressure. 2500 pgF
As witnessed by Doty seal, I hereby certify that the informadlon included with this certification is tme and
correct, to tho best of my knowledge and belief. �,
rid„ c, SC 4 13. Dij her A I A I Certification 9, AQoO I l s 8 !o [seal Herel
Design F rm: ��1.13 la ke t le e. t lw *A ssn c Date.
Slit DV Forin 0 020.00