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---. -'"..-~'~J':_"I."'-..... V ..,."~...--
TillS INDENTURE, M&dc this.. ___..______. .-.._._____day ol__._........le bru&r~..__.. ..-...__..._..._..._.._._A. D. 19b........ 8RTWEEN
.--.---.-.....-.--.--..----~ .J. ...0. Du.nll..._i.n d...Emlaa...J)unn......bi 8....}Y1:t.e . ._....__.. _.._.._............_... .....u___.._._____.._...~_.u_. ..__._.
01 th~ Count)' oL_~._-~.~.l.~Jl.QJJL._.._.___.._..._~nd State of_........-..__.~.QT..l.~_...___..h________..._...__p...rt..l~.u 01 th~ fim part, a!ld
-.---.._........_._________.___.J...._.1....._';i~~.l.__.____.__.. ___..__.._.__.__.._____._..._____._____..__.___
01 t~~ Counly ol-Sh.el.b~l.u-._-..........-....-.------~nd State or_ ___T.enn6BB.8c.__..__._.__.part~__ or the "eond pa.l.
WITNESSETlI. lhalthe uid rartle.a. 01 the lint p&rt. lor aftd in consideration of the suna (.I.__..cn€L]).oll.ar _..ano.._c.!.ho.r_.\':al nabl c..__
.- .-.... ._....___....__._....C.QllSJ d..o:ca.lil QIU1....--____NIUi,"Cto...J.hfJ. m...in b)n<l paid. Ihe r"c~i"t whereol is h~.eby aeknowl~dged,
ha..:\'.B. grallled. barg..in~<I. solt! &ad Iransrernd, and by tbue pnKnts dO_._llrant. barpm. sell and transfer unto the uid part.Y._._ or th~ s~coud
"art &.al.e______heirs and assillas lorn~r. all that e~.lain parc~1 of land I)'ing and beiDK in the Count)' oL...a.t.~.;.UC1.e...-.-.--.-.-_u
and Slale ,'I__.E'lor i oa.____......._. ...:...____more ~rti......l...rly dcacri~d u Illllows:__..........__ .............__._._...._ ..._.._. __...._...... ..._00......__.._...
... ..1'110. l~.o~_~~ ..11.~ ~~..J.l.Itl._ C?J..~E:~_~!J..~~!t.l~':l.l fJ~! L. ~!h~~..~.~~.~~....~_~! fJ II (~t)
U"h_',,,,,_,_,,,,, ...._... ...~.f.:.t.f1 ~..!~~E.:.;--:":'. ~.~~~._..9.~~_~ t c 0.!.....~.~':.~._!!~~.~h-~~!:~.~. _.9~E~_~:~.. ~.!~?i...!.~.Ei'!~ Lu~ f.
. _....u....P..... m... ........section.Zo~U'teen -{14L'2o.Ylhah1p...':hirt:,r~fQ1U'_. (~~} _South. ~a:lg.e.:7hlrt:l-=p, ....._...
.....nil:e.. (39') - Zas 1.. cGut!:.inir.g._21ve..J 5~} ..lil.cres..D.ore_.o:_lcas. .___.......____......._.,...........
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...nun_.. ._.__.~.u....nn. ..._____.._.._...._.____...__._._.__._ ____
--------------.----...---..-.---. .....----.---
--.----..---- ---.-.--.-------.---.------....-----------------....--....-.--..--.---
-..---._..__________.._.___n_..._..__._..__ --__.. .________.__. _._.._....-u.___......_..__.. h________n_...___._h.__.._._n.~..____. .._ .__.____.~__.______._..._.
TOGETHER with all th~ :,,,,menu. 1o....oJ;I.....""h and apP1lrtenancrs, with ev(r, "..vilr!;r, ri):'hl. tillr. int~rut and estate, dow~r an.! right 01 .low..,
re"uioD, remainder and rUt men I IlItrrto belon~i",: or in anywisr apPulaining: TO 11.-\\' E .-\~ U TO 1101.1> the samr in Ice simplt lorner.
.-\nd lite said p...~ti~_~ 01 Ibe 1i..1 part do_ connan I witb tbe said puql_ 01 lite ~eoud part thal_tlle.;::._.er.C_.__b....fully seized of Ihe
I~ WITXESS \VtlERE(lF. th~ saId parlies~.. of Ih~ lirst pari hii.e.._ hereunto ~L._!;.~lr..baDdS.. and suB.. Ih~ day and yur abo.. wrill<n
said p.emises, that Ihr)' arc frer Irom all incumbrances and Ihaq;.hey.-h&"l-e<>Od .il:l,. anJ lawlul aalhority 10 sell the samt; and Ihe sa;,j putl e9 01
Ih~ lirsl part do__ htreby iully .'anant the title to said lanJ. aDd will deiend the same against I:'~ la....fDI claims 01 all persons ",homsoc\'u.
s.'".,....~: :;1' .':~;~t~"~'::::....__._---.--l
.. ... ,_. .J:~~~::~:~~sn~:~~~.~_=~.=.~~~_]
-_...__..__.J......C... Bunn...__..._....____. ..._(SEAL)
-- ~"'~,Ii ._1llllill.._.______.___.__ __(SEAL)
l' ogn nlU.1llili Ii.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai 00 this
2{th.___day 01-._2cbr.U2.r~._...
A. D. 19~. bclorr me
l'<:r50Dall)' appcar~d.._~......Jlullr.....a.n.d..... --~Mrng lhll'lll Y'_ ... is..-:.:;i.fc.
10 mt "down to be th~ pcrson._ described in and ..bo ~xceut~d tbe loregoiug conn)'a"er to._ J.......l..-Shea.
and snerally ackDowltdl~d th~ ~.ucution thereol to be...th~lr ._.hee act
aDd deed lor the u!cs and purp6Sts Ihuein m~ntioDed; and the 5~;c!
Rrr.r.lE _D.rum
the wif~ 01 Ihe said_ _..J~.I-~DM.n on a 5rparat~ and printe cxamiDalion
lalo:tn and made b)' and before mr. and separaltl, and apart from h~r said husband, did aelrno..ledge that sh~ made herself a party II> th~ said Derd 01
Connyance, lor the purpose 01 renouncing. rdinquishini( an.! eonnying all .... righl. litle and inlrrut" wh~lhtr 01 dower o. 01 separate propcrl" statutc.ry
or equilaUle, in and to the lands thuriD described. and Ihat she rncu.ed said dud Ir~ely and Toluntarily and wilhout aD, constrain I. rear. appr~h~nsion
<-r compulsion 01 or from h~r said bus"an.!.
WlTXESS my sigDatur~ and ollicial Kal u_a.eedom.
.. S i ~fill'idGe~J~~' tb d d .-- I 'd.
an,. tate 0 ........--....-_. ."';-~-7-..~~~A....t. e II)' an 'ur....t a orca..
;n tbe COUDt, 01
. ~qtal"JSea1. .
. . Ji
On th;.____ ~.....LiJ.L.-:...........-da' or
---.. ...R-~9r,--..--. _....._._..._(SEAL)
My COm.':':leslon" expires . Al'rll 3. 19:;'1..
filed for record. and beiDg duly acknowledll~d aDd prOTO. I has-I' ncordcd the same 00 pa~_.5.3.~_or BooIc.....-1iD-_in tbe I'ublic records or said
t'OUDI,. .
". D. 1925._. at /0 o'dock~ th;. iDStruln~nl was
"IN WIT:-:ESS WHEREOF. I ban henunto .~t mT hand and alliud the sui 01 the Circuit Court 01 th~ Filt~eDtb Judicial Circuit of said State. in ~nd
10J''Uid County.
CT. Ct. ~ea}
~~edA Clerk.
""A^r \C.. Of--___D C
" ,~.,'/",Z:T~f&~~~~