HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEET:r MOBILE HOME PERMIT WORKSHEET page 2 of 2 PERMIT NUMBER P KTPN The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psi or check here to declare 1000 lb soil without testing, XIT-0 D x 1Soa X 1 o POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD t Test the perimeter of the come ale locations 2 Take the rr ad!nq at the depth of the footer 3 Usinq 500 I6 mciernents take the lowest reading and round down to that increment X —Is-oo X ?i )a'o 0 L TORQUE PROSE TEST f•t,r*r• MIMIC- IC- pirjbor t:•St !s J K inch pounds or check huge if you aw ,;i• :.faring ' can;a=ors without testing A test .,hcovorlq ?.'Jfy -Tirh t)ounds of if;SS ,rift {t',•ryUtff; A foot an:]hars Note: A st;ate.• VV-fi:ved latirral arm 5vrtern is being used and -t it ,1i1c'w1,.d at the si:iewali locations i understana 5 ft ;rsoJired a, all "' !rtterline tic point., Where the torq:)f: test less and wt,e,,e ItIe rnohile homemanufa tuner may r t. ct,;ttt e,'rifilC,f7,af-S r�iti�•SU(��`ii�';ic]Idiat�-Cap:iCriy.,.;. t"�s:�.:rsr-a,- _.`7:::,: ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMER BY A LICENSED iNSTALLER Installer Name i)ate t esteo! ' to Electrical Connect electrical conductors betAeeri multi -wade units, but not to the main power source This includes the bonding wire between mutt -wide units, Pg. Plumbina Connect att s"er drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank Pg. Connect all fiatatrte water supply p,ptny to an existing water meter, water tap, or other independent water supply systems Pq Debris and organic material removed {Hater drainage Natural Swale Pad Other Floor- Type Fastener Length Spacing �^t Yvafis Type Fastener Length Spacing Roof Type Fastener Length Spacing For used homes a rain 30 gauge, 8" wide galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with galy roofing nails at 2" on center on Moth sides of the centerline, . Gasket (MealherproOhrrg requtrcenenta '-' I understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation mold, nieldev� and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed ar no gasket 1)e;nq installed I understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket Type gasket Installed Between Roofs Yes Between Walls Yes Butiom o! ndilebeam Yes __ ___ � if�eath4rproafing """""•`_.__�_��._.__ The bottomboard will be repaired and/or gape Yes _ _ _Pq�_)� -Sic a�q r n units rs installi,� to manufacturers sp` a aca,r ions Yes ` Fireplace Chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain veater Yes Miscellaneous Sktrtmq to be installs Ye No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting es NIA Range; downflow vent installed outside o rtinq Yes Nlri Drain lines supported at 4 foot mter/als Ye • Electrical crossovers protected Yes /Jf1 Other installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet is accurate and true based on the