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THIS INDENTURE, Made this..____Se\'!nu.tll.__._ -..---daJ ol__...!prlL._......_......_._........_...._.......____.._.._A. ll. 19l5....... BE1'WEEN
__..._._____Cur tls....13o.bo.-D.f..t.__ll.tn "11 e Bo.bD-.....h1B..1Y.1.:fI1,..__......_.___..u....___... .._....__________..__...._......
vI the Count)' cl_St ....Lua!8..____..__._uu_...._and State or._.._..1!'l or 1. da...__......._..__.__.._....._u__.__.__...__part.1.es. of ,h~ 6ut parI, and
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,.1 the Counl)' of.__....a t......_L ucl.c __.___... ___...and State oL___~.l.2.r.1..~o... .____.._____parl.y_ or the ueond part,
\VITN F.SSE'I'II. that Ihe said l'an_lea 01 the first part, for and In eonsid~ration 01 tile sum 01..::'1.V.e....ThO'u.llt\n4._J.$il. ~,'.QQ ,.Q.Q) ::"_~::::::=.:::_-:::'_
______0011.... to...the:':L_in han.1 paid, Ihr reerirt "here...1 is h~.d,)' acknowle.l~ed,
I:~-'\:.e Kraute.s. t,u.,:aiceJ. sold an.! trans!ured, and by thue ",u~nIS do_._&rant. bargain. sell and tunsler unto the said l>a.I.-.;:-_ 01 Ibc ueund
part ...nd..h1S___-"e:rs aftd assigns lonver. all that certain pa.e~1 01 I...nd lying and b~ing in Ib~ Counly ol--3.t..._L.u.a.ie...______
and Slate ol__.__::?lor.LdlL'.__.._':".__more particularly describeo! a. 101l0wI:_..._._...... _____.__.. ...__._....._..:....___......_. __._...._...
....'rhc !! 9.r ~h.. :h~tl.f.J).;~... t1:.~L.:1 Q_~~r. ~.C.~..~..._QU~~.~~.~....9_[_~:-,~J!.Q!~h.~a~.Lr,"_~~l.'~.e.J;_.... ._... ,._..._...._......
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TOG~TllER ..ilb all .h~ trnem~nls. her~ditam~nlS and aI'Purlc":>nces. wilh ~yery pdyileg~, right, till~. inl~nst and tslat~. dower and right 01 dowcr.
rnersion, rcmaind~r and rasem.r.1 Ihenlo brlonglllg or in anywise al'peruini..;;; TO 11.-\ \' r. A:'\ U Tv HOLD the same in ree simple lore..r.
And Ihe said pau...iC.S 01 th~ first. part do-=-=- eoycnant with the said parl_'y__ 01 Ibr second partlbatl..i'..c:;_Jl;::,.e.___bwlully srized 01 Ih~
uid ..remises, Ihat they arc frcr from all incumbrances and tbaL~:-'~e~LJ111'l:6o<l ril:bt ~nd la"ful aUlhorily to ..11 the umr; and tbe nid 'p~;li Cs.. of
l~ WITl\ESS WHEREOF, Ibe said parlJ..e~ of Ihr firsl pari ha......C_ hereunlO sCl._~h.t.ir...hand..Sand $fal S the day and yra, above ...rille..
Ih~ Iir~t pari do__ hercby iully ",.,uranl Ihe till. to said bnd. and will dciend the sam~ again.t Ih~ Iawlul claims 01 ...11 persObs whomsOt\"C'.
':,"'d. tt~,d -;: d~:"~e::'::~:::'~_. _ ..~_.._ !
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-..--....---.-. .._.Curtis..2obo ...... .____._...._.__.. .._(SE.-\L)
Al:..a.:.:c..t:.. 3o.bo_______.._(SEAL)
COU~TY OF__S'':, :.~C~ =:
I'ersonally ap~arr"
I IIEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_lD.:J:.._._____oJa, of__.:..prll.______._____"- D. 19l.5__, befon mr
. ,
10 me known to be the ~rson_ described in and who ueeulrd the fongoing eO"Yfyane~ to__',i61.!..a..:::_3a~
and suer.lly ae\nowlrdged th~ rueution thereol to be__tnf:.ir_.lree act
and .Iced for the uses and purpo'.. Iherein menlioned; and the said_..AlLt.::...1.!nt._30ho.-____
th~ wife 01 th~ said_____.. Cur~obo On a sep...rate and prinle ~xamination
taken anti D1...d~ by and bc:for~ mr, and uparaltl, and apart Irom her said husband. did aclmowledge Ihal shr nu.de h~rseU a party to the said De~d of
Connyance, ror the purpose 01 r~nouneiDg. relinqui.hiDI' and eOn\~ying all her right, tide aDd iMcre.1, whether 01 dower or 01 scpar.l~ properly. statuto.y
or rquilablr. in and to the lands Iherein described. and llut sh~ ~"reUlrd said d~rd freely and ,'olun.a..l)' and without any eonstrainl. lur. apprehension
'" ,"ulupulsiun .,1 or from il~r $.Olid inub~nd.
~or.t._.ri.erc e
in th~ County 01
Q ~:.-Lllc i 6
..___._th~ day an<t ,car lall aloruaid.
~';;'.'_';;_'_ Sal}~..!SO!l_ -.--_______(SEAI..1
UOt.&~y ?ublio, !')t~t~. {;f..~'loriGn ntLat'~~
II] COlr.r:;!SSiOl. e~pire:f';';t'-:; ~ii. 192U.
On this___-1.11rL....__da, 01__A>>-.ri1
_-A. D. 19lL. ...t-Z..l.ih.c\ock.....]l....m.. thia inst;umeul ..-as
filed ror reco.d. and being duly acl<Dowl~dgcd ;and pro'~n. I han r~corded tbe same 6\J pagc-5~u.........or Book_..ii.O-.in the publ:e records of said
lor ....id County.
r hue~et m, hand and affiud the .Jul or the Circuit Cou.t or th~ Filtr~nlb Judicial Circuit 01 said Stat~, in and
l>. C. illored
-'2 " ~. f -,^--~_D. C.
I '.~~. J ~-.:"!'"~ :~t.~ ~.i..... ~~~r~r~~...
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