HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOME PERMIT WORKSHEETMOBILE HOME PERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER Installer 5 ar in Ma1 1 License # �/ LU Address of home �I � lf-A U,5- 1 '_r�t_N i- R ecc F/ SL16M6 C, ►L- being installed Manufacturer m1?( on Length x width17 MOTE: if home is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plat N home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of homc I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new or -used) W i where the sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. _ .: W n Installer's"initials or= pical pier spacingo lateral U f a Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems fong,t,mal (us dark lines -to show these locations)L marriage wall piers w,thm ?& end of home per R,de 15C page 1 of 2 New Home ( Used Home ❑ Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual [Y, Home is installed7WindZonell rdance with Rule 15-C ❑ Single wide ❑ Wind Zone III Double wide ❑ Installation Decal # Triple/Quad ❑ Serial # F1261--- H Blol g l F PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load Footer bearing size 16" x 16" 18 1/2" x 18 1/2" 20" x 20" 22" x 22" 24" X 24" 26" x 26" capacity (sq in) (256) (342) (400 ) (484)' (576)' (676) 1000 s 1 s 4' 6' 7 g 0 0 s 6 8' 0 -mgmEsm g _ .- a. Q ¢ w ¢ Sa PIER PAD SIZES j f ' o az ®— / J Y V PiR pad size �0 Zl §mot. W:jkr pad size � " rA gt !@ ad sizes m Wj the Mfg.) a 7 s 124V the approximate locations of marriage Ky openings 4 foot or greater. Use this 'rt- '= Symbol to show the piers. A List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foot and their pier pad sizes below. ANCHORS _. .......... ...................I Opening Pier pad size ' � 1� nr�� Oft 5ft • FRARIIE TIES ............; ........44 14 ........... i..........i.... n_ %a,` within 2' of end of home .. spaced at 6 4" oc ..i••.......................... TIED01Wtd COMPONENTS OTHER TIES ....;............ Number Longitudinal Stabilising Device (LSD, Sidewall .... .c.....; Manuaa r n itudinal .. ;.....i... ?..... o gr udfnal Stabilizing Device w/ Laeera/Arms Mar9age wall ...._..... ................ Manufacturer Shearwall POPULAR PADS S V �'�' . w �' *4 r_. .: �.912A iKti/L•L'i%LYllLlt�� ItllltliFx�t�s►!•tl_ • 61 i►l�1i [:;'i�ItYc]i [:� «A MOBILE HOME PERMIT WORKSHEET tia page 2 of 2 PERMIT NUMBER P dRET PENETROMETER TES The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psi or check here to declare 1000 lb soil without testing. X X ISdd X C� POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD t Test the perimeter of tf e home at 6 locations. 2 Take the reeid!nq at the depth of the fcater 3 Using 500 It) increments. take, the lowest readinq and round down to that increment X 1-5 vio X X )W (' TORQUE -PRO —BE TEST 1,•„ `c}�ittr� (ti'! !Or(Jt,� ?fly!?C tf'st t5 J "� inch pounds of ch?Ck aerie if voki afte _ke,laring 5, anchors without testing A test s`;uwtn i 27j, :ticir pounds ,r ioss welt rrmuire 4 foot anchors Note: A s!a!t:-.:ippfcvied lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft imi ailowi�o at the srfeslall locaations i understana 5 ft 111't' ;. ire zeouired at all cfi:niterline tie points where the torque: test rE<i- "iAl as 1 `i Gr less aild where the mobile home manufacturer r lay rt �iJii e:`.s <`inC,17c)! $ '.•ntt� 4000 ib haldinq cap 3irtj!.r, � ilrN ' -- Ir �faliec.s, trufi'ats ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER Instiller Name Dale t'e steo ?=3- I Eloctrical Connect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power source This includes the bonding ware between mutt -wide units. Pg. Plumbing Connect all sewer drains to an existrnq sewer tap or septic tank Pg. Site Preparation Debris and organic material removed t1W �� Water drainage Natural Swale Floor Type Fastener. Length Spacing ��" Walls Type Fastener Lenqth Spacing Roof Type Fastener Length Spacing For used homes a min 30 gajge, 8" wide galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with gaiv roofing nails at 2" on center on both Sides of the centerline. Gasket tweatherprootmq ruquirementi I understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all flew and used homes and that condensation mold, nieldew and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket beinq installed t understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket , �/ V irtstz!ler's tnu;ah� Type rjasket Instaliod eetwe�e n Fioors Yes - Between hails Yes Fiattom r;t rid::,ebeam Yes Weatherproofing��- The bottomboafct will be repaired and/or tape Yes n Pq� )9 Sidtnq ounits is installed to manufacturer's sP-M tcaIions Yes ! Fireplace chimney installed so as not tc allow intrusion of (ain water Yes�� Miscellaneous Skirting to be installedYe Nei Dryer vent installed outside of skirting es N!A Range downflov. vent installed cirlside o ktrtinq Yes N�a Drain lines supported at 4 fool intervals Ye Electrical crossovers protected Yes /V 1 Other Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet is accurate and true based on the Installer4Signatuc� on� L�—LD�� Date Connect all pomble water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other - independent water supply systems Pg