qt @ ttrip rAlInt,
Careful attention to a few basic details will
insure that your Lifestyle®Vinyl Siditing will
provide a,beautiful, easily installed, completely
accessible exterior with a minimum of
Lifestyle® Vinyl Skirting is easily installed
over any terrain, requires no special tools -and
never need's painting. Following these basic
installation techniques will assure that
Lifestyles will contribute to the beauty of your
home's exterior.
Tools -You will need
Hammer, Screwdriver, Snips, Plumb Bob or
Level, Tape Measure, Power Saw:with_Fine-
Tooth Blade, Notching -Tool, Chalk -Line and
Utility Knife
I. Use either a power saw 2. To allow for normal 3.
with a fine-tooth blade
mounted with reverse
rotation, or,aviation snips
to cut Lifestyle®
TrIm Mount
expansion and
contraction, fasten the Top
Trim Mounting Strip In the
center of the nailing.
slots. Fasten positively to
the surface of the unit at
every -slotted- hole;
leaving 1 a" between
lengths: Do not butt the
ends. Overlap Top Trim
Front approximately 1" at
joints. Allow 1/2" between
pieces of the Bottom
Channel when installing.
Do not drive the nails
too -,tightly. The screw -
type nails provided offer
excellent, holding power,
but if driven too -tightly,. -the
Vinyl can, under normal
expansion and
contraction, become
distorted. These special
nails should .be driven in
the middle of the nailing
slot just short of touching
the Top Trim Mounting
Strip. Nail to achieve 314"
penetration into a solid
wood. substance. Nail to
allow part to expand and
contrail during the normal
change in ambient
temperature. DO NOT
NAIL TIGHT. Allow tiff
gap between nail head
and part. - -
0> steel NMI
Gmund spIke
File 0�� Blevins lifestyle Vinyl Skirting W pdj
$tep 1 a a U
Laying the Bottom Channel
A level or plumb line should be used to establish the
Iodation of the Ground Channel. The taller backside of the
Ground Channel should be located directly beneath the
offside bottom edge of the home, where the Top Trim
Mounting Strip will be attached (figurel ). To prevent grass
from growing around the base of the skirting and provide a
non -shifting, for the ground spikes, g" asphalt roof starter
should beT installed around the home. The roof starter also
reduces the possibility of the vinyl skirting panels from being
damaged from the use of a powered string trimmer. "Weed-
Eater'type trim units will damage. the skirting and is not
covered by the warranty.
� Attach the Ground Channel directly to the ground
through the prepunched holes (figure 2). Spikes required
every 20 inches. Another spike or a, drift punch may be used
to; drive spikes in completely. To allow for expansion; leave a
1/2"°gap between each section of the Ground Channel. To
form clean, attractive comers, the Ground Channel can, be
notched.with snips (figure 3) and then bent to the desired
arx'le. (Attached to the ground as shown in figure 4).
Note: ri high wind areas; where, ground. below the unit
is spongy;:or where ground is loose from recent excavation.
and. has, not yet settled, it is; advisable to fastenGround
Channel to treated wooden stakes. For installation on .
concrete, use a 3J4- masonry nail instead of the ground
spike. lAuid Nail" cement or other similar methods of
setting a fastener directly to concrete can also be used:
Installing Top Trim Mounting- Strip
Firstdetermine where the Top Trim INount.will mount on
the, lower part of the home. The bottom edge of the Top, Trim
Mount cart extend below the bottom edge of the home if
there is a.sofid support for nailing and a solid bearing for the
Top Trim Front Strip against the side of the home. It is
helpful to mark a line around the bottom of the home,with a
chalk -line or othermethod to assure a straight line where the
Top Trim Mount Strip is to be installed.
The Top Trim Mounting Strip is installed by driving the
steel, nails in the middle of every slot (figure 5). DO NOT
NAIL TIGIiTLYI '(See .nailinginstructions on front page.) Do
not.cut Top Trim Mounting at the comers. Gently. bend .over
a sharp. edge of a cutting table or a similar surface to form
the comer (figure 6).
If the installation is made in extremely cold weather; the
vinyl should be warmed to room temperature before
bending. Warming will avoid the likelihood of cracking.
Step 3,
Cutting. The Panels
The Top Trim Mounting. Strip is constructed with two
parallel', ridges at intervals below the nailing slots (figure 7).
These ridges -may -be used to measure the required panel
height. For warm weather application, measure the distance
from the ground to the lower ridge. In cold- weather, measure
to the top ridge.. If the ground is level, several panels may be
cut atone time using a hand, power saw..Remember' if a
power saw is to be used; mount a fine-toothed blade in
reverse posMon.(figure 8).
A snap 1locctool is. used to punch locking, tabs on the.
outside bottom .edge: of each panel (figure 9). When the panel
is installed, it becomes locked in the Ground Channel. This
feature.assures retention ofthe panel in the Ground Channel.
;Note: When installing in a.high wind area, punch locking
tabs at the.top of the panel for.added locking strength.
iSelf-aligning parcels easily snap and, slide into place
(figure 10). Be certain, that each ;panel positively interlocks
with ,the panel adjoinig it. (Above 36" panel height, a framing
support: system should be considered.).
Panes can be tnstalied by setting into the bottom
charinet.and leaning agalrlst the back trim. Lock the next
panel as shown by figure 10. Panels should not be cut but
bent ,around comers as shown -in figure 11.
Cutting and fitting to -virtually any shape or radius is
easily done, with lifestyle using aviation snips, cut the panel
to It, around the connection. Cut the pane[ from the side —
not from he --top or bottom Keep snip points open as if
cutting cloth to ivoid, cracking panels.
Proper installation of%Mobile Home Skirting requires that the
Top Bade be nailed loosely so the panel will slide freely in the
nail slots,
This can be a=mplished by leaving the nail head 1/16"
to 1/Ir from -the -face of the panel.
The nail must penetrate a solid nailable surface by 3/4 ;
The steel nails supplied with the product are 1-1/2" in
Do notplace,outdoor cookers near the vinyl skirting
because thebeat will disiiod the panels. Any heat source must'
be kept awayfrom the parcels or damage may occur.
V.S.I.Pra.Statemant:, P"M
sodas am made from orgartb matttab:end wEti melt or
bum when caposed to a etgnitieantsouroe of llama or
heat; Normal precitullarts to prousa vinyl skoft from
sources of fine should be taken. Barbacnias and com-
buslibli materials, such as dry Isayss mulch and
Omit, should be kW away from
For Information about lire properties of vinyl skhog,
conlraZm Vinyl Siding In"1276 K Street, N.W.,
.W..hhigtonDC 2
or Haverford Vinyl
stepl14r 1111
Installing. -the Top Trim Front Strip
The Top Trim Front Strip installs easily by. snapping the
top , ed geof its spring, lock ifit ' o the Top Trim Mounting Strip.
Be sure to ,push'the.T-op, Trim Front Strip all the:.w6y.into the
Top Trim Mounting Strip until ft "snaps" Into place
Each-ofithe 14 pieces of the Top Trim. Front Strip are
notched 2" on-pne.end (figure 12) to permit overlapping.
Overlap; ends of adjoining, trim front approximately V Four of
th6 pieces are Wory-notched :for forming comers. Two
pieces are notched at V. two & 7-1/4" from the end.
Starting atone, of the front, comers of the home with a
piece of m strip notched from the, end, plaoe.the
short section on the front. of the, home and bend the longer
iecfiw around to the side (figure 13- 1�). At. the other front
corner, plikea-piece oftrim strip,lnotched-at6 (figure13-2).
Take.the second -piece notched 3! 7-1/4" from the end and
overlap the long section on the side of the home, bending. the
short r section to the, backside of the home. (figure 1.3-!3).
Finally, take the last 6 notched section and bend around the
remaining comer (figure 13-4).
13'7-1/4* F 7-1/4'
[.I\ -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
VIL I a-
- — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — - J
6 7-IM* FIGURE 13 3' 7-1/4'
� if inside corners are -needed, trim strips can be easily
cut with av
iation form attractive comer joints. by
COW% a W, rW&e on adjacent ends and butting. If extra
outside corners are required (for porches or add -on
rooms), notch the trim strips as shown (figure 14), bend
around the comer and snap into place. Allow at least T of
trim strip on each -side of the comer.
' Access can be gained at -virtually any point by simply
rifting the TopTrim Front Strip and sliding out the desired
number of, panels. Accessibility to the area -under the 'unit is
available whenever deilritd.
Printed in USA 9404