HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1144 544 ~~ -. 'IOJI"'..Jl.h~~C:: :-=':::=~":" :::::: :~-=.~~=":... = ~:::. :-: ~: :_~: lIm~f&J~t:~f:lG':lt>=ll'f;"~ap,,r..a~~l~~-::': :~ :: THIS INDENTURE, Wad~ thIs __.___..l.~.__._ __,_..__.day or..-.---... Unrch .-._ .-____....._..._. ._____._.A. D. 19l5....... BETWEEtl ._--._.J.9.0e.3-L..u:J:.lg!...t."'r....nl:.d....Qor_t~.~.c... i{n 1,~ l' too... JUJLul.t:e....._ .__.._.._.._._....___.....___. ..__._..._______ ollhe Count)' or-:-..___--St. __Lucie _.____.__.__.and State 01__.... ..._.._.2~or.i.da_..____.____ ...--.---Nrl....$._ or the 6m part, and ---.-._.....:..lc.x.c..c.er...s ...:~1l~O'::-~~l,L.C1L.::n....l.a.::L.2~~..lo~._hu.ah~;.."- ..8:..t...._uf C.__ _.___.~________ 01 th~ Counl)' or.._-_..~.DhQ3.{L_.._...___..__.ahd State 01_.--<lhl~___________part.1es or thO' s~eond part, WIT~..:SSF.'rll. th;l\ the said pa.r......._ of th~ 5.st part, for and in consid~ration 01 the Sl:Ol or.......$lD....au...n-n_..c.:;.her__YAlu,Q..ble...._......_._... '."-"- ........_...Q.9.!'&l.9J}J"2..;J_Ql!.~.___._____ ____'1ToYb.i; to..tl:Q::J.._in hand Nid, th~ r~e~ipt ,,"c. wI is hue!>)' achowledl:ed, haX.a.. t:rautcd. bar~.inrd. sold and lransl~rn.s. and by thue pr~senls do..eJi_grant. ba.gain, s~il and transfer unto the l'aid part kf!.. 01 Ihe ucoftd part and_~?'.~l!'_..-"eirs and assiGns lorner, all that certain pared 01 land lying and b~iftg In th~ COl\J\ty 01_-3.t. ....l.uc.i.a~_ .__ and SIl>te of.___....:~l9.l:..1. 9.A.._.._.....____more partieula.ly ducribed as rollows:-__..____...__...__.._...... _..._. .____........._.._._____. .... ..BI 0 C.; . tQL9.:'._WJJ.,;:.~.t.S.._A M ~ ~! .~.n__tt_Q ...~9 c. f;.SL.tQJl..3._~.rQ ..lth;~ 1W.1e....n. ..... 'h.n... ..... ....n_ . . ...-.... Count~ .._Aorld.s.~ ..Acctlr.G.iL.:;....t.CL...l'll:.:;,._r.eco~.~c (Lin._.?lc..t._JOQ1t.~...a.t.........m. ..._n "_n. .... ....P!l...Qh_;J..:? _.r~itQr..~.~._Q';~ '_~~h.._~~~<':.~_o._.g.Q.~:~_~;{. t. ..~:'!_~fl.Q.!~.. . .....__..._._._.... _....._.._. n ......... '. I . . ".-.-.-- ...._-........_-.. ...-.... _.-..-. ..... .- ..._.___.h....____.._.. "h"___.____. __.._. _..._n_..__.._n___.__.__.__._.___..._...._.~__._.._._______..__..___ ___._ _..-. ..-_.._--...-.... ... -......-.......-.......---..--___.._____........._h_..____..._._______.._.____.__. _____.________._.. __ .____..______________. __........___." .. ..... .h.n....... .. .__......_....( .~~. . Q~LILQ:1 ~_ s ~.1:~ .. ~3 (; '_EQ~..'!.n ~..nL_____..._______..__....__...._m__......_.n. ".._.___.._+._n._..___ -_"_+'~_'__'_n_ n_._.._..___ .._____.__.____..n___.._______________..__~...____.___ ..u__~. .. ~_..__.........._.~___ _"_'_~_.~_.'_ ._.__~_.._.......~._____....___._____._..____._____.____._ __..._.__....__.._.__ ____.._ .____...___ __.._.._____...._. _.-..-.--._- -.--..-.-..-.---.----...- _..-. .--..-...---...-----------..-.-......-.-..---.------------.-.---.-------..---...-----.------ .--.. _.__._..._._._._._.__......___......u_._.___.__._.___.____.________________ '-- ..--- -..----.---..-.-.--.-....-.-.- ----.-.-.----.-.-.-------------- -----.--_._-- '---.. .-.-..--....-...---.-.-.---------.--.--.--....-.-. TOGETH ER ",ilb all Ih~ lenem~nlS, h~rrdilam.nts and avpurteoaners, with nuy privilrgr, right. till~. inler~Sl and eslate, dower and riltfll 01 do",.,. rnersion, reDl:linder and e"'rm~ntlhueIO belongin!: or in anywise appertaining: TO If.-\ VE A~U TO !lOLl> the sam~ in le~ simplr lorner. ADd Ihe said pa.t..;l_ oi th~ 6nl part doe.5_ cov~nant with th~ said parl.i..e.5... oi Ihe Keond part IhaL..t.UJ! ___.___la..full)' Kiud 01 Ibr l~ \\'ITXESS WHEREOF. Ihe said pa'l..J._":'" 01 the fint parI ha~._ h~r~unto seL"";:':"::'--hanL and KaL_ the day and )'ear abovr \Ynlrcn. I .aid p.emises, tbal Ihe)' are Irce lrom all incun.branccs and thath.L1:!:.il-.good right and lawlul aUlhorit)' to sell Ihe same; and Ih~ ...id part. ~'__. o! Ihe 6,sl parI do_ea.... hcrel.)' iull)' warranl Ibe litl~ 10 said land, and will deic"d Ibe same against .h~ lawful claims 01 all persons whoms.,.,.... SiKncd. scaled and ddiycred in our pruene~: _u ______.7.1.-. _)~ - --?~~;.~_9_~______._.__.__.___..__U_h__._____ . ;~U:;ler~_..r, ;:QJ;l.1_~-,::.;I.Q~_.~ r... _.___;_g!.~~._.I.. ._._.~~~i .~t..:~u _.._____.__.__ ____.__ _ _(SEAL) _~_CI.ll.ll.6.~ ..",.,; -.-...... ..1.-.... . .._._._(SEAL) -------._------- -.--------.--------- COUNTY OF St. l..ucie } STATE OF_~l.c:r i d'__ I HEREBY CERTfFY, That on this o th________day or. ._~_I.il ^- D. l~._ t.clore me personally appeaa~d-."Tf:.-pq ~ .__~"':-_-!lr...r~ "--: n.....tr.:4.d..c;..._~:.i.:... '::'"y-.~.~i..fe...__ to me known to b~ the ~rSOb._ dcsCriMd in and who executed the (oregoing conyty.anct to.h~.~.L..'-C~-2..~~lQr (:.c ':1 r ~.~ :.. t ....______.__ ?evlQT-_ and sn~rall, ackno.l~dged th~ u~CUtiOD ther~ol to be~;~ e 1 r __. Ire~ ael and de~d 10. Ib~ usu aDd purposes Iberein mentioll~d; and the said-___!ilu._UM.e.....;:;.l ,;;. to the- .-nfe of the said____ZLCe..s.......:....... .....,,: ~ g.... t on a separate and priyate examinatioG I;'''~D and made by and bcfor~ mr. and s.paraltl)' and ~part from her said husband, did acknowledg~ that she mad~ herself a party to th~ said De~d 01 Conveyaner. for the purpose 01 renou!lcinJ[, r~linquishing and eom'eying all hu rigb!. titl~ and intern!. .. h~lber 01 dower or 01 uparale properly. slalulo.)' or equitable, in and to thr lands IhereiD described. and that she ""eculed said deed freel, and yoluolarily and wilhoul an)' eonstrainl, fear. a..pr~h~nsion lir compulsion 01 or Irom her nid hll$band. -;Oar to ? l..er.c.fL- .in th~ County 01. :t t . ....:..t;.c.11L-__. .._____._.. } ---.......3 u.per.t-l:.~......:c.b::.~.l..d.--;.r.JSE^l.l Hot!"r:; ~l)llo .~~8t.ecc.f inor-iC& . l:y CO~~J18ai C.}'! cXr~ircs: Lee. 1<..'. 1 ~.:;l1. On this__-Xi':'A-_day or__J..p:::J.l "- D. 19Z..5~ atL..Z..a..o'cSock..J4_m.. this instrument was :1 ./ filed for record, and being dul, acknow!~dg~d and proyft1, I hne recorded lbe same on Plg~_544 01 8nPIr 60 in the public r~eords 01 said l.ouuly. ~ VHEREOF, I han hcr~unlo KI my ha~~d affixrd the ual or th~ Circuit Cou.t iJr th~ Fill~~ntlt Judicial Circuit 01 said Stal~. ill and :C. ~~. :C.~ ~(\ .~ lor ..--. P::f;,.::P~1 ~ .~~-=:: t t 1 ~. -,~".:.~,:;JA~~WJ~~~~k~ l~..~ -=; '..:'~~::;~ / ~~,:.~\t 1:~H .(,0~1;.:.~~ "::~!...~ ;/:.~~~:~~i.~~i_ s .,.,.... .......... . J~'" '*-"" "-'--" ______ 'll'... ~ '" . *' --='-~- ~~ : ~1~- ~'\::i.;~; ~~~~. ~:~~io;. ?~.~.~~~~~~~J<~~ ~ ~:qJ"-__.#--~-{-~~- ri~:.:~~~e.;~~~,~,i1i. ~.~:.~,._ ~ ~!it~":i{ , ," '.. ,:p'" .' t... tf". "" .?:"' _ .... _ .