HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOME PERMIT WORKSHEETMOBILE HOME PERMIT WORKSHEET page 1 of 2 PERMIT NUMBER � ' IRb` j" C)g i, 1 " Q l installer b 11"iGYI Lie �FQd � License # _ 16�.GG �. � New HomL Used Home ❑ � /� Home ins le%to the Manufacturer's installation Manual [� Address of home being installed f L1�5- ?(1- 13i e2 FI ��LVI (p �e z d �i Home is t. - ac ordance with Rule 15-C o ❑ Manufacturer C 1 M �^ an Length xwidth -a: g NOTE: if home is a single wide fill out one half of the block/ I O 0 ng P ar o: 'r u, a off home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home a U v�i O c kzza der�ta d Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new or•usolf > Q t�sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. r » Yr a CL c n , In§taIWer initial`s I pieg%pacin� u�i = lateral W j C-1 W > In s WW-yam Show locations of Longitudinal and La�t�l 3ysRdi ns ,,,,,r,,,„, 1 (usq dark lines to show these locations/ U Single W&E 3 Wind Zone 11 ❑ Wind Zone III Double &Wq Installation Decal # TripleIAR R❑ Serial # � W Q PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load Fsizter bearin size 16" x 16" 181/2" x 18 1/2" 20" x 20" 22" x 22" 24" X 24" 26" x 26" capacity (sq in) (256) (342) (400) (484)- (576)' (676) s 3 t3 1 0 s 4' 6' 7 g' 20 s 6' 8' 2500 psf 3 00 s 3500 s A_ , PIER PAD SIZWW I-beam pier pad size Perimeter pier pad size Other pier pad sizes (required by the mfg.) Draw the approximate locations of marriage wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this symbol to show the piers. n014 List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foot and their oier Dad sizes helnw Opening Pier pad size AIN A /' TIEDOWiN COMPONEN Longitudinal Stabilizing Device (LSD, ANCHORS Oft 5ft FRAME TIES within 2' of end of home spaced at 5' 4" oc OTHER TIES Nu er Sidewall Longitudinal Marriage wall Shearwall MOBiLE -HOME PERMIT WORKSHEET rpage 2 of 2 �1 PER -MIT NUMBER POdKET FEN The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psi or check here to declare 1000 lb sod without testing. X LIDO X 11500 X \500 POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1 Test the po:irneter of the home at r locations 2 Take the re d.nq at the depth of the footer 3 Using 500 tt, increments take, the lowest readrnq and round dovirt to that increment X Is- 00 X X O� L TORQUE —PROM TEST rf Wr torUue Pff,bc ?: F.i a 3 K inch pounds a, chock tiwe if you aw J-.1annq 5' ciric Fort without testinq A test 5,hovmp ; 27f7 ,t)rii pci nds (;r iris mlt re'-nuire 4 font anchors Note: A c!n!fr. ap pr;. veil taterri aria Svstern is being used and 4 ft a+h;t „". #t- :3tSi•�yrji: at th_ sie'ievdall Ior_)tions I understanu 5 tt a+l'h^r' ?Fi: r,�ijuired at :ill cunierline Ire (Joints where the torqu test r;r less aril vvhwe the mobile home manufacturer tr=.t�,u;,, .irutz:,rs .lift= •SOCCi Idinq capaeti�",�v.�;��i:4S5�'.y�s.±;��?`_`-r:.. Yc ;' li�talie`r"s ,riiti8ls ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER Insialler ;tame p Dale ' ested -� O Electrical Connect electrical conductors betf,een multi -wide units, but not to the main power source This includes the bonding wire between mutt -wide units. Pg. Plumbing Connect 311 seiner drains to an exisunq sewer tap or septic tank Pg. Site Preparation Debris and organic material removed water drainage Natural Swale Pad Other Floor Type Fastener Length Spacing Walls Type Fastener Length Spacing Roof Type Fastener Length Spacing 1/ For used homes a min 30 gauge, 8'• wide galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with gals roofing nails at 2" on center on both sides of the centerline. . Gasket tMtatherProutratg regmrctrtpntl w I understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation mold, meldew and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket beinc, installed I understand a Strip of tape will not serve as a gasket 6nstalle:r's truti:ilti �� Type gaskelk installed 13 :tweeti Floors Yes Between "Marls Yes t3uttom 0: ridgebParn Yes The L'ottorriboarsf-will be repaired andror tape Yes Siring - Pq )lI on units is installed to manufacture's s{,a rLations Yes F;replace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain water Yes Miscellaneous Skirting to be installed No Dryer veal installed outside of sktrhng es N!A Range downflow vent installed outsides of skirtinq Yes N/A Drain lines supported at 4 foot inten+als Ye �l Electrical crossovers protected Yes !ether Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet Is accurate and true based on the Connect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, wafer tap. or other 1�nsta0leySiga�a>tu " C'AJi Ck- Date w�,� Jndependent water supply systems Pq