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THIS INliENTORE, ~bde t'.;s.............._3 eCQ~~d. .........._.. ....._day of-....-. .... .....A!}l'- n......-...... .........-..... ....__....__.__.1\, 1>. 192Ji.._ BKTWEI-:N
____...1....._3.. ..~"unke...a..;.t ..L uc..tlla..~'ullkeu.hls._ul..fe..__........_... ....... ......__._........_... . ....:,............... ....._... ....- __....___.._____......_..__.
01 the County oL_._~.L_uX._\;Q ~ !1....__ _"'00""'_' ...._......." Stat~ 01_.. _......_....Fl or Idn.. ......... ......................................._part_les. or lbe 6ut parI. and
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-.---.-Antvll..1>, ....1{o of.f'ne r....cnc . I.:ag dnl. enn..his....l'.:.Lf.e.._.___ __"'__' U___'___~"_'__"..u"_ -.....-.-.. .........-.------...----......-
olth~ Count). of...._...Jl.t... L.uoic.............._._....._.___and Stale oL.._.__Jl.Q!.L~____.__._._.._......_........_..p;lrti.!!~_ or th~ ueond pari.
WITNESSETH. thallhe uid l'arl-le~ oi Ihe lirH part. for :and in considtration of the su~ of..--Ol:';:.-l.CL:-~.l~.l..- C~..___.___...._...._..._..._._.....
_ _'1.:.:.t~~ 3!.;~ ..CC!':SlllB?.A11 ~S__.
~lIMQSlo...t.t..e(lL.in j'and pai... Ihr receil'l ,,!.enol is htr~b)' aclmo"le.j~ed.
b~:..o...... gr;lnted. bargained. sold and transferrrd, and b)' these preunls 010.-. _grant, bargain. ull and tran~er unto Ihe said part i.Os. of th~ ueond
(oart anJ.. ::.h.e.lr..__h~irs and auigol lor~"r. all that e~rtain parc~1 01 land lyinc and b~ing in th~ Counl)' ol____._~ll;. ..._Lli<l.lQ......_._______
and Slate 01___.21.ar 1 d!l....u. ......._._.__.rnore particular!, describeo! as 1<)lIowl'-__._._.__.._.__._.._........_._..... ....._...____.........
...W..:?;- ..of .\It c f .. ~Ei . o.f_l:l::t..Q.;'_.SeQt.l.:..n. .g.:? ..~(nm S:J!p..a~..~.Q~.~b..9f. .~~9..r.~.~. .~~_~: ....._P.___._. .._....__._ .
....._.....~fULt ..~c;m.t;1l.i:1 ~ 113 .1.Q...~~cl".E;':;:: L ...!!l~~_.Q.~..:],f~.a. ! ..p ....... ..__. .__....._.......-'.........00... ... .... ..._......_._....
. -.... ..................... .....-..- ($2 .OODGe; .. S tar.?u-.. ccT..ce1.::' ad .L.....- ...__.____....__..__ "00_'
TOGETII ER with all Ihe lenem~nls, h~r~..;lamenlS and apl'urlenancrs, ...itl. ner, ~r;.ilrKe. righI, lillr. inrerest and esrat<,. dower an.t rig!.1 of dower.
rr\'Crsion, rern:aind~r and easem<ntlherelo Ldonl"lllC or in anywise ap"erlaining: TO HA\'E A:-;U ro /lOLl> ti,r samr In fee simpl~ lorn cr.
And tbe said parti.e.5.. 01 Ihe 6ut part do____ COTCu"nt wilb th~ said part_i.!2!! 01 Ibr seeonJ p:1rl IlIal_;.t.e.~~. . a r~. _..._. .bwlull)' s<,inJ 01 thr
said rrrmisrs, thatlhe,. arr Irrr r.rolD ..11 incumbraneu ;ond Ihat.:.::.e::.kYg.-J rigl'l and I;o",Cul :llulhority 10 srll tJ". nn",; and the said p:lrll.~.~.. oC
thj, 6rsl part do__ IItrr!.} Cully warrant Ihe lide 10 said Ian,:, an.j will dejen,J Ihr same a!:3i!l>t rhe b,,'lul claims oC alll'ersons "homs~"er.
IN WITXESS WHEREOF, Ihe said part. iJ'.:.'i of th~ first Nrt ha..:t:e... hcr~unto ~I._:.l:.elr _band...;,and seaB. Ih~ day anJ )'ear atoO\e wrillen
Signed. se..ted and dcli\'Cred in our presence: \
.~:~. ~.~.~'~.:..~-~r~~ ;~~: ~~~:: :~..:.:.~~~~.:~~:=.:::~:.....~~~.~~~~~~~~== ~
_hu_.._...u..___L ...3. . ..?ur~~.:C __ m__
.. . ...... _(SEAL)
._..__L.lli:illc:...?ur ke__..._..._._......._...h._.. _(SEAL)
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COUNTY OF--5aiilli....:..UC ie
I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on thil_3c.c.c:::.d.___-'-__._da)' oL__.1..pr.il___.______
____A. D. 192...5_ belore m~
rrrsonall, appeared
L. __.s.... ?-..mk(LJ;..nLI...'.MtlJ...J__.:~ ;;~-J1is-.-.:~~ _______._..____....._....._._.__.____.._.
to me 'mown to be Ihe person S_ described in and who u~eut~d the loregoing con,,)'anu 10.___.1.1: ~,. '1 .:P.. _~.ef..fr:. €.r_!4: c..___._______.
..__.____. ~:az.cfi1.~.!f~ 2c'..~..:f.J~..er
and sneralfy acknowl~dg~d th~ ueeution Ih((eol to be_.J,j~.i"" __Iru act
and deed lor Ih~ uses and PUrl'OSU Iherrin mention~d; and the saidu_kc.illc.....:...I'i'E:._____.____..______.___
the wife of Ihe said_____ L ....3.. ''''111''-'' . on a Kparate and p<.Tate ~xamin.lion
lal;~R and made b)' and bdor~ me. and 5Cparaltl,. and aparl Crom h~r said h...band. did acknowledgr Ihal she made h"..,,1f a parly to Ihe said De~d 01
Connyar..,.,. for Ihe pnrpos.. ..I renouncing, rrlinqnisbinll ~nd cO"\'e)'in!l: all htf rigbt. litl.. an,l intrr<,st. "het!.cr r.! do.." or 01 uparate properl" slatuIOr)'
or equit8h1e. in and 10 Ihe lands Ihrrcin olrseribed, an" rhat shr ~,,~c..ltd \3id .I..~d Ired)" an,l t'olunlanl,. and without ..ny eonslrainl, Crar. apprth~nsic;n
c.r compulsion of or Irom hrr said bu.sband.
signature and otli,ial seal at._2.Ql'.~..r'l.c.l:.C~____.___in the County ol~_!'lor ide.
_____ ...____tbe da)' ,nd year la.sl af(KesaicL
_....:.._...1.:~~~,h~ e1._Coifee.. .._' ... ....._...____ (SEAl.)
P ot~r~ Pu~~ie ~~~tr of ~loriofl .
Hl COIr,:::lS8Lr. cy':'ircs ;;11:11. l~, lY:';'.'
On thie_.__--.l.l.t..~__._. _..___da)' oL._______A.r;rul__..__
I\. D. I'J! 5:". "11 . 41i.o'dock~...&-DL. tbis iastrum!nt wu
6,kd ror r~eord. and being dut,. acknowledged and pro~~n, I b....e recorded the same on palr_54.Q_..__ol Bcol<- LO _in the public ruords of said
EREOF. I han brr~unto ~l m,. hand an.1 :affixrd Ihe seal 0' the Cireqit CO!Jrl 01 the Fift~~nth l!1dieial Circuit of said Stato:. in and
--. 4;;:~~~:trz:~-:iL.-::
-' _d.;:~:>~~ill~~~