HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1150 550 i-: -_.~:~~u:~~=~--:-...::.:::,:~.:::;:_.=..=~ :.: ~= :_':'~. ~~ :-~~~:~:::~~H.:),rJ(~~.wg~ P4Q."~-~=~_-~~_.~~~..~_...' \ TillS INDENTURE, lIad~ hia.....____.11th........._..__.__da)' 01_.__...__..... ..Apr.1l.._.._..... ...._.............____.\. D. 19l.5~ BETWEEN .____..........u..IDA._ !ll, ~3.::~l!...l,m..d...Il.~..il...._.:Jt~2Qb._.ho'r..JmSJUUl.Q......._............_........ .. ...__......_._............ .....,,_ .._.... .______ _.____.._ .. or th~ ('ount)' of__.__..u.11.~......1_UQJ.~__..._....._....._....._an1 State ol___..~tQ,'1lV.A...__....._.._....._.._._._.__..n..... _..._part~J! or tb.~ 'rat part. and ._.___._._...._........__.._....._...___..._.__._U.tL.IL~;~P..._J.~.Ci=.~01L___.._.____._.___.._.___'".._____ _...___.___..________.... (.Ith~ County or.._..__~.1..._1..ll.~t.fL.. .____.._.....__...u_and St~l~ Of_.....~~~rrj_!).a______..______._.....:..putll.__ of the s~eond pur, W IT~ ESSI-:TII, th:u the said partl ea.. 01 Ihe Ii~~t parI, ror anti in eonsi<lrr,llion 01 the sum 01 _.~~L.]J'CL.LA...~S. JJ.~... (I.~H.73._.Y L\l.i..:.:'.ELE......... ._.__...._.._.__._C(-n:'3!.D:::?.A::~Cr.S ~to.::th_.in hand l>aid.lhe I\:c~ipt "hereol is herrby acknowletl~.d. I ha..Ya.. "ranted. ~rgaiQetl. sol<l and traQsr~rr~d, and b)' thue prcs<cls do__grant. barlCain, 1<11 and tunsler UolO the said part.;.>__ or t~e stcond part anJ. hcr._._...._-h~in and ~ssiGns (orenr, all that certain pared III land I)iog and b~ing In the Count)' ol....3.t..._Lllc.ie___.__ and Slat~ "r_..._.....:~~ ~!..~..~~-.-...._...:.._.._.more particular I)' ducribed' as rollowa:--. __._..._...__.............._ _"'_...' _.._...._.._.....__........___.......... . .. 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"0__"__.__ TOGETIIER will: all th~ t~nem.nrs. hued;taments and appurtenancu, with ~nry priyil~gr. righI, titl~. interest and ..Iatr, dO\Yfr :lnd ri~ht 01 dow~r. lC\"ers:on. r~llIamdu and U;cmcnl ther~to belong Ill!: or in an)\yi~t appcrraining: TO 11.-\ \'E AXil TO 1I0l.U Ihc same in !e~ simple lorner. And IlIr said p1rt_.i.e.sof the lirst part 00.__ COHnant wilh the said part~. of the second part Ih31.._:.::..~.:..-L.:::!;.-..-lawlully s<iud of thr IX WlT~ESS WHEREOF. Ihe said pan.ie.a 01 .he 6,,1 part ba_Le.... h~r~unlo set.. t::.ra..I:..handL and stal.~the day anJ yur abm~ writlen. I said premoses, Iha< thry a'~ Irr~ hom all ineumlor1nccs and Ih~I.:.::C~.:._1:c...::..oool ri~hl an,l Iawlul authority 10 scll Ihe S1P1e; and th~ said puty.._... of Ihe firsl part <10.__.. lIu~L)' lully wan ~nt Ihe litle to said Ialld, and will ~ri~nd Ihe sam~ ..gains: the lawful clai",s 01 all persons whomsor"u. Sign~d. sealed and ddinred in onr preunce: .. ......... .._}!.. :: L_~.~~ 0..__..._ _ _._..__........_............_ "___'_n_ .:::ii :.h...J a.J~.ks_un__.__.~.._n._.._______________..___..__ -- .-.-.- ......_..........l.da ...:Jurator. .............__.._......_(SEAL) -----..-.---.------.---.-.--..--------- ---------.- _____.1::._ '::.~...3urStOL_......._____._(SEAL) .__ 0..........----.-.---- ._______________________________________ STATE OF__ :'I.c:~ I lJA COUNTY OF__S::+._::"!'~~E. } .... I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_~._..___..._._da, oL_._:';~i..~_. A. D. 191..5..., bdore me personally app~..r~d.. . ID.l 3\.~S?Cr _';.~~U ~:._ ~. 3t2~:Cj~..___]1er_1J~~_~;;~~_~.,_________________~_ to m~ known to be the ~rson.a_ duerib.tI in and who nuut.d th~ 10rcgoinG convc)'ance to--------~ad....:.ucLSCIl_ aod scverally aekno...ledg~d th~ execution Ih~r~ol to be t.i:e lI:__. Iru acl and d.~d lor the usu and purposes ther.in mention~d; and the said_ l..d1L3:ux:iik n h '1 I h 'd "1" ,,,~.... ~.. d . t .. I t: WI e 0 I t: sal ------~ _.....-...._~...... ._. . OD a uparate an pnn e t:xammallo:J: tak~n and made b:;' amI Lelore mr. and separal<ly and ap:lrt from her said husband. did acknowledg~ thai sh~ m.adc hrrs~1f a party to Ih~ said Oe~d 01 Con,,)-anee. for the purpose 01 renouncing. rdinquishinK an'" conn)'ing all hu righl. title and interest. .--hcthcr 01 dower or 01 up:uate property, slalutory or rquilablr. in and to the lands therein described. and Ibat she ~"reuted :said deed Ir~d)' and YOIUnlaril, an.1 ..ithoul any eonslraint. Itar, appr~hension c,r compulsion of or Irom her said busl.land. WIT~ESS m)' signalure and ollieial seal at... ;?CI:.t~.i_~.r.c..~_ill th~ County oL~.....L.ncle ,----.., "",. .l_ . ai'Stalr OI_......\_..._..f.....o.rJ..v.o..___the do., and year last alor~aald. I ___ 3r;1li_l!..l'..~~~~!'......_.__..(SE^LI I. . !l.'. p.. eul. \ PQtery..Publlo;.f4tate of .~orid8' et. Large ~^TE OF Fl.O DA } Hy CO!:"&!:118S10I1 cx!"'ircs !.\~i:::ust; lb, 1')20 CO(;NTY OF S . LUCIE ""'"---- filed ror record. and LcinK duly ael.no"-lec!grd and provell, I hav~ recor.J~d the same on page~__of Boole... GO Counl,. . _in the public rrcords of said I 00 Ihis.__...l...3.th.____._ __day or_---A.p.r.i~..__________^_ D. 192.5-. al...l.O..-o'dock-1l._m.. tbis i!..trum~lIt ,U$ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, J ha.~ hrrrbnlo Sri m)' ha," nd alli.<rd the sui or th~ Circuit ("Gyrt or the Filteenth Judicial Circuit or said State, in and tor said C4.<!nt,. '. .f '. ,~ : \ ~~- -. \ Ct. ct J 'Jeel .v...V . \, J \t$!~ ,~.< " p. C. ;:.ldrAiI ~'l/ _._Oerk. fi2AA A9fJJ1____......D. C. .' .': .:.;_:;ti~g~l1t~~f~