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THIS INDENTURE, )hde this ......._.JJ.. t!L ......._.... .._.... _.day "I..... ..... K!lX~l1..........u..._...... ..... .-.. ..............._^- D. 19l5.~ BETWEF.N
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I)lth~ Cotintt 01.._... ...Jaokson. -...... ........................_and State 01-.
UiS9:).uri _.... ........._........ ....... . .... ..ul'artY..._ 01 Ih~ liut ~.t. and
___.___.G cCfrge. .W.yor~_........_..._._................_.._._. .__..cl~VQ1(1.Jl\L. ........_.__.................. .._....... _. .... .. ... ...... ...........:......_ .00....
0.1 th~ Count)' 01. _......_..._....._........._..._..... ._.....__...__.__..~nd Stat~ 01 ..........__.._....._...._..Chlo.__._.__.._........... ._I';art..J ..._ 01 Ihe second part,
WlTNF.SSF.TlI, Ihat the ~id I'all. y...._ 011"" lintl'a.l, ror and in eon.i~erat;on 01 ~I,e sum ol.?Ell...nC1.L~3. l....O:~.E?..GCQIL &.....................
__.\'"'.r.U.1 'Jr.'-: _.c.e1i.3112?~.;,~1::l;:1...._. ._...___.___.____.XJI6U~ to .h.ie. _...in banoS paiJ. the rec~ipt "l,ercol i. hff<,b)' acho..l~dg~d,
hI. 8._ granted, b;arGain~d, sol.. all.! transi~rred. and by thue pru~nls d~~_lCrant. b:trgain. sell and Ir;an.fcr unt.. the sa;,J 1""1 Y _.... eol Ihe ."on.1
I'art an,,---.h.!.~_b~i.. anJ ..nighS lorner, all that ccrtain pared 01 land I)-iull 3nd b~ing in the COUllt)' oL_.._~~. t. t:J.\C;J..~......... ...........___.._....
and Slate oL_.31oridn.. _.........____._mor~ partieularl, ducribeo! as 1<>l1ows:.......-.._._.........._......
....... The .11 ortr.Itf'.8 t...Qunrter. .of.~~as1..._~WJr.t..or....tr..'h:t~e
_...._.._EQ.rth~:...~ r1;Q:r._o f.. .t~L s.ti \i\ll.~....t..._..~U1.l:-t cr..O f. ~l~e. J: or thC!lfO t . ...........
...h______.~Url.l~t er. !Jitq.u thE:. .J~ o_):_~.b\~.o.~_~._._~w;-_r~~::r .._.c__l~'ll~ ..~.~.~ J~_:';~_ _~. .1:.X~._.P.~'~...~.!.1~ . r . ~~..;:::
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"m" .... or._.Sea tion'.i.'wen t;,r.,..t~reCn (~;:). .. :'o\'ma~ip_:'hi rt3-::t:i YL (35.1
... ............_.._.,S.o.\\.t<h. 3cng.e...~jli l~tJ.~ni,.ne. (:5~'1_.~~~h ._9~...;).tn' ..~',:.ci~..~O'v.,I1 ~Y.
................. .n.. J?l.Q:r! "'a.._~)\cep.';. .Cnl,g').l;l 0. ~~..;;~'~..tnf,1,i:f;.._.pi~~rLq...~l. "".m ._nm'
'00'" ($15 ..f1.Q_D..9.C .._S.~~l1lr~. .Q.',l11Q.~J 1.~d~.L........._...n
TOGETHER with all the t~n~",~n.., h~ndit..nl<"lS and appurt~Qar.cu. ",ith .r....ry t>ri,'il~rt, righi, titlr, interrst and rslat~, .!o".. anJ rillhl 01 o.I"wtr.
.enrsion. rc......in.l.. and t..scmentthcrrlo I>donf"'!; or in an)',.-isr al';>cnainiug: TO IL\\'E l\~" TO 1101.1.) the same in ftr .ihll>le lor~nr.
And the said par~i--_ 01 Ihe lirst I'a.t .10IlS..._ eonnanl ...ith the said parrJ.__.._ of thr steond v'utlhal.::.c._.i:::.m....... . ..."..bwlully sriud of th~
said premiscs, that the)' arc'l..e Irom 311 incumbrances ano.llhat.. ;':1.....llL.s.. .!:ood ri"ht and Ia"iul :nllhority to sell the S3m~; 3nd I"e uid partJ...nn of
,he nrst pan dofl......_ herrb) lully warranl thr tillr to said land. and will dritud the ~mt against .h~ Iawflll claims 01 ..II vrr~ns "..onuoc.......
IN Wn:,ESS WHERa;,OF. thr s..id Vart.-Y-.- of .h~ nut pari h...5... _. hereunto stl..nJ.l;J..._.....har.d__ and stal.. Iht .say and yur ~ho,r "'r.Ut...
__.._ ~~.~::.~_~:~~;::.~e~~~;;;": ~~e:.r~:::.._..... .._... .... _. ........~
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~tu:i lia--
COUNTY of_---3..!......r..uci e
I HEREBY CERTIFY. Tht on thi.__ll.lli__.__.... p' .......d..). ol._..lIfi.r.ch..___.. _____._.___. _..._....__^- D. 191..5_. hdo.e mr
personall)' appnred.-_...7.o.ae;b.. ...7....2eU:i... ...a......\'.lU;;.w.c.l:_=r.on :. is.a._uri..__.......... .________..._..._ ......_. ....
to m~ known to be th~ ~rson__ dcscriwd in and who uteot~d th~ lor~goinl eonycyanct to....!:; eOrfe._:l....York..._._.___..............___..___......~
and s~\'Cr..J1y acl",owledlC~d th~ ex~eution Ih"rol 10 be__.=-is .__. .frec .lei
aDd clced for th., uus aud puf\'Ous thcr~iu m~ntioD.d; and tht said.
th~ ...Ie 01 Ihe said . on a upuatr and priyat., ~xamination
laken and made by and b<:fore mr. and Kparaltly and apart Irom her nid husband, did acknowltdg~ t!'31 .h~ made htr~df a part, to tb~ ~iJ D~td of
Cony~,anc~, for th~ puf\'O....i renouncing, relinqui.hinJ; and con\'Cying all h.r right, tillr an,l inl"..t, ..."c.her of dower or 01 separatr property, .tatolory
or ~quilalrlt. in anelto the lands Ih..rin described. and that shr cllfcuted S3i.j de<,d iredy and \"l)lun...nly an.l Without any eons....inl, lear,. apprehtn.iolt
t,r compulsion 01 or from her said huswnd.
WlT~ESS 01' signature and official 5ral at.____j~Qr.t ..r.l.er.cp.
in thc CODoly 01 ._."-:"3.t.. ...L.uc1.e
and State oL._.
..__._._.__..__tb<: da)' aDd ytar last aforeoaid.
__._ .?e&&;i....3. ..C.OLe .......... _.._.. _.........u(SE.'\I.\
TIotnqPublic fo'::: th'e-c;tttc 0: ?loride at T..ar~e
:~ CO~~is8ion ~x~ires Ar~il 16. l~~H
On this. 13th
__ ....._._ ___._day eoL.._ _.... ......__....April.___..._A. D. 1915.._. at~O ~~Q,'dock.ll..._m.. Ibis in..lrumtnt ..as
fikd lor record. and beial duly uknowltdxed and p.onn. I h,ne rtcorded the SaDIC on pal:e.._ .QP-l......ol Book OQ__in Ihe public' r~eords of said
I'ount,. .
l~ WITNESS WtlEREOF, r h...~ htrnnlO Stl ntT hand ..nd affixc.lthe ual or Ihr Ciauit Court of Iht Filtunth JudieiaJ Circuit olSaid Stale" in and
'M u~ c....,. I'