HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1154 554'9' i>" ~..n_._ .~:=wMiuft >>u~ I I J'l &r --:. ~: '. :==~~ 1 -~j,,~:.;:I'~1\ ~ Kwil.t.,llJJU;t1rr-. 1aH\9l\.~ fdll'l .: .._..~~..:...-~ ...._r --- TIll3 INDENTURE, Made this__.......__.... .__..6th...._.._.._.._da)' 01__..___. Ap:r11_..-.H_.__......_..._........_.__........_^- D. 194)...... BETWF.F.N ....---..-....----. _...._....__......2. ..J . ...B.1l:k,._.h9J.:.hr:lor.__.._.__._____..__...._...__. ...._......_ . ..._...._............_...__..__..___ _._________..._.. 01 the Count). oL_.___S.t......Lu.nlu...__.............................nd State or_____......_.Flor.i.Qu....___..._._..._...____....__.._....._p;u~ 01 Ihc lint part. and ._.._._._......_............____He.1.t.cr....Pe. ~eraon._w.idQweX'.__._.._.___......:_.________._..__ .._.__...._...__...~....__..._____........_.____.. ..I th~ County of..___.3:t.. ..Lucle_.. -.-__ ._._..__..ud Statc ol_.._..~~.Ox:1.da______.._.__...___ ..._part y.._ 01 the second part. WIT?\; l;SSETll. that th~ said pa.t. . y _ 01 Ihe fi,,, pari. ror and In considuation of thc \lIm oL_.uCnc._DollaX' ..n.n6 ...0 thel.'_~nl unble.____ _..._._..~_:..____......_.{<..QDJ3i.d~ro, t.1Qns._.____.______~ to._.hiD. ...in hand p:lid.the rc(~ipt \Y1.~rrol is I.trch)' acknowlrdj;ed, I ha._~_ g....lIlcd. barllain~'" sold and transferrcd, and by thes~ pnunls dojifl_gr...nt. barlCain, lell and ullnsicr IInto the said pa.t.::J-_ 01 thc s~eond put and....h.is .___hdrs and a$Signs lorner. all Ihat ce'l:lin parttl 01 land lying and being in th~ COllnt)' olS.~..._!.i~oj.e-----.-_-.--- and State oi_.fiorido.........._...... __.....__.morc parlicularly d~aeribed .. 10Uo\YS:___.____..._........_...___......... .........._.-_......-.....-... _,_,"'_'.. . .. Lot.K 0 . . S.t.X. (~l.. 31 o~k..On.Q_.(J.L9R.n.oe.rta..ll} .Pla_t... Knovm......... .....___......... .....__.._...h...... ...as. Or~nce..J:looe._.n.fLe.u.n.Q:J.ed_1l110. r,l.tUt.OQ.;.b:.' ..F....~. Sl.i.:l.tl.r .._.C..Z...._..... ..... ~l.l~..";...eC or~_E?~_ in_...~l1.~..~_t!'i~~...2.!'_~h."!...._ Cl (> r?;...~.!_ .~!~~ _c;:.~..r~~.~~..~.l?~. t_.2}~ .~_t . ..U...._.....U. .............. 1. ucl e . Com.ty. ...::'''l. or .i~a.._.OIL1j1e__;:.r.!l..._Qa:: __Q.::. .;~;:ri.l'h A. D..J,)~.tl...h.,l;...l)b~.. ..... ...u.....__.......... .. .... .3ooit .ro ...3. ..!:lll;e._ .'"l.. .---.-.--__.00._....._.___.._______..... '_"_U_____"'''___.'' ._.. __...___... ....__ _.._... -...... ... ------.-....--. "'''_'U'''_'_____ .----'..-- ...-.... .........__ _ ____.__________________.. ____.u___________________.___...._..___.._...._. ..._____._._._.____.___n.. ___'n.... .-..--.-.-............-.- .-- --.---.--- --.---___________ .___._____.__._______._____ ____..___..______. "_______'____n_._... ._________ ......-._-.-.. h.......... . .......... ....-.-..-.-- .....-.-.....____._.._..._____...__. ._________.._______...____....____._ _._.n__.___. .__...___..__..._._>h._..__.. _....._._...... __._..____...._ .___.___.... ($.fiO ~oc. Sta~p c~ncc11ed.) ....--..- ..._..-. .........--.-.. .__..n.__.... .__.__.....u. ..h._ -...---..----.--..---______.n_._______._______ ._... __.____ _u__...._ '._.___._"'hU.'_.___.._ -.- .-......_...._....._._.....__..__u.... --.-....--....-....-.-.-..-------_ __._._____...______.______.__._._._.._......_____.____._...n.. ......_n_ ....__...._..._.._...n__ ..__...__.._____._._.._..._____....._____.__.__________________ .__.___._._____.__..__._____.__._.___..._________..____...__.__ .--.-----.-----...-- ..-------- ---.--...-...-. _..--_.--- -.---.---...- ......----....-.-.--..------...---- .-.------ --------- ..---------------.------.-.----.----.------- ....._.-.- ....u._____..._.. .---.-..--u-.--...----._.._._.___.__.___________.___.d..._h...._.._._ _.__._...____...._.__ __._...__." __.___... _....n__.... ..___. ..____._._u....__. TOGETIIER with all th~ t~nemrnls. her~dilamrnlS and appurtenances. with ever)' prhilegr, riGht, litlr. intrresl and u.at~. dow.r and right 01 o!ower. .e.crsion. re~inder and ras~mcJltthcrelo bdon~:ng or in an),,'ise appertaining: TU 11.-\ \'i-: .-\:\;1> TO 1I01.l> Ihc un.e in frc simple forenr. And tll~ said part_+ 01 Ih~ first part do..eS._ co.cnant with th~ said parL~_ 01 Ihe sceond part tlhe._Js.__...__......___I,"wlully seizrd 01 tt,e IN 'VITNESS ''''HEREOF. Ihe said pa.t:/- 01 Ihc 6ut Nit haS.__ hCrellnlo "t......\'> ~ S_hand_ and StaJ._ the day and )'tar ,"!>on ,,,illen I said premisrs. Ihal th~y air irtr from all incumbrantcs and Ihal.h.e ..i:.aS._.good right an,l lawlul a"llIoril)' to srll th~ samc; and thr said I'ary of .hc firsl part do_e.!l._ h~rr"}' lully \Tarrant thr litle 10 said bnd. and will drirnd thc same al:ainSI the lawllll claims 01 ali J,r..on. ..lIomsocver. Sign~d, stal~d and dcliy..~d in our pre"ntc: ~. .... " ..... . ~. t... ~US"l.~~. .n' ______ ___'_'n. ....____. t,.C. .."eine 'p--- .-.-...---....--...--.--l n .. .'~'= :~:..~~~~....-..~~-~~ ~~~=~=.~~=~~~~-===-=1 .- .--.: ... .J.~irir._ __.n___._ ____ -0..___.. _'.__n......... _(SEAL) --..-------.......-___.__..__.._(SE.-\L) STATE OF_.!l.Q:d..da -} CO U NT Y 0 F .....3.t...:..u.cJ..e. I IIEREnV CERTIFY. That on.this_-1.1.th..___day ol-_.J.JlIi~ ___A. D. 19h_.. bdor~ me pcrsonally appear~d F.~~-2lr~. ba~h~~ 10 m~ know.. to b~ thr person_ d~scribed in and who eueul~d tb~ lor~goin& cGnn)ancc to_ :1.t..l t.er-...j?e.t.el:~"'G and scnrally aclmo...l~dg~d th~ ~JtCelltion th..eor 10 be.-1:iS_...lrrc acl and ':~~d lor the uses and purpostS Ih..ein mentioned; and th~ sai,L Ihe wire 01 Ih~ said '. on a scparal~ and printc ~:umiDalion taken and n",d~ b)' and bdQre me. and uparalll, and apart from h.. said husband, did aeknowl~dge Ihat sh~ nude huuU a part)" to th~ said Dr~d 01 ConnJ<lnc~. for Ihe purpos~ of r~nounein!!,. r~linquishin!l' and eonv~,jnG all h.. right. title :lnd interut. ..h..her of dow~r ,~r of separate property. stalotor)" or equilahl~, in and to th~ lands Ihcrrin ckserib<d. and that Ihe clttcut~d said drrd fre~ly and .olunlanl)' and ..ilhout any eonsrraint, frar. app.~hrnsion (or compulsion of or Irorn h.. saiJ hllsband. WITNESS m)' signaturc and ollicial ani aI..2ort._E.i.eraa_ __in the County 01 ':l t ~~U" 18 .. .- ..'o.r.l.d8.._._..___.th~ <by and y~ar lan aloruaid. IE } ~ --_':"-'J . ...:1.._~~.e--_--..---.....(SE^L) --""liote:r:r .Publiafot' tr:e.~t8te oi"Florioa r:t L6rgo. try COt:u:liasLn expires Sqlt. 21, 1920 1 4. th ...____.._.__~y of----J..p~.,i.L .---A. D. 191.Q..., at-!L...._o.dock--1t.~. this instrumcnt ..:as I filed for record. alld bei..g duly ack~o..l~dgcd and p.o\"~n. I hue rceorded the same OD pal~_6.~ol Boo"--liO_ia th~ pnblie records of said {'our.ly. 10. IS WITNESS WIIUtEOF. I hn~ h~r~l1nto Stt m, han,l arJ!arr.nd the Hal or th~ <..i.wit Court 01 the Fih<<nth Judicial Circuit 01 said State. in ...nd said Count,. ~ - ~~ ~ ~~ ,,0 ~ P C "j;t CIc L · ': 2 ..--- r~ 7h~r' Jt~_... D. C . ~ ~1~1~~~ll!i~t~11 ~<I;-- ~ ...Jt."(,...'~i"~.::n", -o!J"~AW. ..~~t.r-.~-". ~ - ot"~...o\::i~ '::;'~~"f:: ~~-:- ;:r.~-fr~.";i:.:f!:~~:. ~;~ '~~~7~~ . ~)Z~ll~\~~- ;,.c '. :,:'.:..;l~~~~ir4J1i .. ,... ~ .. ,,-" ~ -. _.. .....A~--'. ~.~'Ji~~_~'"":/i-t.~....~..:! . . ~.~ . .:"~':- r'''. :..~;;:~~~!':.~: ~ ~~"~""'i~