HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1161 Y5,- t I .f' t~ ..~::.:.:'..: =';''V~dP: ;-:--=-~;~-... __ - ''"''': ''::::'-=, :..:::=: I~~~~~~~---~ ,- , I ! Ut I r t THIS INDENTURE, }J...de th~..__.... .......'.l:~Jl~b.... ....00.. .......t..)' or_..lo.bruary..... ....-.............. ....... ......_...___A. D. 192.-.1, BETWEEN ._.............____..____....l,l...a. .1IQQf.oagl.!l. .an4-.3f.t1 t....HOQ.tnWllQ...bla ..w1.!~L.... .....-. .....-..-..-.---......-... .-.--.--......----.-- J.. olth~ Count)' 01_...._....__._.s.~...~U9~~. ._..... ...........and Stale 01-_.......1.'1.91".1 ~ .... ............................._. .... ...._p...rt.._1.~~1 the lii-.t patt, and .!J!i! ......_.... ...._..... ___'_00"'9 or. 1;, ..R ~.. P.QJl.fQ.:r~b......__.__...._..____._...._........__ ._...._....._____.. ._._...._......_ . "__'00___ ._............_.._._....._.___........ . ; olth~ Counl)' or...i):1;........_.J..'"ol~_..........__._...._._...._...and State or.__......_1.1Q.rl.u______...._..........._..__p....t.y_. 01 th~ &ceond part, WIT!.a::SSF.TIl. Ihat Ihe uid !'<I.'1&8'" 01 the lirsl part, lor and in consideration 01 th" sum of._...OntL.llo11.8l' ...and..other._.._..u. ......._._..._ ~. ..__..y~~~~J~...9.Q.n~J.~~!'J;11~.Q.n~L_________l>o\lars. to_ trh81ll.-in hand pai.l. Ihe r...eript ""~.eol is h~r~"y aelnowledlCcd. ....a.'ll:Q... granted. l>:lfgain~d, sold and transr~rr~d. and b)' t1.~se p.UtnlS do_. _.gr...nt. barltlain. s....l and Iran,fer unlO Ihe s...id partY._ _ 01 II,~ second part and.hiB....:_--h~irs .and auilCus forner. allth", certain parcel 01 land Iyina and beillg in th~ Count)' 01.___.5t.....Luo1e.__.._._.__.. and St...te 01_._..'lQ1.'1.Q. ....u.___._._......__mor~ particularl)' dracribc:o! at follo..:__.....__....._....__._._:.....__.._.. ........_ ...:.....__...... ..._....00....... .. Comprls 1ng.. .the.Jlorl1h . Thirtean..J 113)...._..... ................__..... ...... ...................... 80rQS. 0 f..thQ..liQrtllQa3tu~\Ui~tu_u.l1l3~)._.... ............. ................. ...... ...... ..... .... .. .... ... of'..the.Sou thwestJ~Ub.rter .' (Si1~) uo.f.............___......... . ......_.. ......... n Sea tion. 31ghtn . (8 )._.'1o\VIlshlp_.~llirty~ four....n._..n. . _........n........___._.._..._... ..... .. ._........_. (34 L.SQU th.._.liangQ.. ..F.or~3 _f.4Q )._~M. t ...l~s S .n................ _.._ .... _........_...._.__._.._._...._.......m.__........... ....t.h!;).. n~~ . _..3 .....Y.....r.l gh.t~Q.f~ J1!~... ._.__._. ..___....__._....._........_..~ ..................._._.___.........._._..._.. ......_..( $2..00.JJo.c......iitllmp....cn.u.aelle d..j___.....___..____._._.__._.......___.......__.___._.._.._.'___ -.-..---..-...---____.....____.. .-___..._____._____________ ________..___.______.......___ ..._.__._ _ __._ h__._._ _____._._ .....__n... '___n ___._0_ ......___..____..____.u_._____.. . . TOGETH ER ..ilh all t"~ tcn...ments, h~rrditaments and appnrtenanees, ...ilh nefJ pri.i1.gr, right, tille, int.......st and .stalr. do...... ...nd right 01 dll....... .enrsion, remamder and eascU\...nl thcrelo belongin!; or in an)'...is~ap~rtaining: TU HAVE ....~u TO HUI.n Ih.. ~m~ in iet simpl... lo.e..,r. [ .-\nd Ibe said pa.t..1.e.S of the firsl pilrt do_ CO....n3nl with th~ said 1'311..)'_. of Ib~ second pari .hal..thOY.. are...n.__la..luIlJ ....ized of Ihr said 1'rcmi....., Ihatth...). arc Ir." Irom all ineun.bunces and thaltha~... haV~ood righ~ and b...lul aUlhori:y to ....11 I". same; and Ihr laid 1'3.1 las 01 Ih~ 6rst pari do__ here")' fully ",..",nl Ihe lille 10 ~aid land. and will d.lrnd tile .ame againS! Ibe la..lul claims 01 all p...,son. "horns......,r. IN WlTN ESoS WHEREOF, lb. !aid 1'111 i.!l3. c/ Ih. /;,.1 ~'''-rl h.Ve '" t....."rno $:L..~bei.r_.hand..s and seal S Ih~ day and )'ear at..:..... wr'lIen. ~i.K.~e~.~:~~;!)a;~~:iY;:~-~:~O~~:::::.... ._... .....h. .....-.... .----..l ._......_....... . .._.......ll. .. L... Qo.od':.ln ..__._...._._.._........._...__.............( _"_"._'.'__'_d__n~_n_n____."_.. __on _._...____.____.u..h OU *______._ ___.n_u.________~_____.n_' _. _..__...__~. .3...Ho o.f:nag.la.._......_.._......._(SE.-\L) __~.ffi!L !iQofll.a.gle__.___...._(SEAL) STATE of---1'LOill..iiA --} COUNT\' OF.-S.T.ll-1..tI::'E I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this--,--7.th. ____.___...day or.~pr.l~... A. D. 191.5..... brlo.e m~ personall)' ap~"'ed :} ....3.......-2o.a.fna.gla....ar. L..lif .l.e._RQo~la. 10 me known to be th~ perso~ d~~crib~d in and ..ho eueut...d Ihe lor...going eonve,ance to...Al.Qqr.t....E..._,;Jblli..Q:rtb..._..__.__.._. and ...erall)' acknowledged th~ ueeution ther~ol to be_tLeir._...Jr...e act and deed lor the uses and purposes Ihercin menlionrd. and Ih~ uid_.:;,ffie_.H.Qofulig11L_.____.__._._-=-__.._.__ Ihe wile 01 th~ said___.._._.......i..._.l..._li2.o.fnnsl.e.. _on a s'rarat~ and print... eumination t...k~n and made by and belore mr, and separaldy and apart !rom h.... said husband, did acknowl~dle Ihat sh~ made hersdl a partJ to Ih~ said Deed 01 ConY~)'anu, for Ihe pnrpo..: 01 r.nouneiug. relinqu;,h,nl/ and ..on..,ing all lot r right. tillr an.J illt...rcsl, .,,10...110.. of do.... or of ....parate pro(':rl)', stalutery or equilablr. ill and to the lan.1s th...rrin described. and that .hr ..."reut.d sai.1 derd ired)' and .oluutaril)' and without an)' con.traint. lear. a1'pr~h~nsior: or eompulsi.:>n 01 orlrom her said hust.and. WITl>:ESS m, .illu...tu.e ...nd official sui at._-E.or.t..;V-1e.r.ce--_in tb~ Count)' 01_.:it.._.Lu.c.1A e 01____. "'12l'.t<la...___:_:"'tbe da, and ,car last alorraaid.. f t !,i e .,).ret.e _.7.. _.Ja~:o.r....._.......__(S EA I.) 'Hotsr'J l'ubl1., . ;St8t~ of Florida JIJ' Commlss1on expires April 10th 1926. On Ihik.li1;h.__ ._._._______._day or....A!lr..11_......_. ---A. D. 19t.)~ ...t_4.._o'dock_~ this instrumtnt was I I I I' I Ii~~d for record. ...nd bc:in. duty aclmo",:edgrd and proyca, I haye ....cori the same on pa~ f,.6~_of Boo!<--60__in the puhlie r<<ords .01 said l.ounty. .;] rN W EREOF, I bale her~unlo HI my hanrl and alijr~d the .tal or th~ Ci.cuit Court 01 the Fih....nth Judicial Circuit 01 said Stale. in &nd lor said . Ill)'. 1tS ;>1 :i , Ilf c P.-I:.._~l dY'6! )\'\.bJ\.~"'._l...y_ ~.... f1 J 1. (' Ckrk. D.C. '- ~~jJ~r~j~l! . ........;,.:,..:'];;:~~i\Wl