HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1164 564 '.:=::::-:<<:4.~m,...,*~ ..:":':::: ~ . :.:.: :.:::.:.:-~:~ ::. =: -.-: ~~:.:~::: : :.::. ==.:. ,~~m S::<<~.l.ii",~~" ,t.{(J.4i\1l1H\l.uC ~~ _ .-:- :;:.....:;::-_. TillS INDENTU RE. .""de this ..._...___g6_t.h..__._..._.._.._.._4&Y of____...._.._........l.larch..... .__......._____.._-,-A.. u, 191...a. BETWEEN . _._...m._._...__.._...______....__.u._'U,111.o.ID.. L t... .JQ.P'~.~_. {l$lp81!,lJ.u__.___._._...._ _____. ...__.....____ .__..__.._.__.____~___..... __.:..._... 01 the COUqty 01_..___3.t &.__.tuoio __._.__................_and State or_____:__llo:t.1d.a. ............. ........... ......._........___._part~_ of the first part. anc! ............_._._.. .....___.__..___._..___ ________Yf.l1.1.1.aID._ T.._..J.9.n~HL__.._.__.__.___.._____.._.______._...._ ____._.____...._.___ (,f Ihe County oLst..J.uei.e..___._____._..___.___.:ind Stilte oL_--.--FJ.<r..14a._ ._...___part_.~._ 01 the ueond part, ',\"11':-': ESSF.TlI, thai t1.~ ~id rarl.Y.._ or Ihe tirst p:UI, lor and in consideration of Ihe SUDl oL....'r.~;rrm~].Jp.1:~....~P~._oJ~.b~J:'__.._.. ...........__.._ .- .._.._._.__.._VI,lJP.~.~l~L~.o.l.1.~.!.~.~.!:~~t9.ri.~______l>0Ibu, to..bJ.m...__illlta'h! paid. Ihe rtc~i..t \\ber~ol is h~nt.)' acbowlrd:(ed, I h:1..E!.._ granleJ, b;ugained, sold :lad transf~ued, alld h)' these ptUeuls do..~~_.granl. ba.gain. sell and Iransfer unlO the said p;a't_..Z.._ 01 Ihe ncond ,,"'I and..._..h.1a_h~irs and usigns lorty~.. all that c~rlain parcel of lanl! lying and bdng in th~ Count)' oL_...3..t..._Luo.1o.____._.. alld Sl~l~ of_____l'lor.ida._._..___mon particularly ducribcd u rollows:___..__ .___....00_...._..._....._ ._. ..._.__.____.......___........ .... .....1Il. af..Ut.o.f..tJ1o .113;.. of_tho S3;i _....,_....___...__ ._....__.__._..._.... .._.._...._.......... .......__.. :....._.__ .... .._..... .._..... ..... ..0 f . 30.0 t.i.::.n.31.....~Qwnship_.33...Saa.th....__._._.............._.__.. .....__.._......._..,._..~._.._...:......__.. .........-- ...... ...-.--..BOllg8...40u.3asty-.aontalnl.ng.l0_ac.rozT ....-.-....-.. .-...... ..-........-.......-.- _..... ...... ..-.......--...-.... .. - _._.on,'n_on. I:l().r(l._._QJ:'._.lQ_~.s.._..__._____..__~_..___.__._______.____.____._.._..... _....__._._......__. ________.__...___ u.., ._...__....... . .._......._.... ...'___.u._.._......__... ... ._..." ____.__. ._._._____.____..___.__________.....__....__.__________.___.______._. ___A ____..__ __ __.._...___ "___'._....__. _....u.........._......__..___. ...0..._.._....,." .._. _U, ...._____.__.__.____.._.u..__.____.___._.... _________________ ._"______...________n..______. u._._________..._______..___......_ __ -." ..-......--.-.--. -_..-... .--. "_..--- --.-.--..--.------~.--._----.- ".-._. ._~_n._.___~..__. __._._.___._.~.....__.. .__. ...._n.._.._.__......_____._.....____..__. .. "'h.' '-'.---..-....--- ..-..-. ,.._"___.. .......n......_ __..... _........___.___._._____. ___r_._u___._._____.._ .______._.____.._...__.___n_.. .._.___ .__ _... ."-''''_''_'_''_'''__'''_'''. .-..............-..........:..-.- ____.h_.. .-...-....-. ...00...._____ -e $l..QO-.~all...._s tump _ 11811aalle d&L___~..--._-.---...._.m.. h'_ ._._____. .m.__ .__.__n._..___......__.._._.._.__._........._.__..__._...-..____________._____._.___~_____._.______. ... ...____._...__n........_____ --------.----..----..--.-.----.-...-.-----..--------- _____.__.._____.______....____.___.h.._.._.____.____..._.n__________.._.__.__.__......___...__._ .__._. _'___"__n_.'h" _._______.___.__....._.____.._.__.___ TOGETHER ,,'ith "II Ihe tenem~nls. herr.litaments :lnd app"rtenan~es, wilh utr)' privil~gr. .ight. tillr, intrr~5t aad utalr. do,vcr and rillht 01 dower. It\'ersioc. .emainder acd t".erncllllbereto belongllli: or in an)'wi.. appertaining: TO HAVr. AX\) TO HUl.U Ih~ same in fte simple fv.ner. And Ihe said parL~__ 01 the lirst part do_lillL. covenant wilh Ihe said pil.t..y.._ of Ih~ second part Ihat...h~.._i~_._____l;lwlully .~i..d 01 II:r ""iJ prrmisu, thai Ihey arc frre from all incumbrances ;and Ihat._...hQ...haa .good r;ghl anJ la,.Cul aUlhorily to "Illbe sam~; and Ihe nid part .:l.u. 01 . IX \\'ITNESS WHEREOF, Ib~ said !,art... y.~. 01 Ih~ first part ha.8 ..._ h~rrb"to S<<:t_hi.a.._hancL.. and s~al_ Ibr da, and :r~ar abovr ,,'rillell I Ihe lirsl part doB.3.._ teret.y fully warrant Ib~ tille 10 said hnd, and will deiend I~t S:lmc ag;ainsl Ih~ Ia"ful claims 01 all persons wbolJlsouer. s~:.~. ~~~,;;~~~.'it~~ i"'~'=:'-_...._.-~~-l _._.:;~.rg:~~._;~.r :__'~_=::=:"=I ___....h__YHll1CJ:lnl. .J9n~~_m.u _.-__...._lSEAL) -----.-------........._._{SEAL) STATE of_.f:LORIDA .: l j COU~TY OF..:iT., LU~ 13 I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 00 this--2.Iit.h.____day of. lln.rc h "- D. InD._.. brlort me ('ersooall, appurr,l vu..J.l.1.l!!1l....kJ.Q.~ to me known to be the person.~ du<ribrd in and who exeeul~d th~ lo.~goiog eonn,.anc~ 10........1il11i&.lll...~.&....JO.nllS.__ ;and 5ncrall, aclcnowl~dg~d the ~Jtteution Ihcreol 10 t.c_J:1.i.S..____.free act and deed lor th~ IlStS and pu.poses therein m~otionrd; and the said Ib~ wif~ 01 the said_ ._. on a KParale and printe ~x"mination lakeo ;and made b)' and brlore mr' and se..araltl)' and apart Irom her said husband, did aelcuowleolg" Ihal .h~ mad~ hcr..:r a party to th~ sai4 D~ed 01 Conveyaocr. for Ihc putp(is~ of renouncing, relinquisbing an.! convcying all h. r rig"t. li!le aDd inlrrcsl. wh~thcr of dower or of separale property, S1atutory or equilablr. in ant! to tbe land5 Iherein dcscri~d, and Ihat she e"eeut~d ....id dted Ireel, and voluntaraly and ...t!;out any eonstraiav. f~ar. apprehrnsion lor eompulsioo or or Irom her said husb;and. .. 1 . , WlT~ESS my siguatur~ and official sui at .Fo.rt...J.>.1eraA in th~ Counly 01 s.t.....J..uc.i.a_....___...._ cr:i.da_.___..the day and yur lut alorelilid. -_J.1fDndo.l3n_li6.11.___.__..__....(SEAl.1 .c Notary moHo .'~t9teo1'n .o!loriCi6;- IIy ';0:.113188 ion expires gepto!:Joer U 1928. . 1=/ On this_____~4.th ....._.__da' of ApriL.' A. D. 192...5... afu.lb_o'ctoclo:--P___. thi. iII.rrament was Ii~rd lor r~eord. and being duly aeknowlrdg~d and pronn. I han reeord~d the sa on page_.~_or Bool<..--.6..Q_in the public r<<ords of $aid Loullty. . . . lS WlT~ES5 WHEKEO.... r hue hcrnnto S~I m, hand and affixed tbe lr the Cir<:lli: Court or the Fifl~rnth Judicial Circuit or said Slate. ;0 and lor said County. .. P. ~. 1I~__Cltrk. 1'Kd" . 1J.. ..D. C I I . '~.:.' >. ~/.~. ~~:.:~~\i~~~~~~~3:~!;~S . . . -. ~.. ~..I.i-=-.~~...i'i-l- ,'.' . ~ " ~ .::' ~ .~~'. ~-~:~~~~~:-~;~).~~;:;~~~~~