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~~~JJI..n~., ..::..::_:..:..: _;.:.::~~:;: ~::..:-~:;:.. ::::.:_= . l:~~~....;.U..liW:twfI:Th,~~OB.JAS~~lL~:"~:.... _:..:.:_~_.__~
TUlS INDENTURE, M...de thi$... ._.._...__.!!~_h_...... ........_._.da, 01..__.__.........._. 4prU,............... ..._........__...___A. D. 191_.2_ BETWEEN
.._._.._..__._. .Y':......9. ~..J~~Eg.~ H ...~.~_..~:.,tr~_h~.JJJ!tlg~j;~ ..._hJ~L ~J,~.!h.....___.._._____....__...._.._....__._......____._____....._.__
vI Ihe CO.lnty 01..:.----.-...~.t......L\lQ.1t._.._..._.....C.. ._u_and State oL._....';l..Qrt<l.fi. ___'_'_"_'''_'_'__' ...._.._..._____part.!!'I8. of Ihe liru part, and
_._._........._...._._ ____..._~__...._..~__...___._.~.9.Y_.. ~.!.._~.!.;!,J.1..~!"L____.__.____ .____ ____.__.,_.__..__.___ .____..__..__
01 the Count)' or.___._::>..h....J.U~~_!..______:_and State oL____....!..?::~!..~_~~______...._...._._up....t'1.-.- or the second pa.t.
WlT!\f.SSF.TII, Ihatthe uid "".I.lua or Ih~ first pari. for and in consideration of Ihr sum oL....Qn~._DQll(u::...6=_..Q.!ib~r...T.~l1.M:l.Qle...__.._..
._..._._...._.____...~~.I!~.!.~.~E~.~.!<?_~___________~ toJ~.h,~.Ill.._in band "ai.I, :he rccripl \\her.-of i. h~rrh, acknowltll.:,d,
ha....."lEl granted, bargainrd, $QlcJ and 'transf~rred. and b)' these presents do__......g.anl, bargain. sell and tr.....sfer unlo th~ said part;Y__.. of the second
p;art and_'-.hlB._._..hrirs and assigns fo.ner, all that eerlain parcel of land lying and beinC In th~ Count, ol__St. .J.~.~.~.!'I.._..___...
and State o!.~J.:.Q.!.!.~.~.__ -.-.-.--.. .......-______ruore particul...rl, dtseribeo! u 10110..:______._...... '___.....,__. ._......__....____..._00_........__......
..' .... _. ,.... _.... H . ~ 1 of. T~~_~.~~~_...~.~....~<?_.~..~~~.~ ~.~ ~.~.' _~~~!!~~~J>._..~.~_.~~:U:.~~.._~.~.~....~.C?_.._......._..._........_..
...._.... ....._._... . ~~ s!i . . ac~().!d ~ ng. _~.()._. pl, at ..~ f_Q~!.~~~ ...9!yl.._~..!"E~...!_~oo !.'i~_d_h .~)...X?-a.~_.._.___._._..... _..__._
. u. ......._......... ._.... BooK..2. .. P>!. .~. . ~~..;..nd~....Qf' . .~~_. ...J.~Cl!!_~.OW1tY._.!'l().rlc)~.. ......__......_ _.....00__... .m_....._... ._. __.
---." ".on .._._... ~...____.n.__.._._n._._...___..._.u._.__._____.___.______ _ _____. ....___......___________.__.__._u.__..___..__. .._n_..._......
...- -""-.-.._- .- '_n.. ... ........ ....-............---_____.__.._____.__.__..__.____..___________.___0. ___._________...._. __ ___._.._.______ '._u____.._.. _.__._.____
.-...-----..-.-. ----..---------...-----.-.-..-----.-.------.---...----.--..--.-----.---...-..-----. -.---------.-....---.-----.-...--______..____.__...____n....__________._._.
..._.._H._.t~1.H!.~.<?_~_:...._.~_~.~E:J.)~_~~.'.l.<?.e 1.!.~~1____~-.--.--..----- ".__._. ....__ . .......__.......H..._.._..
-.--.---.--. --.-.--...--.--..-.---.---------- .--..-----..______.___.________._.____._. . n.__ ...___.____-.._.___ .___________
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--.-..----..-.--...... ....-.----._--- .-..--.. .....- .--. --.-.--..--..---.------------------------.-------------.--..--.--.--..---.----
---.-...----....-.-. ..--.-----.--.----. -..-....--.---..--------.-------.--.-------.------------..--..-.---..-.-.--.-.----.---------.----
-..-...---..----.-______.________._...__n_____..._ -.--....-------.--...-__________.___._..__..._._. ...._ _.__ _... .. _ ....._'... ____ _~_..._..__n. _______ ._ __.''''''__'h'._.__.__..._h.. ._____
TOGET1H~R wilh illt tin: '~nC'm~nts. hen:ditamrnu ~nd arpUfl~nance5. 1\"ith C".fry t'riyikgt". rightw litlr. interest and ~it2tt". dowrr and right 0; t!t.lwrr. .
.nersion. remainder alld rasementtlluelo brlongil:l: or in ~n)'wise apptrtaining: TO tl.\\'E A:-':U TO HUl.U the ~me in ft~ simple forner.
And th~ $aid part_i.e.~ of Ib~ first part .10..__ eonnant ",'ith the said parLY_._ 01 .be seeoed putlbat_.~!1e~:.-.f,i.!:.~.__...Iawfully seized 01 tile
said premises. Ihaltbty are free from :.11 jneumbrancu and thal;;.heY_.t4l.].:~ood rigb' an,l la"lcl aUlhority to sell Ihe 5.lmr; and III~ said p;a... ie.s 01
IX WIT:\ESS WHEREOF, th~ said pa'Li.~~ or tbe 6rstl'art ha_!~__ her~un!o SCI.P..h~~.!:--.hand..~and seall!! tbr day and )'ear 'lOOn ..rimll
IlIr 6"1 pari do__ h~re"y 1.:11). ...al(....1 the title k> said land. an,l will dciend the nmr against Ih~ t.a..iul claims 01 all persons whomsontr.
Signed, se..led ...nd ddiycred in our pru~nce:
.;:di ;,;.h ._Jackson ._.. "'_' ."_'___..,
.. .1.:a:;hllde_;.i.ch tend~hl._...._...___...__...__..____
.--..---.-...-.-.----------- ---------------------
_._ 'h._._. .___I'.f ..q.L~ggEl.1;!!... .............h_.__._(SE....I.)
_~~rtha .}e.f...ge t ~---__...___(SE.-\L)
STATE OF__.~l~!:..~d a
COUNTY OF_~.!._.~uoie
I HEREBY..!:ERTIFY, Thai 00 this__ b t~______da)' or.. .1'prJJ~.. __._ A. D. 19zE~ bclore me
personall)' apprar~d_!'~.t._ C !..-.~~d..1;atl_~..~~_t..~+-_hia_~lle.___._____..._.____.
to me kno..n to be th~ prrson_ described in and who euruled th~ forcioing eonnyance to.__..R9Y__G .t._lll1.1i.o.rJi..
and uyerally aekno.ledged th~ u~eution thereol to be_.~l;,~J.!__.rrrr aCf
and derd lor thr usu and purposes therdn menlioo~d; and th~ said_.~:a.rj;.h.a...A.agg.ll.t;.
Ihe wile 01 Ihe $aid-..J:!.L;;:_.-B8gSlUtL ._on a .eparale and prinle uaminatioo
taken and made t.y and berore m~, and ""vara..1y and apart Irom h~r $aid husband. did aekoowlrdge Ibat she made herself a party to th~ said Dud 01
Cooycyancr. for the purpose 01 renouncing, .elinquishing ...nd eonv~1ing all h.. ri"hl. lidr and iut;,rrsl. ..hflher 01 dower or of separatr property. ....lutOry
or equilablr, ill and to lh~ lan,S. therein describrd. and Ihal she e"~rut~d said deed fredy and yolunlanly and without ...n)' eonsl.aint. lear. apprrh~nsion
c,r compulsion 01 or from her said husband.
WlTXESS my siGnature and ollici.ol .eal at
?ort l' ie rce
in th~ County 01
.:>t. 'Lucie
.-____.__the day aDd year I..t aloresaid.
_.hdi.~lL.Jli.~~.::?_n."._ ._..._.. .._._.________(SEAL)
~..' -~ NQt&ry iuollo for the. Jtat.E ,)f llorida.
. :.~ COmr..~':'BBion eX}Jires ':.ug. 18, 192U
On thi. IJ).~.h._.._____da' oL~'p!"l). A. D. 192;>~ at).1!.3~'c1ock~m.. this instrum~nt waS
filed lor neord. ...nd being duly aekno.lrdgrd and pronn, I ban rrcord~d the sanIC 00 p3gr 57~_ .of B001< GO. in the public rccords 01 said
County. -
ban hereunlo set m, hand and alli.",d th~ u~1 or th~ Cucuit ('Ob.t of the Filt~~nlh Judicial C-...euit of laid Slate. in aud
b ... 21dred a-rL
~..........,.. ~---- ....
~. , .___D. C