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THIS INDi.;NTURE, Wad~ Ih~..._._._. 28 th....__............._... ..__d...y ol_-....-..;:argJL-_.. ......._. ._..._u_._.._.__._...._..___.A. D. 19lj?~ BETWEEN
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01 ,he County of_..._ :?l~. ...l~\19J.e......_..............d..._....._.and St...te oL...X!.~r i.~~.........__.. .............__..._....._.__... ......._part..l_ of th~ first part, and
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(,I the County (\L____.Du'aldu._..._...._..........:.___.and St...te oL_._____l;l.Q.r..~lL..____.._.___.._____..P...tly.___ or the steond parI.
WITNESSliTJl.thu 'he hid pa.l- Y __ 01 the first p;ul, lor and in consider3tiou of tI.e .um oL..__J81...Q.Q_EHJ.L.Q..;;)le.r. Y.(l..l.UQ:b.l.fi!.......__.._.__
.___.......__...E_~l.~.!.~.~-!a :;1i)2.~~__.___~_____Dollars, toblJXi....._in band paid,lh., rc;;~ipt ",hrr~"r is henhy aekno",lcdt:~d,
h~_ g.ant~d, barG"ift~d, sold an" transferred, and by Ibue pre'~nls clo~.~. _grant. barlCain, stll ancl transfer Unlo th~ Aid pan .....'1_. of Ihe stcon.l
d hla L' nd . r II h . I I I I I . lb" h C f St. Luole
1.....1 au ....__.___....__-n~..s a au.cns orner. a l:lt c~rtaln pare~ 0 an", Ing an. elUg 1ft t ~ ount)' 0 ______......... . ..........______ .__ .__
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TOGET!l ER wilh all Ih~ lencrnenrs. hrr~.I;tame..lS ~nd arpurtcnane~s, with ,,'cry privilege, righr. lille. inlerul and "lair. dower and righl of clow..,
rC\crsion. rc:m~ino.lrr and rasemcnllherelo belong..,!: or in anywise apP<'rtainin!;: TU 11,\ \'E A~" 1 0 !lUI.lJ Ihe same in Ire simple fore...r..
Ancllhr said part~_ 01 Ihe firs' 1',"1 du...e.S... covenant will. the said PUI...Y..._ oi Ihe ueond p3fllbal_.h~..J!3 .._...___.Iawlully scitrd of Il:e
.aid premises, th;atthey a.e rrec, from "II incumLr:lnces aDd IhaLbe ..Jlfl,.8_.g00J riglsl :lnd lawlul ;aulhorily 10 sell Ihr same; and the .aid par. y.. _.. 01
.he 6rsl part do_~.~. hereLy lully warr;anl the lill~ 10 ~i.j land. and will dciend th~ '''m~ against Ih~ bwlul .\;aims 01 all persons whomsoever.
11'\ \\'IT~ESS WHEREOF, thr said partY -- 01 Iht first "3rt ha._~._ hcreunlc> stl_!!.~.._hand_ and sul._ Ihe day and yrar above wrillen
Signed. ualed and delivered in our pruen.e:
Edwin. Rad in.hY..._.._ ...._...._.__.__._ .....______.......__
....F~orellce. G rOY!;l hG Up in.___._........__....._:...__...._____
_._m.....__..._!..!. ..!;.. \\s ~!:'.!<3_.. ,,_.._. m.............._(SEAL)
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--- -- ..--.-.--. -_.___(SE.-\L)
-4 __..._..._.. _..__....____.._n_..__._.__
I HEREBY CERTIFY. Th;al on this_~~.!'P.._._.__d~)' 01-
A. D. I9'L belou me
personally appure"
. .lL...1I...~t.e.rJL[.aaCllel.Qr.J.
10 me known to be th~ P<'rson.__ drscrib~d in and ..ho urculed tbe rorrgoing eon1'Cyance to___..il. 'i.......L.e.a~.r..._______._____...
--____and scyrr;ally aeknowledgrd the uecution Ihrreol t~ be.__UJ.~~.__..rre~ act
and d~ed ror the us.. :lOd purpos<s Ihrrein mention~d; and the s;aid..__.___.
Ih~ wile of lb~ aaid_____.:.____ '. _ . on a ~p;aral~ ;and priYaI~ ~xamination
laken and made by and hdore mr, and Kparattl, and a\.;art lrom her said Ic"sband. did acknowledg~ th;al .b~ mad~ hersc:1f a parly to Ihe $;aid D~ed cr
Con..e)..nc~. lor Ihe purpose of r~no"neinll". relinqu:shinlC and con..r)'mg all htr right. litle and inlrresr. ,..helh.. 01 do,..er or or ~par...le properly. slalulo.y
or rquilaLle. in and 10 the lands Ihcr~in <kscribed. and Ihat sh~ euculed said dred Irrdy and YOIDnlanl,. and ..ilhout any constrainl. lear, apprehension
<or compulsion 01 or from her said hu~"and. . . .
WI signature and official ual at. Pt. Ple!"o!...___---in the COGn'y ol_,S.t.......Lu.c.ie
~l ids .
te oL_._--,---_...__.___the da, and year last aloru...rL
.....:..-.._____.?_~.!!~ n ... ~l1.d..~l1.l:I_~l...._.___.__._.(SEA L'
~otary fublio Expiration Oot. 6. 1927.
On 'hi....~ 15i;~_.______da,. or___~it.i}~__._____
-A. D. 19l.~_. aL~9.---o'eloclr.AA.-m.. this instrum~nt was
fi!~d ror .teord. and beiug dul, ackrrDwlrdgrd and pro...n. I bue recorded the same GO llaaeJi78_.._of Book._..uO_in the public r~corJs 01 said
hare "rr<<unto ut m, hand an,J affiJld th~ ual or the Ci.cuit Court 01 th~ Fifleenth Judicial Circuit 01 said Slate. in and
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. .c.3 ~f
_L..JU....31dr.d..... ._Cle.k.