HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE ATRIUM ON THE OCEAN IIF rs Q hl FEDERAL E�IfIERGENCY'MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 . NATIONAI,IL FLOOD INSURANCE PRO RAM Expires July 31, 2002 . 5 "20 ELEV�TION CE�'TI.FIC # L Important: Read the instruction` on a es 1 - 5. p Pg Q St: Luce OUfIty FUDIIC WORS SECTION A PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: , , OWNER'S NAME 4 Policy Number r ' Sine tr ',v SA,iA P,eo '1 i es r.J, AKA THE ATi ,wo, o" THe Qc�w BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Includin Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P-.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIL Number -q:, 44 4-l-,4 CITY STATE ZIP CODE r—F, t411e5)ee_E7 LA • S PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Par I Number, Legal Description, etc.) 7rkA-G "Q ` Gole.4 L CovE T3cM. 5e-c_7r%onj O,vE BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, Acrssory, etc. Use comments section if necessary.) �2E3/BEN NDo, LATITUDEILONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZON L DATUM: SOURCE: Ll GPS (Type: t ( #1P - ##' - ##.W or ##.####f) LI NAD 1927 I —I NAD.1983 LI USGS Quad Map L Other SECTION B - FLOOD NSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 131. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COMMUNITY NUMBER B2. COUNTY NAME `- B3. STATE /20 28S sT, .crc�� B4. MAP AND PANEL B5. SUFFIX 86. FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL 88. FLOOD 89. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) eta G CO__?L //-/q-- z V-e /y. on B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE' data or base flood depth entered.in B9. j_j FIS Profile �1RM.: LJ Communit� Determined U Other (Describe: ) B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: j NGVD 1929 L NAVD 1988 j_J Other (Describe: ) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? LJ Yes L) No Designation Date: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: LjConstruction Dra�ings' LjBuilding Under Construction` UFinished Construction •A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number r0 (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 4 and 5. If no diagram accurately represents thel building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations — Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3a-i below according to the building d agram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the d turn to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments rea of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum M&.VP'Z9 Conversion/Comments Eleva'n reference mark used • 7. 6.S - ' Does the elevation reference,mark used appear on the FIRM? L Yes 11 No lft a) Top of bottom floor (ncluding basement or enclos re) IO . S ft.(m) 1Top of next higher floor = Fiies7— HAb 11-•41.* FLooz Z / . 2 ft.(m) 1)Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member,(V z1ones only) Z / . O ft.(m) ❑ d) Attached garage (top of slab) /VL_ E ❑ e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building _ ft•(m) E 9 t�•f� O Z Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) /O . O ft.(m) z' N fGC� O g) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) NLA_ ❑ h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade �;u ❑ i) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) i C3h N` sq. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D -.SURVEYOR, (ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this c? rtifrcate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable byrine'or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME FEG�� I LlcttVst rvunnfit1� /-S —?6 YO TITLE /d I COMPANY NAIL L N E, ADDRESS CITY - STATE ZIP CODE (Da' S[J �Lcm.3�79eU SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE o r7—ZS= DZ , 561-/Y3z FEMA Form 81-31, AUG 99 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS IIAPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. For Insu'ra'nce Co. Policycy Number. Apt and/or Bldg. No.) OR P,O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. BUILDING STREETADDRESS (Including, -Walt , 1/`� 14j F1 Ae (: i, va r, Company NAIL Nu CITY �` STATE ZIP CODE j, SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED)'"_ - Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1)'community official; (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. -COMMENTS I_I Check here if attachments SECTION'E - BUILDING ELEVATION,INFQRMATIQN, (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONES AO and A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO dhd A (without BFE)1 corr$Ietb•Items E1- through E3. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for.use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR=F, Section C thust be completed. El. 1336llding Didgram NuM,t dr (Sel'ecf tF e'building diagram most.similar.�,to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages d dhd 5. If.ho diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is I_I_I ft•(m) I-1—lin.(cm) I_I above or I_I below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. E3. For Zone A0 only: 'if no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? I I Yes I I No I I Unknown The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY .O•WNER.(.Q,R OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property dwner or owner's authorized representative �vho corrlpletes-Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community-(asued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here PROPERTY OWNER'S -09 OWNER'SAWTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY `.. STATE ZIP CODE .,tr 'e SIGNATURE '' DATE ., TELEPHONE COMMENTS ,. -1 Check herb if attachments SECTIQM•,G -:COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by taw or ordinance to administer the community's fi'oodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B. C (or E:), and G of this elevation Certificate, ,.Check the applicable boxes) and sign below. was documentation that has�been signed an embossed by a licensed surveyor, C1. I_j The information in Section C taken from other engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information: (Indicate the source and date of the elevation.dato-in the Comments area below.) G2. A community official completed Section.,E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or �j 3.r.` Zct1e. AO. = `' G4-G9) is for community floodplain management�purposes.. G3. hI The following information (Items provided G4. PERMIT G6. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/OCCUPANCY UMBER ---T—l.DATE PERMIT ISSUED ISSUED ; G7. This permit has been issued for:,; I —I New Construction I —I Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation 'of as -built lowest floor ('including basement) of the building is: ft.(m) Datum: Gg. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of fiooding at the building site is: _ ft.(mj Datum: LOCAL O FICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITYE TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS Check here if attachments FEMA Form 81.31•. AUG 99 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS WHEN A PROPERTY LIES IN EITHER FLOD ZONES AO-1 OR AO-2, THE -ACTUAL- REQUIRED FINISH D FLOOR ELEVOATION,-ABOVE• NATURAL GRADE, NEEDS TO BE NOTED ON THE PERMIT APPLICATION AND -ON THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATION FORM. TO CALCULATE THE "ACTUA ELEVATION, TAKE AN AVERAGE OF THE ELEVATIONS SURROUNDING TH BUILDING AND Ab'D-EITHER'1' OR 2' TO THE AVERAGE, WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE. THEN ADD, 18' TO THE. CROWN OF THE ROAD ELEVATION. 'THE "ACUAL" ELEVATION REQUIREMENT WILT, BE THE GREATER OF THE TWO. a. c 1v "J1 i 3 fJ C R O N 0 f'P 0 A Z$ b- S S T. �, UC I E-C'OIfNTY 2�00 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division ( R E C E I P T TRANSACTION NUMBER: 01145960I TRANSACTION DATE: 09 JAN 2002 PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT JOB DESC: JOB ADDR: PARCEL NUMBER: FCC DESC: APPLICANT: FEE CODE REVIS 21020224 PERMIT TYPE: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCT 12 STORY, 44 UNIT CONDOMINIUM TOWER 3000 A 1 A (10469) 1425-701-0220=000/8 *5 OR MORE F�MILY BUILDING (105 ) MICHAEL H WILLIAMS F E E$ C O L L E C T E D DESCRIPTION REVISION TO P S CHECK NBR: 4308513030238847 PAID BY: RICHARD R DENNING MEMO: LAG AMOUNT --------------- 50.00 AMOUNT PAID: $50.00 FEE WAIVED: OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: al 1. 2 3. 4. PERMIT NUMBER17 Z 10 X0 'L %4 RECEIPT NO.: O t l i 5( LQ r) ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTME T OF COM: L ITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FO T PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 561-462-1553 APPLICATION FOi BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION!SITE ADDRESS: A-rmt, w+ c r.• 'T-w6. bc.5A r+ '3vav� ti. GIN DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF PROJECT REVISIONS: '% 4 6. 11-f S • 7- 4 S -3 It S.w.fiowi G. Vo u e a n, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ST. OF FL REG./CERT4 G Cot C-^I4 k%T- BUSI`ESS,NA.NIE: M ;.I w 6um QualitiersName: M14WAILL ADDRESS: 2Z 8 W CITY: M648y 'tl.%a6► PHONE(DAYTINIE): Si,l•'i(,2•r7 ARCH IT/E`GINEER: I NAME: '>i'joy4 L�!s 'fit ADDRESS: �► CITY: �6bG4 AL+lO V� PHONE (DAYTI`IE): r.64 • U-1 ST. LUCIE COUNTN' CERT.= 10 1344 % CcoµA wwr11w L-LIAMS ou pt vft STATE: i L ZIP:Z a 17 —FA.t# SDI Sat G`1oZ t %kc TZP _ STATE: t'w FAY# ZIP: 7t, 42"AFF ELECT. PANEL RISERS 3abW 28111M N01103dSNl ON 80 eo NO.LdSN as Lsnw llW83d aNd SNVId aLva 3ONdl'id F60 vo AS �1113�! G3M3rn3a NOISIAIO DNICnin8 AlNnO0 alone %s • ,eeVv P/-t -1* DISC. PARTIAL PLAN AT UTILITY ROOM SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" FOR REMAINDER OF UNIT, REF TO DRAWING E303. vie - p- ATRIUM II CONSUL?Wq CONSUL?ENgNEERS ESK SHEET F- OIFLAAW o PT MERCE ° W PALI�l BT7Oi C C+ DIFICA110NS 427MWUPWM OM Ian KTwONIE WOM Il 77H L 303_1 DRAWN BY: CAD CHECKED BY: ENG «0n [Afsno C. FLO 70.101pRBOR10N UNE 9iIlE C FT. oiRtE Rp+W u9* Mg FORA JW BLW.. ra .Esi AM MAUL ROMA 3M ASSOCIATES DATE: 01-03-02 0 ALTERNATE PLAN c,o» FAX l40n u-na INC. I i FILE COPY 00 4"0 DRYER VENT j "0- . 00C 1� `1 14/8 EX AU RISER 10/8 D YER VENT RISER PARTIAL PLAN AT UTILITY ROOM SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" DRAWING NO. PROJECT TITLE: I ATRIUM II CDAWL7 MG ENGINEERS MSK SHEET TITLE: -Fr. Pl�9iG��w. pALA mli UNIT 5C MO©IF IN TIONS Q? �ii1ERPOINTE �• T< IM ALTAMONTE SPRINM ROROA V701 301-1 (w,) _ 11u iA% 1. FLORIDA DRAWN BY: CAD CHECKED BY: ENG mw "A��" aT• • RN DATE: 01-03-02 Q ALTERNATE PLAN ffi69 FOREST (w7) 963—� Art (40) :H ACTT ROROA was ASSOC/A7745 NC. 24/8 Q � i •� X rq C-11-2061 11:14 GRABBER ©-C)�+ December11, 2001 To whom it may concern: PUBMWOMS WCER! COUMT FL Please be advised that All Grabbe screw products meet or exceed rI A Staridacds forcoastruetion screws. This includes specific performance , Tension and shear values as well ' " penetration and corrosions resistant Attached is,8 copy of:she standard and specific performance informptic product. If-I,may be of -any Surther assistaneo-pWase notify me at your earliest co Sincerely; Michael Hamilton C kmeral Manager 'G'rtabber�plorida / Latin.Arnerica "If. 954 1977 3842 P.01 0_ W and ICBO teria for ualities. regarding our DEC-it-2001 W15. GRABBERgE. N iTR IONPR �4 ------- DUCT Selfti AWRI ft2ft Ulm. for20 to AV 111118 S Steel studs to track, 20 to 25 a Steel studs to door frame lam 0 Other metal -to -metal applicati is required 9 Sheet metal fabrication anchor clips is where high torque Aline thread screw for metal-tq-metal framing applications 9 16 or 20 threads per inch s High torque Pan framing Head a) Super sharp, 23".STREAKER p Int, designed to penetrate ste,eP;qu (9 #2Phillips recess btive,. 0 Gauge 0) Length —7/16" w Madu type—ranci-stming e Races_s'TType -_.#2,Ph11Ii0s e Thread i 1, ­­ ._ub,I"; .ype--;Do9 "Lead e Finish — Gray :Phosphate ED CRABBER screwsaare manufactu and approved factory, and.,are ap Pan Fromido Head In an .ISO 9002 and -ISO 14 red by ICSO ES -ER #52M 954977 3B42 P. Stud.. and easily jo xv Drive certified -1. 49'. . 9 Use &-standard. screwg un with. .8 depth -sensitive nose piece. Ungo ed screwgun specRication for optimal perform amps:mlnlm.0 W &e —.4' minimum.and range -61-0 to 4,000. 0 The Pan head Is fully seated when the. head. Is flush withilhe work rface. 0 Overdrivingmayresult in (allure o�-the fastener or WOW of the ii rk surface. ,(D The fastener must penetrate beyo d the -metal a - minimum of -three :hread pitches. lutmu dvrahhwm!�In'. m Product Size, and ordering Inturill, � allloaal t>ua►r•r .� [M411b. Lea rnnis!aa t.r �_ , awtxiclr, ��, aal � � �. 1 � r. °" ^'1 O :+ �r'}.i NX.1!/ t'�R�l , •9. 1hi '. 1 ,•.- i71. 23F 7 x 7116' 11 mm 20 15,,000" •Tlb, Sib, and achled screw packaging option avaaable on sR items, Tirridtict ' Prodtid! s ..mind ':�'.ta Aieoels w MUM. d Sbeet. 'oar, iit _x1nor �'>n of hlsjw. TPt :;r ,;, , ;�qr 1r{et+ a,•. .'p e 23 'n 2.0314 ,b b 3•.75 , is - $YO 2:r3f 2,97. . 2:55' - 3.90 235 #7 1,40.; �•2,49 , #2 12.93 1'2.36 3,55 20 I ;1 2,87;..; . ]2.97'12,5811335' bau Itn erdlrt aupe Ip fill n ear � 23. { r,.07 " 25" ... .107, 72 ` 1 20 •303 778 23F 25 124 381 20 367 746 " QRA90E111 to I M a not edwrimd as structural bolts, tto flgu i list d atom ire unirrlite average valals acrosys undo Indepindenttabpratory crandl- uonc, Snd apff to 0 AMC= 11.e tastenera only. An sppropr4tpsafety foctor.mo be dotmrtrtnpd by a eAhled *ote nal for dent j pyrpose9,' 0atN 2D.' 25D61utvaldnt 0.0346" 0.018$'.wMIEquivaalerit 1mm .Bfftm r Woo �4101 Ie•180 :T 'I" - - M4, MM, 1*' „, .tilt ;,' .,,�, Eatgoel ,�;• f11eu(II RABBER• 1000*uttioe PfqOURIN John,W'agner Assoclatal, In 205 Mason Clrcl Concord, Cal?itimta 0452 All GRABBER screw products are mkufaotured in ,facilitlesthat. 180 80002°and 18014001 Tel: (925),•68N certified and approved, The. fasteners comply with SAE J78.and ASTM C 1002,as referfneed In Fax: (925) 827116 ICBO roport ER-5211110, and am approved for use by the. Unifoml pOddtng-Code, 02001 John.Waprt�er AaeaeFafas, Inc. ORAB8ER', STREAKER+, DRIVALLa; LOX7. GRABBffiwc� yid SCAVEN.GERa.srl regist•rod names." r1wirmalft by,Johrt WaonerAssndrrhea-tnr -}rk.:^--.„hh.. M...4--i, ., TOTAL P.0` �VERO BBACH (561) 56' A.M. Eli JINEERING AND TES_ ING, INC, 1 3504 INDUSTRIAL 3 RD STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 ,FORT PIERCE (561) 461-7598 STUART (561) 283-7711 FT. PIERCE 1-800-233-9011 Report '�'� 21 v ZaZZq of MOISTU E DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM D-1557 c7 ez CLIENT: Atrium on the Ocean DATE: 4/23/01 CONTRACTOR: M.H. Williams Construction, c SITE: Atrium II on the Ocean Foundation Fill P.C.F. Dry Weight 9 11 13 oisture % o Dry Weight LEI, JAN 0 9 2002 Cour)iy Public Works a a 15 Test No. Test Method Sample Location (Optimum oisture % Max. Dry Density- P.C.F. Soil Description 101 A Foundation Fill Composite 12.2 108.7 Tan fine sand with traces of shell fragments JUPITER OFFICE. 450 S. OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY, SUITE 2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING .ctfully submitted, ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. rd Bo ette, P.E. FL Re .,No. !4�"' 3 Y g t, FLORIDA 33458 1-888-339-7645 FAX. (561)-745-0981 INDATION INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL AND ASPHALT TESTING i A.M. ENGINE RING AND TESTING, INC. 3504,INDUSTRIA 33rd STREET'�IORT PIERCE* FLORIDA • 34946 VERO BEACH (561) 567.6167 FORT PIERCE (561) 461.7508 STUART (561) 283.7711 FT. PIERCE 1.800.233-9011 Report of DEN ITY OF SOIL IN PLACE ASTM D2922 CLIENT: Atrium on the Ocean H CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: Atrium H on th Ocean Foundation Ground Floc, Slab Area Date: 7/27/01 DENSITY TEST DATE MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP IN PLACE DRY PERCENT TEST MAX. NO. TESTED LOCATION ELEVATION NO. DRY WT. DENSITY COMPACTION 133 7/27/01 Map Location 1 0 - 1 ' 101 108.7 104.8 96.4 134 Map Location 2 0 - 1 ' 105.2 96.8 135 Map'Location' 3 0 - 1 ' 105.6 97.1 ALL ELEVATIONS BELOW S B GRADE Copies: Client -I M.H. Williams - 1 Fax to Steve - 1 (461-6315),. Jenkins & Charland; Inc. - 1 Respectfully submitted, A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. RICHARD BOYETTE, P.E. FL Reg. No. 42485 JUPITER OFFICE.- 450 S. OLD DIXIEHIGHWAY, SUITE 2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IR, FLORIDA 33458 1-888-339-7645 FAX.- (561) 745- 0981 INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL, AND ASPHALT TESTING }. tom, /• ' i. -n•- � L _ t r. r— ,i -----fit Moss N 1. I ; �� 1ON I 4 I OAS I t ' {ice .�a i ; - �_a ♦ a-. ;. r ; «a r- p�I � J ---- I LM& T tax AAr,, Its ,� W! ! i,L � ,,-� It • I /� �, +� ip� C f J Lo — :3� V) k- � o e? -v h a ` • A.M. - ENGIN RING AND TESTING, INC. 3504 ! USTRI L 33rdSTREET •'FORT PIERCE • FLORIDA • 34946 VERO BEACH (561) 567.6167 FORT PIERCE (561) 461.7508 STUART (561) 283.7711 FT. PIERCE 1.800.233.9011 Report of SITY OF SOIL IN PLACE ASTM D2922 CLIENT: Atrium on the Ocean CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: Atrium II on th Ocean Pile Cap and Slab Area �� Z I 0 An m- epH7HS C)C-6P►H= Date: 5/3/01 DENSITY TEST DATE MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP IN PLACE DRY PERCENT TEST MAX. NO. TESTED LOCATION ELEVATION NO. DRY WT. DENSITY COMPACTION 117 5/3/01 Map Location 3 0 - 1 ' 101 108.7 104.7 96.3 118 Map Location 3 1 - 2 ' 107.1 98.5 119 Map Location 3 2-3' 107.3 98.7 120 Map Location 4 . 0 - 1 ' 106.4 - 97.9. 121 Map Location 4 1- 2 ' 107.0 " 98.4 122 Map Location 4 -., ' 2 - 3 ' ; - 106.8 98.3 123 Map Location 4 3-4' 105.5 ..97.1 124 Map Location 4 4 y 5 ' 106.6 98.1 125 Map Location 6 0 - 1 ' 107.1 98.5 126 Map Location 6 1 - 2 ' 107.4 98.8 127 Map Location 6 2-3' 107.2 98.6 128 Map Location 6 3-4' 107.7 99.1 129 Map Location 6 4 - 5 ' 108.0 99.4 ALL ELEVATIONS BELOW SLAB GRADE Copies: Client -I M.H. Williams - 1 Fax to Steve - 1(461-6315) Jenkins & Charland, Inc. - I Respectfully submitted, A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. RICHARD BOYETTE, P.E. FL Reg. No. 42485 JUPITER OFFICE.- 450 S OLD DLYIEHIGHWAY, SUITE 2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 33458 1-888-339-7645 FAX (561) 74S- 0981 INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL, AND ASPHALT TESTING 'mj Z D Z'm•• FEDERAL EM RGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 NATIONA FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Expires July 31, 2002 nD���b� = ELEV TION CERTIFICATE ,. AN 0 9 9 2002 0 i r ' Important: R ad the instructions on pages 1 - 5., ..�; t g J SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION s nce Company Use: UILDING;OV)IjJER'S N�ME•. Policy Number o n i Ur J: ii Fs r. 0-AKA THE AT -Alm. ors Tlis Oct UILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/ r Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIC Number 3o0o -Al. CITY STATE ZIP CODE PROPERTY'DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Par I Number, Legal Description, etc.) T.e.-e_y' "'4 " Cd p,4L Co ✓E e-m. 5e-c--t% o N OA/E IFS'/j�E7J� i_ NAo. LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONT L DATUM: SOURCE: LI GPS (Type: 1 ( ##° - ##' - ## ##" or ##.�°) LI NAD 1927 I_I NAD 1983. LI USGS Quad Map I_I Other. SECTION B - FLOOD I SURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION /Zo ags- .s% B4. MAP AND PANEL 85. SUFFIX B6. FIRM -INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD B9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) -�0-99 lq- z B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (tsFt) oata or Dase nova aeprn enterea In'u. 1-1 FIS Profile L�IRM 1_J Community. Determined Ll Other (Describe: ) B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: I NGVD 1929 LI NAVD 1988 1_1 Other (Describe: ) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources ystem (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? L1 Yes Ll No Designation Date: I SECTION C - BUILDING E EVATION INFOR ATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: 1_1Construction Dra ings" 1 PTBuilding Under Construction' L1Finished Construction "A new Elevation Certificate will be required when cons ruction of the building is complete. - C2. Building Diagram Number 6 (Select the building di gram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 4 and 5. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations -Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, Y1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3a-i below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. ' Use the space provided or the Comments rea of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum Conversion/Comments E� leva ' reference mark used 7. to.s Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 11 Yes 1— No a' -a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclos re) IO , S ft.(m) * Top of next higher floor — Fi2s7- HAb rr,46L ❑ c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V z nes only) _ ft.(m) $ o ❑ d) Attached garage (top of slab) — ft.(m) e _ ❑ e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment rvicing the building _ ft.(m) E Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) 0 g) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) ❑ h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ftabove adjacent grade ❑ i) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) i C3h sq. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR,JENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surve�,or, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this ertifrcate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U. S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME A1LLEN 6- . �£�� , I LICENSErvunn6EF 4 S _?6 pn " E, HEZk 60 P Scil NUNA I UKt urn i c cLCI-MAIM FEMA Form 81-31, AUG 99 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION - REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS IrAPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. I ' 'For 1*railce.Company Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Policy Numbercoo r CITY ,� STATE ZIP CODE Company NAIC Number 1 � � 3 `.,''" ` ARM 1, Lt9 Lot IyAn J; ,. ccrrina n - si iRVFYnR_ ENGINEER. OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. COMMENTS I_I Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONES AO and A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items E1 through E3. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C mut be completed. Ell. Building Diagram Number_( I Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — see pages 4 and 5. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) below E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is I —I —I ft•(m) 1-1—Iin.(cm) 1_1 above or 1-1 (check one) the highest adjacent grade. E3. For Zone AO,bhly:<' If no flood depth number is available, is the top ofthe bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? I 1 Yes I 1 No I 1 Unknown The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE Gi, TELEPHONE COMMENTS Check here if -attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Check the applicable box(es) and sign below. G1. 1_1 The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or,architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data,in the -Comments area below.) G2. 1_1 A community official -completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without aFEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone -AO. G3.1_1 The following irifdrm'a ion (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. .. .�� n�oTonnTE Pic 7-n6AP1 14NCFIOCCUPANCY U4. VtZKME I Numer=ram I r-_. _... _ . _- -_- - ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for: 1_1 New Construction 1—I Substantial Improvement Datum: G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: — fit. (m )aum: - G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: _ft.(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME • -- - TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS Check here if attachment! FEMA Form 81-31, AUG 99 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS { REQUEST FOR 30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE DATE: St. Lucie County Comm. Devel. Dept. Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 PERMIT NUMBER: Ph. (561) 462- 2165 Z t n 2n -7'-Z_'Qj D Li jj�� yi PROPERTY ADDRESS: JAN 14 2002 3 0 0 o N. R 1 A N �-ju-T C.41 I µs p µ St. Lucie county Public Works THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REd3UEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERIN , FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TENG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THIS REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power relea only, and there will be no oax by constriction during this tirt 2. As witness by our signature conditions of this agreement, incorporated herein by referei 3. All conditions and requirer r "Requirements for 30 Day Pc premises is ready for complia i is requested for the above stated purpose incy of any type, other than that permitted period. we hereby agree to abide by all terms and duding Building Division Policy, which is listed in the attached document entitled for Testing" have been fulfilled and the inspection. . We hereby release and agree to holdlharmless, St Lucie County, and their employees from all liabilities and claims of any type or nature which may arise now or in the future out of this transaction, including any damages which may be incurred due -to the disconnection of electrical power in th'e event of violation of this agreement (A V c-R V (kL...v 5�4A �c.kp�`7—�- � L N- VN c.1 General Contractor ,--� c n FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE W (561) The requirements for automatic fan requirements of the Standard Mech, and the National Fire Protection As In determining which code to 1. A/C units make up a handling system. J��c��OUNTy��o v ►= v cn n x x DI S1���� St. Lucie County Fire District •2312 • FAX (561) 462-2323. M 2400 Rhode Island Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 down in air handling systems are the t Code, 1997 Edition, Chapter 4, Section 406, tion, Life Safety Code NFPA 101. with, the following information is necessary. and is referred to in the codes as an air 2. The NFPA Life Safet� Code, Occupancy Chapters 8 through 31 references Heating, Ventilation, and air Conditioning and shall comply with Section 101-7-2 of the Life Safety Code. 3. Section 101-7-2 requ' s air conditioning, heating, ventilating ductwork, and related equipment to be installed in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard For The Inst ation Of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems, or NFPA 90 , Standard For The Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Condi ioning Systems. 4. NFPA 90A. Scope: I' standard applies to all systems for the movement PP of environmental air in ructures that: a. Serves spaces o er 25,000 cubic feet in total volume, or b. Serve buildings f Type III, IV, and V construction over three stories in height, regardless of volume. The construction types indicated are in ,ccordance with NFPA 220. 41 5. NFPA 90A. For the purpose of this standard, a space is considered as the entire -building or a.portion thereof separated from other portions of the building by fire re istance rated construction and whose environmental air does not mix with at of any other space. For spaces not exceeding 25,000 cubic feet ip volume, reference the Standard Mechanical Code, Chapter 4, Section406. 6. Spaces not exceeding 25,000 cubic feet in total volume shall be in accordance with t4 Standard Mechanical Code, 1997 Edition. 7. Automatic fan shut down requirements. NFPA 90A. a. Location: S oke detectors listed for use in air distribution systems shall be loca ed: 1.) Doiea stream of the air filters and ahead of any branch conctions in air supply systems of greater than 2,000 cfin capty. 2.) At h stoyprior to the connection to a common return and p6or to any recirculation or fresh air inlet connection in .on #1: Return systems smoke detectors are not I when the entire space served by the air distribution is protected by a system of area smoke detectors. Excep 'ion #2: Fan units whose sole function is to remove air froii i inside the building to outside the building. b. Function. Required smoke detectors shall automatically stop their respective fan(p) upon detecting the presence of smoke. Exception: � ere the return air fan is functioning as part of an engineered sm 6 ke control system and a different mode is required. C. Installation. Li�ted duct type smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. 1.) When a approved protective signaling system (fire alarm) is install d in the building the smoke detectors shall be connectTd to the protective signaling system in accordance with NFPA 72. Activation of any air distribution system smoke d6ctor will cause a supervisory signal to be indicate at a constantly attended location or will cause an alarm si al. 11 , r 2.) All detection devices used for the operation of smoke d pers, fire dampers, fan control, smoke doors, and fire do rs shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with NF A 72, 1-5.8 where connected to the fire alarm system se ing the protected premises. 3.) Wh n smoke detectors are installed in a building not equ ped with an approved protective signaling system, the system shall a.) b.) c.) 8. Smoke detectors hE system (fire alarm) standby power. STANDARD cause a visual and audible signal in a normally occupied area, and smoke detector trouble conditions shall be indicated visually or audibly in a normally occupied area and shall be identified as air detector trouble. The above signal requirements can be annunciated with a simple remote test station with a sounder. g power supplied separately from the signaling the sole function of stopping fans do not require CODE Automatic F Shutdown Requirements: a. Syste s serving buildings or spaces less than 25,000 cubic feet in volume shall comply with the requirements of the Stand d Mechanical Code, Chapter 4, Section 406, 1997 b. Capacity greater than 2,000 cfm. Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity greater than 2,000 cfin shall automatically shut down by means of an approved smoke detector placed in the return air stream prior to any exhausting from the building or mixing with fresh air makeup. C. Reciculating ai but serving an shutdown. ThiE passageways. 2,000 cfin or less. systems with a fan capacity of 2,000 cfin or less, ea used for egress, shall have automatic fan would be foyers, lobbies, stairways, corridors, and Mar 31 99 03:22p s ST. LUCIE COUNTY DER RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FT. PIERCE, FL. 34982-5652 661-46271553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE F.1 This Certification is to be completed by the project de ign architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permit involving the construction of new r sidence (single or multi -family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring ` a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. JThis Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being efi ed) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. I�P EC I ROJ T NAME � T _ I H� R R►�rv1 %I 1T1%iG OGt',VrJ � ■ `::r:c:'::��>::" :. Fl. _USEONLY:`:`.`��``.::��.:.::�: .$II STREETADDRESS I I L- rJ 0rJ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: PR NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER OCCP. TYPE CST. TYPE I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KN WLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE PPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY S . LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADE DATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS SED• (please check or com/plete the approprite box) 1. STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1997 EDITION I- ASCE 7-95 V OTHER (SPECIFY) 2. BUILDING DESIGN IS (CHECK ONE) . ENCLOSED V-- PARTIALLY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: ( II 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: 1 4-S MPH !G / 5. WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (REFER TO Ex OSURE TABLES IN BUILDING CODE IDENTIFIED IN LINE 01): 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXT RIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: /0, T PSF 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOI -7 FACES OF STRUCTURE: O PSF I 8. IMPORTANCE/USE FACTOR (OBTAIN FROM BUILDIr CODE): I 1 0 � 9. LOADS: FLOOR O _ PSF ROOF/D D: � PSF ROOF/LIVE: 4-0 PSF 10. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (CHECK ONE) YES -Z NO — If NO, why? (attach explaination) 11. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (CHEC ONE) YES —Ile" _ /NO If NO, why? (attach explaination) 12. ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PRO IDED (CHECK ONE) YES ✓ NO_ If NO, why? (attach explaination) 13. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: �' S O AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY, IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY I Y NAME: 'J ��Fti y U, Mc�� ,�CERTIFICA' . 1 DESIGN FIRM: C,04 44,4t4L) DA 0 PSF THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED W[TH THIS CERTIFICATION NOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ION NO: R 6, +5 94,q SEAL HERE) 'E: Z/o�/tea C�Zf/ 0 SLCC FORM No: 020-00 FIGURE A-3-7.3 Example of a stairway marking sign. 14ORTH STAIR 5US-BASEMENT TO 24TH FLOOR I NO ROOF ACCESS DOWN TO FIRST FLOOR FOR EXIT DISCHARGE Sr tl SAFEWTO LIFEIFROM FIRE IN BUILDINGS AND S'1'RUCI'URF.S level in,each 50 lineal ft (15 lineal in) of wall area. The requirements of 11.7.3 shall apply. Exits from underground structures havi pant load of more than 100 persons in the underl tions of the structure and having a floor used occupancy more than 30 ft (9.1 m) or more tha below the lowest level of exit discharge shall be as (1) Exits shall be cut off from the level of exit di (2) Exits shall be provided with outside smoke-vt ties or other means to prevent the exits fror charged with smoke from any fire in the are the exits. enclosing station and every elevator car, every elevator lobby, and each floor level of exit stairs, l Exception: his requirement shall not apply where the fire department \ radio system is approved as an equivalera system. an occu- iund por- r human one level per ting facili- becoming served by The underground portions of an undergr and struc- ture, other than an existing underground structu e, shall be. provided with approved automatic smoke ventin in accor- dance with Section 9.3 where the undergrounds cture has the following: (1) An occupant load of more than 100 persons in a under- ground portions of the structure (2) A floor level used for human occupancy more than 30 ft (9.1 m) or more than one level below the low sit level of exit discharge (3) Combustible contents, combustible interior finish, or combustible construction Exit stair enclosures in undergrounds tares haw ing a floor level used for human occupancy more an 30 fit (9.1 m) or more than one level below the lowest le el of exit discharge shall be provided with signage in accord ce with at each floor level landing traversed in veling to the exit discharge. The signs shall include a chevr n-shaped indicator to show direction to the exit discharge. SECTION 11.8 HIGH-RISE 11.8.1 General. Where required by Chapters 12 through 42the pro- visions of Section 11.8 shall apply to high-rise buildings as defined in 3.3.101. 1 In addition to the requirements of Section�.8, com- pliance with all other applicable provisions of this C shall be required. 11.8.2 Extinguishing Requirements.* High-rise buildings shall be protected th pughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7. A sprinkler control vale and a waterflow device shall be provided for each floor. High-rise buildings shall be protected throu hout by a Class I'standpipe system in accordance with Section 9.7. 11.8.3 Detection, Alaiin, and Communications Systems.* A fire alarm system using an approved, emlergency voice/alarm communication system shall be installed i� accor- dance with Section 9.6. 11,8.3.2 Two-way telephone communication service hall be provided for fire department use. This system shad be in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire. Alarm Coda The com- munications system shall operate between the central 'Fontrol 11.8.4 Emergency Lighting and Standby Power. Emergency lighting in accordance with Section 7.9 shall be provided.* Class 1, Type 60, standby power in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, and NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, shall be provided. The standby power system shall have a capacity and rating suffi- cient to supply all required equipment. Selective load pickup and load shedding shall be permitted in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. The standby power system shall be connected to the following: (1) Emergency lighting system (2) Fire alarm system (3) Electric fire pump (4) Central control station equipment and lighting (5) . Not less than one elevator serving all floors, with standby power transferable to any elevator (6) Mechanical equipment for smokeproof enclosures (7) Mechanical equipment required to conform with the requirements of Section 9.3 11.8.5* Central Control Station. A central control station shall be provided in a location approved by the fire depart- ment. The control station shall contain the following: (1) Voice fire alarm system panels and controls (2) Fire department two-way telephone communication ser- vice panels and controls where required by another sec- tion of this Code (3) Fire detection and fire alarm system annunciation panels (4) Elevator floor location and operation annunciators (5) Sprinkler valve and waterflow annunciators (6) Emergency generator status indicators (7) Controls for any automatic stairway door unlocking system (8) Fire pump status indicators (9) A telephone for fire department use with controlled access to the public telephone system SECTION 11.9 PERMANENT MEMBRANE STRUCTURES 11.9.1 General. The provisions of Section 11.1 shall apply. Membrane materials shall not be used where fire resistance ratings are required for walls or roofs. Exception No. 1: Where every part of the roof, including the roof mem- brane, is not less than 20 f! (6.1 m) above any floor, balcony, orgal- lery, a noncombustible or limited -combustible membrane shall be permitted to be used as the roof in any type of construction. Exception No. 2: With approval of the authority having jurisdiction, l ,al membrane materials shall be permitted to be used where every part of the roof membrane is sufficiently above every signifuant fre potential that the imposed temperature cannot exceed the capability of the mem- brane, including seams, to maintain its structural integrity. Testing of membrane materials for compliance a with Section 11.9 use of the categories of noncombustible and limited -combustible materials shall be performed on weathered -membrane material as defined in 3.3.211. 2000 Edition ST L BU 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34950 (JNew Construction ( )Tenant Im Jurisdiction: Occupancy: Address: Contractor Contractor's Address: Arch itect/Engineer: Building Owner: Occupancy Type: Gross sq ft: Occupant Load: Construction Type: COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT OF FIRE PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW ( )Addition SLC Atrium on the Ocean II 3000 N. AIA MH Williams Constr. . tioi 2287 W. Eau Gallie Ivd. Ste. A Douglas Root Surf & Sand Properti s Highrise/Apartments 121, 35 1. All revisions must be in compliance before 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice 3. The respective Building Department shall 4. Permit fees are required to be paid in full 1 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee 6. A copy of the required revision/s have bee 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies sh 8. UL design criteria shall be submitted with KNOX BOX IS REQUIRED (X ) ,Telephone: 561462-2312 FAX: 561462-2323 ( )Renovation/alterations ( )Shell Only F.P.B.: B-01-32 Building Dept: 21020224 Number of stories: 12 Phone # 321-757-5750 City: Melbourne Phone # 561-367-1505 Review Date: 3/1/2001 Automatic sprinklers: Required Net sq ft: Based On: SBCCI Type: NOTE the final inspection. n all inspections. schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. for to any inspections. rior to rescheduling of further inspections. transmitted to the Architect () Contractor ( ). �,,` I be of proper UL design. e construction plans. Main Structure: 1. Stair enclosure 1 and 2: Ali door and jamb including the door and jamb assemblies at t protected in its entirety. 2. The elevator machine room door and jamb E 3. The emergency generator room door and ja The air intake louver shall also meet this re 4. The fire pump room door and jamb assembl require a 2 hr. rating or a 1 hr. rating when p < 5. The storage room exterior door and jamb as I° 6. Separate permits are required for the installE 7. The trash room (ground floor) exterior door The trash chute shall be in accordance with 8. The standpipe as shown shall be relocated v The present location is not acceptable. It cry 9. Temporary standpipes shall be installed and REQUIRED. KNOX KEY SWITCH REQUIRED ( X ) ;emblies shall be "B" label/90 min. rated as shown, ground and roof level. The stair enclosures shall be ssemblies shall be a minimum of 3/4 hr. rated. nb assembly shall be "B" label/90 minute rated. uirement. / shall be a minimum of 3/4 hr. rated. Fire pump rooms rotected by automatic fire sprinklers. sembly shall be a minimum of 3/4 hr. rated. ition of the fire sprinkler system and fire alarm system. �nd jamb assembly shall be "B" label/90 minute rated. FPA 82. Yithin both stair enclosures and on the roof. -ates access problems during use. functional throughout construction. 10. Provide calculations for the smoke man Prior to issuing the certificate of occupar Atrium smoke evacuation system. 11. See attached HVAC requirements. NFP 12. Generator Room: What type of fuel will 1 13. Fire pump: NFPA requires 10 pipe diam flange. 14. Provide interior finish ratings for all floor: 15. Provide signage for all common rooms a 16. Provide the UL listing for the glass block 17. The fitness room storefront glass and we provide alternate construction to meet th 18. The fire alarm control room shall contain See attached. 19. Indicate emergency lighting for the stairy 20. CaW If cooking is going to take place a Garages: 1. Attic access is not shown. Cabana: No revisions Reviewed by: ment system shown for the atrium. a smoke evacuation test shall be performed on the requires duct detectors in the supply air. used? A separate permit is required. ers between any horizontal bend and the pump suction i stairwell level signage. See attached stairwell example. ,indows shown. s shall be protected by.a water curtain on both sides or 1 hour rated exit access requirement. ems listed in NFPA 101, 2000 edition Section 11.8.5 and all accessible roof areas. i system and fixed fire suppression will be required. Date: r 3/5/2001 ---------------------------------------- (T , ZOT) ' q P P , q ,TTTM TPnu-Lw aou-euaqu-ruw/uozq-e.Iado ' 9,T --- ----- ----------------------- gaui uaaq an-eu QOaIi' T' STV uz 5uzgLIBT I 'ADHHa OZLOZT = -eaxV T-egoy 00666 = sggem T-egoy 0900T = ZT auoZ a6J -ea.IV T-egoy 0008 = ZT auoZ JOJ sgq-eM TL-go 0900T 0008 OE -;90/uO T uxoog gsanO (q_;bS)-eaxv sqq-eM ON Z adAy To.IquoO N T adAy To.IguoO ON adAy ao-edS ------------------------------------------ZT HNOZ-SWHJS7,S ONIIH`)I'I------ ST3 0900T = TT auoZ .Ion IeGaV T-egoy 0008 = TT auoZ .Ion SggPM TPgoy 0900T 0008 E 990/u0 T uioog.gsanO ---------- ------ ----------------- ---------------- ------------- (q_;bS) -ea.IV sqg-eM ON Z adAy TOaquoO N T adAy ToaquoO ON adAy aopdS ----------------------------------------- TT HNOZ-SWHIS2�S ONIyHJIrI-----•STt 0900T = OT auoZ .I09 -ea-TV T-egoy 0008 = OT auoZ .I09 sgg-eM Tlegoy 0900T----- 0008 !E--------JJ0/u0 T woo'd gsanO ------ ----------------- 1-- ------------- ( gjbS) -eaav sqq-eM ON Z adAy To.IguoO oN T adAy To.IguoO oN adAy ao-edS ----------------------------------------- OT HNOZ-SDdH.LSkS JNIIHE I -----'STD 0900T = 6 auoZ .Ion *ea.IV TPgoy 0008 = 6 auoZ .Ion sggeM T-egoy 0900T 0008 OE 9-40/uO T tuoog gsanO ---------- ------ ------------------------------- ------------- (g�bs)-eazFi sggaM ON Z odAy To.IguoO N T adAy ToaquoO ON adAy aopdS ------------------------------------------6 HNOZ-SHR.LS7,.S ONIIHOI'I-----'STt 0900T = 8 auoZ aOJ P@aV TPgoy 0008 = 8 auoZ aOJJ sgq-eM Tagoy 0900T 0008 OF -;90/uO T wooH gsanO (ggbS)-ea.Iv sgg-eM ON Z adAy TOaquoa o T adAy To.IguoO oN adAy ao-edS ----------------------------------------- HNOZ-SwHySTS JNIJHJI'I------STt 0900T = L auoZ .Ion -ea-TV Z-egoy 0008 = L auoZ aO.T; sggeM TPgoy 0900T 0008 0 -;.J0/u0 T wooZI gsanO (q;bS) -ea.IV sgq-eM ON Z odAy TOaquoO o T adAy TOaquoO ON adAy aopdS - - - --------------------------------------- HNOZ-SWHJSkS ONIIH`)Iq ------ STD 0900T = 9 auoZ .Ion -eGJV TL-goy 0008 = 9 auoZ .I09 sgq-eM TPgoy 0900T 0008 0--------J-0/uO T uzooH gsanO. --- -1- ------------- (g_;bS)-eaaV sgq-eM ON Z adAy TOa4uoO ON T adAy ToaquoO ON adAy aopds, Type ------------------------ Efficiency ---------- StandbyLoss ---------- InputRate -------------------- Gallons 1. <=12 kW 87 0 16000 50 412------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-Z NE 10---------------------------------- Type ------------------------ Efficiency --- - StandbyLoss ---------- InputRate -------------------- Gallons l. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 412------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 11 ---------------------------------- Type ------------------------ Efficiency ---------- StandbyLoss -------------------- InputRate ---------- Gallons 1. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZO 12 ---------------------------------- Type Effi iency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 ELECTRI 413.'-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIB Metering criteria in 413.1.AB 414.-----MOTORS ------------------ Motor efficiencies in 414.1.A 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1 Space Type No Control Type 1 N ---------- ----------------- -- .Bar/Lounge 1 On/Off 1 General Ex 1 On/Off Fine Activ 1 On/Off First Thre 1 On/Off Reception 1 On/Off 1 Reading, T 1 On/Off 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 2- Space Type No Control Type 1 No ---------- ----------------- --- Guest Room 1 On/Off 30 415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 3- Space Type No Control Type 1 No ---------- ----------------- --- Guest Room 1 On/Off 30 415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 4- Space Type No Control Type 1 No ---------- ----------------- --- .Guest Room 1 On/Off 30 -415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 5- Space Type No Control Type 1 No ---------- ----------------- --- Guest Room 1 On/Off 30 415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 6- - L SYSTEMS CHECK TION---------------------------- ----- D have been met. CD have been met. -------------------------------------- Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) -------------- --- ---------------- 5000 2500 1000 1500 1500 1500 900 1250 1500 2000 2000 1310 Total Watts for Zone 1 = 11900 Total Area for Zone 1 = 10060 -------------------------------------- Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) -------------- --- ---------------- 8000 .10060 Total Watts for Zone 2 = 8000 Total Area for Zone 2 = 10060 Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) 8000 10060 I'otal Watts for Zone 3 = 8000 Total Area for Zone 3 = 10060 -------------------------------------- Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) 8000 10060 'otal Watts for Zone 4 = 8000 Total Area for Zone 4 = 10060 -------------------------------------- Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) 8000 10060 Cotal Watts for Zone 5 = 8000 otal Area for Zone 5 = 10060 ------------------------------------ • 1. Circulating I 16 1 .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE ---------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating 16 1 .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 8--------------------------------------- Type ------------------------ R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 9 --------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness ------------------------ 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 10 -------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating 16 1 .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 11 -------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating 16 1 .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 12 --------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating 16 1 .75 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1 ---------------------------------- Type ------------------------ Efficiency StandbyLoss ---- ----------------------1. InputRate Gallons <=12 kW T.870 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZO E 2---------------------------------- Type Effi iency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZO 3---------------------------------- Type ------------------------ Efficiency ---------- StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW -------------------- .87 0 16000 ---------- 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZO 4 ---------------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZON 5 ----------------------------------- Type ------------------------ Efficiency -----1---- StandbyLoss ---------- InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW ---------- I .87 0 1600050 ---------- 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 6---------------------- --------- Type-------------------- Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW ---- ------------------- .87 0 16000 ---------- 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZO 7---------------------------------- Type ------------------------- Efficiency ----- StandbyLoss -------------- InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW ---------- .87 0 ---------- 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS-ZON 8 ---------------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons 1. <=12 kW .87 0 16000 50 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 9---------------------------------- 4 7. Water Source 8. Water Source 9. Water Source 10. Water Source 11. Water Source 12. Water Source 409.------VENTILATION ----------- 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 IHHECK Ventilation Criteria in 409.i.ABCD have been met. 410------ AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM --------------------------------------- CHECK -------------------------------- Duct sizing and design have AHU Type ---------------------------- 1. Water Source Heat Pump 2. Water Source Heat Pump 3. Water Source Heat Pump 4. Water Source Heat Pump 5. Water Source Heat Pump 6. Water Source Heat Pump 7. Water Source Heat Pump 8. Water Source Heat Pump 9. Water Source Heat Pump 10. Water Source Heat Pump 11. Water Source Heat Pump 12. Water Source Heat Pump --------------------------------- ---- een performed. (410.1.ABCD) Duct Location R-value Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 Without Exposed Roof 6 CHECK ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABCD) 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE -- -------------------------------------- Basic prescriptive requirements in 411.1.ABCD have been met. PLUMBINGISYSTEMS 411------ PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 1 --------------------------------------- Type ------------------------ R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 2 -------------------------------------- Type ------------------------ R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411------ PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 3 -------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness ------------------------ 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 4--------------------------------------- Type ------------------------ R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 •411------ PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 5 --------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness ------------------------ 1. Circulating ---------- 16 -------- 1 --------- .75 411------ PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 6- ------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 8-------- '---------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 8 = 10060 405------- FLOORS -ZONE 9-------- --------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------------------ Slab on Grade/Uninsulated ------- 0 ---------- 10060 ToLl Floor Area in Zone 9 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 10-------- --------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) -------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated --------------- ------- 0 ---------- 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 10 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 11-------- --------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------------------ Slab on Grade/Uninsulated ------- 0 ---------- 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 11 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 12 ------------------------------------------------ Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------------------ Slab on Grade/Uninsulated ------- 0 ---------- 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 12 = 10060 Total Floor Area = 120720 406.------INFILTRATION -------------------------------------------------- Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABCD have been met. MECHANI --------------------------------- HVAC load sizing has been per 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS-------- Type---------------------------- 1. Water Cooled / Water Source 2. Water Cooled / Water Source 3. Water Cooled / Water Source 4. Water Cooled / Water Source 5. Water Cooled / Water Source 6. Water Cooled / Water Source 7. Water Cooled / Water Source 8. Water Cooled / Water Source 9. Water Cooled / Water Source 10. Water Cooled / Water Source 11. Water Cooled / Water Source 12. Water Cooled / Water Source 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS--------- Type------------------------------ 1. Water Source 2. Water Source 3. Water Source 4. Water Source S. Water Source 6. Water Source CHECK L SYSTEMS CHECK ------ -------------------------- ormed. (407.1.ABCD) ---- -------------------------------------- No Efficiency IPLV Tons --- 2 ---------- 12.5 ------------------- 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 -------------------------------------- No Efficiency BTU/hr -- --- 2 ---------- -------------- 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 2 3.4 869000 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone --8-=--------10060 '404.------ROOFS--ZONE 9------- ----- ----- ----- -------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------ ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete I Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area inZone9=10060 404------- ROOFS --ZONE 10------------------------ - -- - -------- Type I Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) -------------------------------- ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone 10=10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 11---------I------------------- - - -------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone 11 = 10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 12 ------------------------------------------------ Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone 12 = 10060 Total Roof Area = 111910 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1 ------------------------------------------------ Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Tot 1 Floor Area in Zone 1 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 2--------- -------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 2 = 10060 405-------- FLOORS -ZONE 3 --------- --------------- ------------------------------- Type --------------- Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 3-=--------10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 4--------- i----------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 4 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 5--------- -------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated I 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 5 = 10060 .405.------FLOORS-ZONE 6 ------------------------------------------------ Type Insul R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Tota Floor Area in Zone 6 = 10060 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 7---------- ------------------------------------- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 10060 Total Floor Area in Zone 7 = 10060 Elevation Type I U Area(Sgft) --------- Adjacent ------------------------------------------ 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solis core flush ----- 0.39 ---------- 84 Total Door Area in Zone 9 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 10------- --------------------------------- -.------ Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84 Total Door Area in Zone 10 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 11-------------------------------- -_---.- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Soli core flush 0.39 84 Total Door Area in Zone 11 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 12 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Soli core flush 0.39 84 T tal Door Area in Zone 12 = 84 Total Door Area = 1218 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1 ------------------------------------------------ Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) -------------------------------- --- ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 1250 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 1250 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 2-------- --------------------------------------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 T tal Roof Area in Zone 2 = 10060 404------- ROOFS --ZONE 3-------- --------------------------------------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 T tal Roof Area in Zone 3 = 10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 4-------- --------------------------------------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) -------------------------------- --- ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 T tal Roof Area in Zone 4 = 10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 5 ------------------------------------------------ Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------ ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone 5 = 10060 404------- ROOFS --ZONE 6 ------------------------------------------------ Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------ ------ ---------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 To al Roof Area in Zone 6 = 10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 7--------- -------------------------------------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) 6" lightweight Concrete Medium 0.158 19 10060 Total Roof Area in Zone 7 = 10060 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 8--------- -------------------------------------- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) West Hvywt. Concrete Walll+ 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 otal Wall Area in Zone 11=4807 '402.------WALLS--ZONE 12------- ---------------------- - - --------- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) ---------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----------- North Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495: Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 Total Wall Area in Zone 12 = 4807 Total Gross Wall Area = 57684 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- North 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 147 East 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 42 Southeast .5 Glass 1.13 42 South .5 Glass 1.13 21 West .5 Glass 1.13 42 T tal Door Area in Zone 1 = 294 403.------DOORS--ZONE 2-------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Area (Sqf t ) -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84 Total Door Area in Zone 2 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 3-------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84 T tal Door Area in Zone 3 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 4-------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Area (Sgft) -------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door-Solid'core flush 0.39 84 T tal Door Area in Zone 4 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 5 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84. Total Door Area in Zone 5 = 84 403------- DOORS --ZONE 6 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) -- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84 To al Door Area in Zone6=84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 7--------- --------------------- - - ----------- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) ---- ---------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid -ore flush 0.39 84 To al Door Area in Zone 7 = 84 403.------DOORS--ZONE 8--------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------------------- --------------- Adjacent 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 84 Tonal Door Area in Zone 8 = 84 403------- DOORS --ZONE 9--------- --------------------------------------- SZ8 6T 06fii' 0 a.zouo0 118 + IIPM agaaDUOD ' gMAAH u�noS STL 6T 06il'0 a.zouo0 118 + IIPM agazouo0 -gMAAH �sL� S6i� 6T 06f''0 a.zouOD „8 + TTeM aga.13uo0 *gmAAH -qsL-augnoS S6:V 6T 06f0 a.zouOD „8 + TT-eM aga.zouo0 --4MAnH qsL-GggJoN SZ8 ----------- 6T ------- 06t, 0 ----- a.zouo0 118 + TIPM aga.zouoa -gMAeLH u-4-TON (qjbS) sso.z0 g TnsuI !1 --------- ---------------------- adds, --------- uotq-enaTH -------------------------------------- ---------TT HNOZ--S'I'IVM-------ZOiv L08Ii = OT auoZ uz -ea.zV TT�M TER os ZS:VT 6T 06i7' 0 a.zouoJ 118 + IT2M aga.z3uo0 -gMAAH gsGm SZ8 6T 06�'0 9.zouo0 ,,g + TTeM aga.zauoa -gMAAH ggnoS STL 6T 067i'O a.zouo0 i8 + TT'eM aga.zouo0 -gmAAH qs-ea S6fi 6T 06f,'0 GaOuOD ,,8 +. TT-eM aga.zouo0 --4MA-AH qs-eau:lnoS S6Ii 6T 061, * 0 aa;DUOD 118 + TT-eM aga.zouoO - IMAnH gsL-augzoN SZ8 ----------- 6T ------- 06Ii' 0 ----- a.zouo0 --------- „8 + TT-eM aga.zouo0 - gmAAH uq.TON (gjbS) sso.z0 g TnsuI n ---------------------- adr�j, --------- uozq-enaTa -------------------------------------- ---------OT aNOZ--SrI'IVM-------ZO:i L08f, = 6 auoZ ut 'ea[V TIL-M I-e os ZS:�T 6T 06V'O aaDUOD i8 + TT-eM aga.zouoa -'4MAnH gsaM SZ8 6T 06V'0 a.zouo0 „8 + TTeM aga.zouo0 -gmAAH ugn0s STL 6T 06V'O a.zouo0 118 + TT-eM agazouo0 -gmAAH gs7ea S6V 6T 06�' 0 a.zouoJ 118 + TT-eM aq;9aOuOD - gMAAH gs'e;DL[gnoS S6:V 6T 06:V'O a.IouoD „8 + II'eM aga.zouo0 -gmAAH qs-eG'IgaON SZ8 ----------- 6T ------- 06f,' 0 a.zouo0 118 + TT-eM aga.zouo0 - gmAAH LlgaoN (qg:bS) ssozO Id Tnsui ----- n --------- ---------------------- adds, --------- UOTq'eAaTa ------------------------------------------------6 3NOZ--S'I'IKM------- ZO7i L087v = 8 auoZ u-T Pa -TV TIUM I-e oy ZSVT 6T 06iv' 0 a.zauo0 „8 + TT-eM aga.zouo0 - gMAAH gsaM SZ8 6T 06iv' 0 azouoO i8 + TT'eM a-4a.zouo0 --4mAAH q-4noS STL 6T 06:V * 0 a.zouo0 „8 + TTeM aga.IouoO - gMAAH 74SLH S6iv 6T 06f,' 0 a.zauoD 118 + TT-eM 9ga.zouo0 - gMAAH Is-eaggnoS S6TV 6T 06V'0 a.zouoD „8 + IT-eM a-4a.zouo0 -gM�nH -4s-e@LP-TON SZ8 ----------- 6T ------- 067V * 0 a.IouoD 118 + TTeM aga.zouoJ - gMAAH iI-4zON (-4gbg) sso.zO H Tnsu= ----- n -------------------------------- ad�,I, --------- uotq-enaTH ------------------------------------------------8 HNOZ--S'I'IFIM ------- ZOV L 0 8:i = L auoZ u-F Pa.zV TTeM Tegoy ZSTVT 6T 06iv'0 a.zouo0 „8 + TTUM aga.zouo0 -gMAAH gsaM SZ8 6T 06rv'O a.zouoD 118 + TTeM aga.zouo0 -74MAAH u-4nos STL 6T 06'V'0 9XDUOD „8.+ TT-eM aga.zouo0 -gMAAH -qs-eH S6V 6T 06V'O a.zouoD 118 TT-eM aga.zouo0 -gMAAH IsL-augnoS S6T, 6T 06:V'O a.zouoD 118 TTeM agazouo0 -gMAAH qs-eauq.IoN SZ8 6T 06VO a.zauo0 „8 TT-eM aga.zouo0 - gMAAH u-4.zoN ----------- (gjbS) sso.zO ------- H Tnsul ----- n -------------------------------- adds, --------- uozgUnaTH ------------------------------------------------L HNOZ--SrIrIVM ------'ZOV L081, = 9 auoZ uT 'ea -TV TT*eM Ted DJ, ZSVT 6T. 06VO a.zouoD „8 f TT-eM Gq;9a3uo0 -gMt\'.L1H -4saM SZ8 6T 067v' 0 a.aouoD ,, 8 TTeM aga.zouo0 - gMAAH u-qnoS STL 6T 06VO a.zouo0 „8 TT-eM aq;@aOuo0 -gmAAH -4s-ea S6V 6T 067V'O a.zouoD „8 ITUM aga.zouo0 -gmAAH qs-eaugnoS S6t, 6T 06V' 0 a.zouOD „8 TT-eM aqa.zouoJ - gMAAH qs'eauq.zoN SZ8 6T 06VO a.zouoD „8 IT-eM aga.zouoJ - gMAAH ilgaoN (:4gbS) sso.z0 H Tnsul n od�j, uozq'eA@Ta^ ---------------------------------------- --------9 SNOZ--S'I'IFIM ------- ZOiv T. K North Commercial 1.09 7 .8 None 30 East Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 224 -Southeast Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 200 South Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 480 West Commercial 1.0� .7 .8 None 600 West Commercial 0.6 .6 .8 None 2520 Total Glass Area in Zone 12 = 4054 Total Glass Area = 48648 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1------- ---------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) North Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 811 Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 4807 402.------WALLS--ZONE 2 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) --------- North -------------------------------- Hvywt. Concrete Wall 811 Concre ----- ------- 0.490 19 ----------- 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wallf 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 T tal Wall Area in Zone 2 = 4807 402.------WALLS--ZONE 3-------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) North Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 T tal Wall Area in Zone 3 = 4807 402.------WALLS--ZONE 4-------- --------------------------------------- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) --------- North --------------------- Hvywt. Concrete ---------- Wall 4 8" Concre ----- ------- 0.490 19 ----------- 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall 4 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall +� 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall +{ 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 Total Wall Area in Zone 4 = 4807 .402------- WALLS --ZONE 5 ------------------------------------------------ Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) --------- North -------------------------------- Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre ----- ------- 0.490 19 ----------- 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 To�al Wall Area in Zone 5 = 4807 5 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 -West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 7------- Elevation Type --------------- U ---- --------- North Commercial 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 8------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 9------- Elevation --------- Type --------------- U North Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot, 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 10------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot< 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 11-------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tota 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 12-------� Elevation Type U .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 .7 .8 None 600 .6 .8 None 2520 it Glass Area in Zone 6 = 4054 ---------------------------------------- v- SC VLT Shading Area ( Sqf t ) ---- ---- .7 .8 -------------- None ---------- 30 .7 .8 None 224 .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 .7 .8 None 600 .6 .8 None 2520 it Glass Area in Zone 7 = 4054 ----------------------------------------- v- SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) ---- ---- .7 .8 -------------- None ---------- 30 .7 .8 None 224 .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 .7 .8 None 600 .6 .8 None 2520 Ll Glass Area in Zone 8 = 4054 ----------------------------------------- v- SC VLT Shading, Area ( Sqf t ) ---- ---- .7 .8 -------------- None ---------- 30 .7 .8 None 224 .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 .7 .8 None 600 .6 .8 None 2520 .1 Glass Area in Zone 9 = 4054 ---------------------------------------- v- SC VLT Shading Area ( Sqf t ) ---- ---- .7 .8 -------------- None ---------- 30 .7 .8 None 224 .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 .7 .8 None 600 .6 .8 None 2520 1 Glass Area in Zone 10 = 4054 ---------------------------------------- v- SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) ---- ---- .7 .8 -------------- None ---------- 30 .7 .8 None 224 .7 .8 None 200 .7 .8 None 480 7 .8 None 600 :6 .8 None 2520 1 Glass Area in Zone 11 = 4054 ---------------------------------------- v- --SC VLT Shading------- .rea(Sgft)I BUILDING ENVELOPE SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 1------ Elevation Type U North Commercial 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 To 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 2------ Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 To 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 3------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 4------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 Tot 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 5------- Elevation Type U --------- North --------------- Commercial ---- 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 Southeast Commercial 1.09 South Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 1.09 West Commercial 0.66 To 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 6------- Elevation Type U North Commercial 1.09 East Commercial 1.09 CHECK Florida EnBerg fic.iehpy Code. Florida Energy Efficiency Code. PREPARED BY-' Before construction is completed, 1ATE: �i l" - this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with I hereby certify.that this building is Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. in complianc;e-with,the Florida Energy BUILDING OFFICIAL: Efficiency Code.DATE: OWNER/AGENT: DATE: I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRATION/STAT"E ARCHITECT : ME CHAN I CAL :. M f d. to f� � l PLUMBING � ' ' ELECTRICAL: Az'SZ LIGHTING (*) Signature is required where lorida law requires design to be performed by registered design professiona s. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant infor ation is contained on signed/sealed plans. 2. COP 3. COP 4. COP S. COP 6. COP 7. COP 8. COP 9. COP 10. COP 11. COP 12. COP AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULA 1. Without Exposed Roo 2. Without Exposed Roo 3. Without Exposed Roo 4. Without Exposed Roo 5. Without Exposed Roo 6. Without Exposed Roo 7. Without Exposed Roo 8. Without Exposed Roo 9. Without Exposed Roo 10. Without Exposed Roo 11. Without Exposed Roo 12. Without Exposed Roo REHEAT SYSTEM TYPES USED NO REHEAT SYSTEM is USED WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF 2. EF 3. EF 4. EF 5. EF 6. EF 7. EF 8. EF 9. EF 10. EF 11. EF 12. EF PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTIc 1. Circulating 2. Circulating 3. Circulating 4. Circulating S. Circulating G. Circulating 7. Circulating 8. Circulating 9. Circulating 10. Circulating 11. Circulating 12. Circulating -------------------------------- COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the plans specifications covered by this lation are in compliance with t 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A 3.40 N/A REQUIREMENTS. 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 6.00 4.20 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES d Review of the plans and specifica- cu- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Whole Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-97 Version 2.2 PROJECT NAME -The Atrium ADDRESS: North Hutchinson Is_ OWNER: _Mitch Melvin AGENT: BUILDING TYPE: _Multifamily CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _120720 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD A ----------------- A. WHOLE BUILDING PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING NOT APPLICABLE FOR MULTIFAMILY HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. EER IPLV 2. EER IPLV 3. EER IPLV 4. EER IPLV 5. EER IPLV 6. EER IPLV 7. EER IPLV 8. EER IPLV 9. EER IPLV 10. EER IPLV 11. EER IPLV 12. EER IPLV HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. COP Form 400A-97 PERMITTING OFFICE: _ST. LUCIE COUNTY CLIMATE ZONE: 6 PERMIT NO: JURISDICTION NO: 661000 NUMBER OF ZONES: 12 72 DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT -------------- ------ 98.10 100.00 PASSES IDENT GREATER THAN 3 STORIES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 3.40 N/A 1. Water Cooled / Water Source 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS------ Type--------------------------- 1. Water Source 409------- VENTILATION ---------- 2 12.5 12.5 17.75 ---------------------------------------- No Efficiency BTU/hr ---- --------------------------- 2 3.4 869000 ---------------------------------------- ICHECK Ventilation Criteria in 40911.ABCD have been met. 1 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM---------------------------------------- CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABCD) AHU Type Duct Location R-value --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Water Source Heat Pump Without Exposed Roof 6 CHECK - ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- Testing and balancing will �e performed. (410.1.ABCD) 1 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE ----------------------------------------'I Basic prescriptive requirements in 411.1.ABCD have been met. iej I wiui:, 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE Type ------------------------ 1. Circulating 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS - Type Ef ------------------------ -- 1. <=12 kW ELE 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRI Metering criteria in 413.1.A 414.-----MOTORS ----------------- Motor efficiencies in 414.1. 415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE Space'Type No Control Type 1 ---------- ----------------- - Bar/Lounge 1 On/Off General Ex 1 On/Off Fine Activ 1 On/Off First Thre 1 On/Off Reception 1 On/Off Reading, T 1 On/Off SYSTEMS --------------------------------------- R-value/in Diameter Diameter Thickness --------------------------- 16 1 .75 DNE1 ---------------------------------- iciency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons .87 0 16000 50 rAL SYSTEMS CHECK 3UTION---------------------------- ----- 3CD have been met. BCD have been met. L--------------------------------------- ,io Control Type 2 No Watts Area (Sgft) ---------------- --- LO ------ 5000 ---------- 2500 4 1000 1500 4 1500 1500 4 900 1250 L2 1500 2000 9 2000 1310, +Total .Area for Zone 1 = 10060' Total Watts = 11900 Total Area = 10060 CHECK ----Lighting-criteria in 415.1.ABCD have been met. --------------1--------------------------------- ----- 16. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1) BUILDING ENVELOPE SYSTEMS COMPLI. C'. 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------- -------------------------------------- Elevation Type -- - - - - -- U - - -- - - SC VLT. -- - - -- Shading -------- - - - - - - Area(Sgft) ---------- --------- North ------ - Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 30 East Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 224 Southeast Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 200 South Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 480 West Commercial 1.09 .7 .8 None 600 West Commercial 0.66 .6 .8 None- 2520 Tot Al Glass Area in Zone 1 = 4054 Total Glass Area =4054 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1-------------------------------- - --------- Elevation Type ----------------------L I- -------- U Insul R ------------ Gross(Sgft) ----------- --------- North Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 Northeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 Southeast Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 495 East Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 715 South Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 825 West Hvywt. Concrete Wall + 8" Concre 0.490 19 1452 403------- DOORS --ZONE 1-------- Elevation Type North 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid East 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid Southeast .5 Glass South .5 Glass West .5 Glass 404------- ROOFS --ZONE 1-------- Type -------------------------------- 6" lightweight Concrete 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1-------- Type -------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 406------- INFILTRATION ---------- al Wall Area in Zone 1 = 4807 Total Gross Wall Area = 4807 -------------------------------------- U Area (Sgft) ore flush 0.39 147 core flush 0.39 42 1.13 42 1.13 21 1.13 42 tal Door Area in Zone 1 = 294 Total Door Area = 294 --------------------------------------- Color U Insul R Area (Sgft ) --- ------ ----- ------- ---------- Medium 0.158 19 1250 tal Roof Area in Zone 1 = 1250 Total Roof Area = 1250 --------------------------------------- Insul R Area (Sqf t ) -------------------------------- 0 10060 al Floor Area in Zone 1 = 10060 Total Floor Area = 10060 --------------------------------------- ICHECK Infiltration Criteria in 40611.ABCD have been met. ME -------------------------------- HVAC load sizing has been pe 407------- COOLING SYSTEMS------- Type---------------------------- 'AL SYSTEMS CHECK -------------------- ---- -formed. (407.1.ABCD) •--------------------------------------- No Efficiency IPLV Tons ------------- ----- -------------- ONCE 3ECK --v- -,Whole Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings Form 40OA-97 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-97 Version 2.2 PROJECT NAME —The Atrium ADDRESS: North Hutchinson Is OWNER: _Mitch Melvin AGENT: BUILDING TYPE: _Multifamily CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: 10060 MAX. TONNAGE,OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD A ----------------- A. WHOLE BUILDING PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING EXTERIOR LIGHTING LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. EER IPLV HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. COP AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSUIJ 1. Without Exposed Roo REHEAT SYSTEM TYPES USED NO REHEAT SYSTEM is USED WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Circulating --------------------------------- COMPLIANCE CERTIF ATION: .I hereby certify _ at the plans a specifications`c Bred by this ca lation-are i. pliance with the Floridd En .'ficiency Code. PREPARED_ _B DATE :- I hereby -certify that this buildi in compliance with the Florida En Efficiency Code. PERMITTING OFFICE: _ST. LUCIE COUNTY CLIMATE ZONE: 6 PERMIT NO: JURISDICTIONNO: 661000 NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 72 DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT -------------- ------ 96.27 100.00 PASSES 3800.00 15900.00 PASSES PASSES 12.50 9.60 PASSES 12.50 9.00 PASSES 3.40 N/A ION REQUIREMENTS 6.00 4.20 PASSES 0.87 0.86 PASSES 0.75 0.20 PASSES ------------------------------------------ Review of the plans and specifica- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with is Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. y BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 14 OWNER/AGENT: -DATE: J I hereby certify(*) that the sys Energy Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESIGNER ARCHITECT MECHANICAL: ,A..0iK, fA1f,0+ PLUMBING ' `' 4 ELECTRICAL: gp� LIGHTING w• (*) Signature is required where by registered design professiona be used where all relevant infor em design is in compliance with the Florida REGISTRATION/STATE lorida law requires design to be performed s. Typed names and registration numbers may ation is contained on signed/sealed plans. k Vi a O cs C N W N Z No Cl) w O Z a () O 00 a ' W o. C o a)o w Q Q � o U mm J CD OO co N -DL N N N (aU J-m m oco to to _ 3 E u-) in cn o U Q LL• L, F.-I r- r— O o 0 0 nZ=U- r�tir� �❑m° cc coo coo m � rn ti m Q iL °Um° coo ccoo c m co ca E = a- d a) Co C. O O U)J "gym O O O ' Cl) Cl) co l0 l0 l0 , r— r— n O N OO.O. N N N ' U) y J m C. O O m �; m Z; .- ,Q0 = O 6 to CD co co ¢ LL O r` ti r VW O c cCL r CIL Q > N�❑m° m cccc to oZ• tL U.) U.)u� 00 r`�U QCmLL °0 0 0 co 0 ❑ Y (D = d 1- rn rn `o ti < ;�! 1 r 0 C. 0 N N N N ~ Q U 0 FO N -m E > > m m ca f6 O J Y � � O O O m � � O m E E n L w w a m (A co ❑ 0 n O Co c� m U v m 0 J GI C f0 >i V G v = d _ R x d O O w R N � c 'U .� 0 V co EU 0 N >%m co i to DLco CO co M O O O or-- l0 O 0 0 0 O V 0�"'� 0 0 0 m `0o:S r W p e w m LL wCLwiliJr. mr- CDoo 0.t0D C00000 N r r N x d r O O r O O r co Ctm OO 0=N COO I CO0000 hN J or o or w L) r r a a C X a W- c Ct x > �ti ��ww4 C N 0 O r O (O Y = 1 CN OMONCh Un _ r Z O OC.-Nvr w 0 CO co W LU _ZCL (' C O Z Q °or_a W 06 o u u m Zi, oor0 aos000m O000co 0000ro •o �:°o ooro r000ln o00000v o00000 0 0 o0N0 n00000� .00000to 000000 00 Y 4) r a WIlea` O CD C. O CO C. CD O CA CD O O CD O CD O CD C. M O n IL 0 00 .0. 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C. CV LO CD ti C; 0 LO CD O O LO m 0 0 0 0 C.' �I y ate-. 0 0 U m cc v 0 O _ J 7 m _ C u D m E o m Z m o � J f0 r LL LL LL co oho to LO CC) cM m m N N C7 O O O .. .. .. .O L L .. .. .. .. a) 0) U U 75 m m m 75 •0 .0c c E E m cu _ o °'o ZZ' C a = = Q a a to w •y a) CD E E •C7 'D ❑ a❑ y y 7 7 CD (D a� E U U (D (D ` E E a� a� E E c o E 3 � E aa) L) U)CX ❑ L 7 O z� Co O UJ o a a •c 0 0 l>J 0 0 L L o � N N ~ LL > j m o U U D C3 CD C 'L U C L J 0 U y co 0 c cc LS. = 0` c E c E c 0 CF. CS c c c Di aci m � 3�� y O u C LL CDO m (O 0)COO O Nr o N U S o � cLi L I6 •� Ego E N O rn N V;' N- N- r cflo O j 0 O N r-CS cn E- L 0 ¢ (D Z O CD c C f�A > w C a) N N C 7 7 0 O CD N U L: p U U 3m n =N > y C= Z .: p E E cf6i 0 f0 c °� o a� �Lcaci ❑ a o o Jo _EWa U _� �..caa n ¢ = R O O ; p Ca U L G m n. a) E c c ¢ !E (D w co co a J m U) •N C N ❑ 0 0 N a c 0 m A. co cc LD a U O M Cl O ti a m 0 J w U V urrll.G UJG ul`!L I DATE FILED: I'-14'aZ REVISION FEE: PERMIT NUMBER: RECEIPT NO.:�— STl LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 561-462-1553 APPLICATION FOR UILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJ CT INFOR`IATION 1. LOCATION/SITE p, ,,, ADDRESS: 3 coo dN -TKO IV . V0 15 L-D-i-I 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF PROJECT REVISIONS: --rC'=.v 15 1 b1s -r a v-tk 5 G r� �A"R-�► rL v '�' i •r �► �.ver�n 1aQrl 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMA ION: ST. OF FL REG./CERT# ST. LUCIE-COUNTY CERT.# BUSINESS NA.NIE: CITY: toe - 5 - Qualiiers Name: ADDRESS: ttL4 ZIP: PHONE (DAYTI.NIE): Z,3 1 -1 1 `��1 • 5'iSo FA-t # ;-y► 'I S"l 5c �o Go�t,YAt�I• � ��c '7`."►`1 ri�� y �,1-'Z C..Z.' �7i�3 4. ARCHIT/ENGINEER: 'T NAME: "fib vim. uaS ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTINIE): -4e- --v-oj%m t�,- STATE:_ ZIP:- . FAX — S'T. L U I E COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth M nagement Division R E C E I P T TRANSACTION NUMBER: 01146092 TRANSACTION DATE: 14 JAN 2002 PERMIT NUMBER: 21020224 PERMIT TYPE: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PERMIT JOB DESC: CONSTRUCT 12 STORY, 44 UNIT CONDOMINIUM TOWER JOB ADDR: 3000 A 1 A N (10469) PARCEL NUMBER: 1425-701-0220-000/8 FCC DESC: *5 OR MORE FAMILY BUILDING (105 ) APPLICANT: MICHAEL H WILLIAMS . F E E S IC O L L E C T E D FEE CODE DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------- REVIS REVISION TO PLAN CHECK NBR: 4308513030238847 PAID BY: MICHAEL H WILLIAMS/MH MEMO: DH AMOUNT ------------------------------- S 25.00 AMOUNT PAID: $25.00 FEE WAIVED: LLIAMS CONSTRUCTION, INC S T. L U C I E C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Ma agement Division R E C E I P T TRANSACTION NUMBER: 01146092 TRANSACTION DATE: 14 JAN 2002 PERMIT NUMBER: 21020224 PERMI TYPE: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PERMIT JOB DESC: CONSTRUCT 12 STORY, 44 UNIT CONDOMINIUM_TOWER JOB ADDR: 3000 A 1 A N (10469) PARCEL NUMBER: 1425-701-0220-00p/8 FCC DESC: *5 OR MORE FAMILY BUILDING (105 ) APPLICANT: MICHAEL H WILLIA�IS F E E S FEE CODE DESCRIPTION -------- ----------------- REVIS REVISION TO PLANS CHECK NBR: 4308513030238847 PAID BY: MICHAEL H WILLIAMS/MH MEMO: DH O L L E C T E D AMOUNT ------------------------------ 25.00 AMOUNT PAID: $25.00 FEE WAIVED: ILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION, INC OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: I 'I -02 REVISION FEE: 1. 2. 3. 4 PERMIT NUMBER: z 1 c3 -z o z.2. y RECEIPT NO.: 0/14/ �2= ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & ZONING .I - /- TT A A T 1T'T.TT I L.)UV FORT P Y 11tV 1111r'► 11 T Ar11V A, ERCE, FL 34982-5652 561-462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORtiIATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: '3 coo b DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS PROJECT REN'ISIO`S: —m—=W Is) IOF x-i r7 G iF- ra LA"R-c-► , •y 4� v r L- k z -1 �.v n (a"� v r CONTRACTOR INFOR`IAT 0. ST. OF FL REG./CERT# c 4c-A i-L57- ST. LUCIE-COUNTY' CERT.# B US IN ESS N A.NIE : I\A. " vJ i ('xm; GorL SYCL.I c-*C % wv-'+ T,%� G - Qualifiers Name: ADDRESS: zz .�, I CITY: M PHONE (DAYTIME): 7�7 1 *ry 'rev G Ia`�-� "B•.•ro — STATE: ZIP: 3�1c.� FAX # -S-?-A -t G1- SGt-0 C CPW - "I c.z.. • 57� 3 ARCHIT/ENGINEER: NAME: -pd tires wUm Zo►vT (�'R. `K t T �c..'T S . STATE: ZIP:�4 FAX# ADDRESS: -7—tr& ' CITY: ae "'tZpTut3 PHONE (DAYTIME): 4�