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ere indof0gelbly se1sed ~f suid land 1n fee simplei that said grantors have full power and lawful
right. to !oouvey 'said lands 1n fee l'imp1e. as aforesaid; that It shall be lawful for said
grantee; hie heirs, logal ropresenta~ive8 and a981gna. at all t1mes peaceab}y and quietly to
ente~ upon. hold. ocoupy, and enjoy sa1d Ihnd; that said land is free from all incumbranoes
that 9aid grantors their heirs and legal representat1~~s. will make suoh furthor assurances
to perfect the fee simple t~t1e to-said lend in Baid grslltee. his heirs. legal representativves
and assigns. as ~ay reasonebly be required;'and that said grantors do hereby fully werrant
the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful olaims of all persons
~ITN~SS the hands end soa1s of 8aid grantoro the oay and year first above ~ritten.
Signed. 8ealod. and delivered
in the presence of:
H.P. otzmenn
.John D. Brockman. (Seal)
Tillie Brockman
( Seal)
IV. ~:o.8s8sn. ~,,-vJfJ
CCt1N'i'Y O? scen.
I ~~3BY C~TI~ that on this day personel~y ~reared before nee an officer duly author-
i7.ed to ~d;ninister oathB and take ac~nowledgmontB John D. 3rockmen. to me well known and known
to me to be the individual aescr1bfld in and who e:t.ecuted the fCl'e.:c.ing c:ieed and ac:rnowlfldged
before me tha t he executed the 9~_me freely and voluntarily for the p- rpose~ therein eYl'ressed.
A~'D I nTRTH~ C~TIFY that the s8id Tillie 3rockman kp.own ~o I:le to be the .life of the
Bald John D. Brockman on a 8e~er8te and private examination teken And ~de by and beforo me.
separately ana apart- from h~r 8ald hu~bend. did ack~owledge that she ~de herself 8. ~erty to
89id deed for the purpose of reno~ncing.relinqui9hing end conveying ell her ri~ht. title
ar.d interest whether of dewar. homestead or of seperate rroperty. statutory cr e~uitable. in
and to the lands described therein, end that shp executec the E!l.ld ceed freely and vcluntarily
and without ~y c ')mpuls ion. cOllstr'lint. a.pr-rf'hen91on or frar of cr from her said t'lsoand.
:'.'I?~;3q<; my hand 8!ld official seal at Da,,"enrort Cour,t~.: of Scott. 6i~d 3:6 te cf Iowa th1s
Fe '):n:.ar;r. A. D. 1 ~~5 .
F. Gruen-RaId
l.otary Public.
this the
i?ob. 25, 1925.
P.C. Blared. Clerk Circ~it Court.
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By .' .~-./ / . ./?' , /;7,/. ~____/.., .~ C.
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..../~ ....
:?R~:D A. PEA ~.
THI~ D~ED m~de the 19th day of ?ebruarJ h.1. 1)~5. b~ Otto H&~sen aDO Grece A. Henserc his
~ife. end Hernan J. Zeuch and Aoe1aide T. 7.euch. his wife, of the co~ty of s~ctt. nnd ~t8te
of Iown hereinafter called the gralitoro to Fred A. Pease, of t.ne C01Ulty of Cll;!ahoga Stat.e of
Chlo, hereinafter called the grslltee.
WITNESSETH that the said grantors In consideration of ~en Dollars and other .~luable
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cO~$loeretions the receipt whereof is h~reby acknowledged. do~gr8nt. bargs1n. sell. ~ ien.
remise. release. enfooff. convey end oonfirm unto the ssid gr8n~ee. und hie heirs and assigns
1n fee si~ple. the lendo s1tuate in st. LuciO C~nty. State of !lorida. desorJ~ed a8 follows:
The west ten (10) aores of the east .twenty (20) acres of tract ten (10) "
Section three (3). ~ownehip thirty-three (33) s~;th, R~nge thirty-nine (39)
eest. 8S the 80me is deSignated on the l8St general plat of lends of the
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