HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL�'.I' I SGANNE® BY Bc[S'Home 1 Log•lp Usgrileglshanon. t Hot loots SubmitSurcharge Stats&Facts Publications, l` FaCStaff SasSlte;Map { Unks,) Search . Product. Approval USER: Public User t� ,Produ tAooroval Menu > Product _or Avolloton,a ADnlltation list> Applicatlon,Detp11 m F[ # 'FL12328-RB Application Type Revision THESE P Code Version `2017 ARE S PLANS O A4UNY PROPOSED WORK Application Status Approved. REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORSO HAT MAY NECESSARY IN ORDER TO Comments COMPLY WITH ALL APPUCA ER LE CODES. Archived Product:Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products, inc.. Address/Phone/Emaii PO Box 1404 3oplin,. M'0 64802 (41-7) 624-6644 :Ekt 2305 keni—ede.n@t4imko.com Authorized Signature Kerii Eden kern eden@tamko.com Technical'Rep"resentative. Kerr( Eden Address/,phone%Email PO Box 1404 �� µ.� � �e,3 6 y — 00QB Joplin,; MO 64802 (417)`fi24-6644 Ext 23Q5 6 Mu L'TLteA kerri_eden@'tamk.ci om ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIV SION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANC Quality Assurance -Representative REVIEWED B AddressyPhone%Email DATE �I' PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB Category Roofing. SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WILL BE MADE Subcategory Underlayrnents Compiiance Method Evaluation: Report from.a Florida Registered Architect, o"ra Ucensed Florida Professlonal' Engineer Lea Evaluation Report Hardcopy'Recelved Florida Engineer or Archite .Name! who developed the Zachary-R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE 740.2 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality, Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01%07/2019 Validated By Locke Bowden j .!.J Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL12328 R8 `COITBP1400y 4 2017 P13C Eval' Report TAMK -Underlayments flrial.odf; Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM:D1970, ASTM D236 I ASTM D.4869' ASTM D,63-8.0 TAS 103 Equivalence of ProductlStandards 'Certified ,By CONCEALED FASTENERS OR AI i-ACHMEIv i'S I ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OR-90TRAGTOR OR RECORQ I Year 2015 2009. 1616 2003 1995 FILE COPY Sections from the: Code Product- Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC-Approval Date Approved Method 1 O'ption D 10/05/2017 10/19/2017 10/20/2017 12/12/2017 FL-# Mode1,;idumber or Name Descrlptlon _. , 12328.1 ASTM Slp"te Surfaced' Roll Rooflng Roll roofing -surfaced'with' mineral granules -units of Use. Approved for -use in HVHZ: Ye, Approved for use outsideAVHIZ:,Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure N/A Other: See,evaluation report fQriimfts-c Installation, Instructions A, 2328U. II-TBP14001- 4 2017 FBC;Eval Report TAMKO Underlayments finAndf. Verified By: Zachary R. Priest'74021 Created by Independent Third _Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12328, R8' AE TBP14001.4 2017.F9C Eval R port:TAMKO Underlaynents-final: bdf Created byIn.dependentThird Party: Yes. 12328.2 ASTM Tile Underlayment Coated organic underlay menf Limits of Use; Installation Instructions Approved for use. In, HVHZB lYes, FL12328 R8, II TBP14001.4 2017 fBC. Eval R port'TAMKO Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Underlayments Fnal.ndf Impact. Resistant: N/A Verified By:, Zachary R. Priest 74021 Design Pressure. N/A Created by Independent *rd Party: Yesl Other: See evaluation report. for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL12328 _R8_AE 01.4 2017 FBC Eval:Report TAMKO Unde lavments finAndf - Third Party: Yes 11328.3, Master Smooth Asphaltsaturated: organic,underlayment. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:. No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes PL12328 118. II TBP14001.4-2017 FBC Evai Rebort TAMKO Underlayments final.pdf ' Impact-Resistanti N/A I Verified By. Zachary-. R. Priest 74021• Design Pressure: N/A I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation, Reports FL12328 R8 AE TBP14001.4 2017 FSC'.Eval Report.TAMKO Underlayments fiinal.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:,'Yes 123284 Moisture. Guard. Aselmodified dified bitumen underiayrrlenE,. ._. _ Limits. of Use Installation, Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL RB II TBP14Q61i4.2017 FBC-Eval Report TAMKO Approved formse outside HVHZ:-Yes nd rlayments Final:Ddf Impact Resistant. N/A. Verified By: Zachary R'. Priest.74021 Design:Pressuro `N/A Createdby, Independent Third. Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for lfmitsof•use: Evaluation Reports FL12328' R8 AE TBP14001 4 2017-FBC Eval Report TAMKO Underlayments final.pdf Created by Independent. Third Party:,Yes' 12328i5 No 15 ASTM Asphalt saturated organic felt Limits of -use Installation Instructions Approved for usein:HVHZ: Yes' FL12328 118, II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Approved:for use o,u:61de HVHZ; Yes Underlayments Bnal-. df. Impact-Resistanb:,N%A Verified By: Zachary'R. Priest74031 Design. Pressure: N/A Created by In. dependent Third Party: Yes. Other: See evaluation report for Ihriits of use. Evaluation Reports FL12326 RS• AE TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Rebort TAMKO Underlayments final.bdf, i Created by'Independent Third Party: Yes f 123284 No. IS UL Asphalt saturated. organic felt Limits of Use Installation Instructions 41 Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL12328- R8 II TBP14001.4 2017, FSC Eval Report TAMKO Approved for use outside'HVHM'Yes Underlayments final:pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 7402,1 Design Pressure: N/A I Created by Independent. Third Party:, Yes Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL12328 '118 AE TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Ml Report TAMKO Underiavments.final. odf. Created by Independent_Third:Party: Yes No. 30' AS* Asphalt saturated organic felt Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:: Yes Approved'foe use.outsid'e HVHZ: es Impact Resi'stant:: N/A 'Design Pressure N/A Other: See evaluation report for ilrntlts of use, FL'12328 R& It 15214001 4 2017 FBC Eval ReD rt`T MK0 Underlayments fnal,ndf Verified By: Zachary.R. Priest 74021 Created by'Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Ft.r7328 R8 AE Tf3P140014 2017 FBC'Eval Report TAMKO, Underlayments final,ocif Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1,2328.8. No 30' Uf✓ 'Asphalt;saturated-organic felt Limits of Use I Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ. Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes ItnpactReslstanti N/A I FLi 2328 RS II jBP1400% 4 20i7 FBC Eval Aeooft TAMKO `Underlayments fina I)df. 'Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Design Pressure: IWA OtherrSee evaluation report for imits of use: : Created by independent Third: Party: Yes :Evaluation Reports 1. FL12328 R8 AE TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Underlayments final.odf Created.by Independent Third Party: Yes, 12328.9 ;,TAM=FELT Alternate,to ASTM 0 22'6j. Type I1 undeelayment 'Limits of Use I Installation. Instructions Approved. for use in HVHZ• Yes Approved for use outside HV Z Yes Impact Resistant N/A Pressure N/A Other: See evaluation report f r limits of`use. FL12328' R8II TBP14001 4 2017 FBC Eval Reo_ortT_AMKO Und'etlayments final.pdf Verlfied Bw 2achary R. Priest PE,-74021Design Created by Independent Third,Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FLU 2�28 R8 AE TBP14001.4 2017'FBC Eval' Report TAMKO Underlayments final.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes, Beck 1'e3ct The State of Florida Is an WEEO:iamployer. copyright 3007-2013 State of•Florida.:: Privacy Statement ;': Accessibility Statement r Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addressevere public records. If you do not want your a -mail address released'inresponse to a pubiic-recards request, do no, send electronic mail to this entlty,-Instead, contact,the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you.have any questlons, please conti6vs50 40.139s: ;F jsuant1to Section 455:275(1), Florida Statutes, effective. October 1,, 2012, iicensees.licensed under chapter F.S. must. provide the Department with an email address if they have one„The emalls provided may:b_e;Used for official communication wlth.thelicensee. However email addresses are public record, If you"do notwish to sdpply a, personal address,''please:provide theMepartment with an, email address whichcanbe made7available to the:public. To _determine If you" area Ifcensee�under l.hapter455; F.S„ please"didc'tiere . Product Approval.Accepts: E Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 CR EK17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 TECHNICAL SERVZES, LLC• (813).480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT I FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, C EDITION' (2017) Manufacturer: TAMKO.BUILDING PRODUCTS,', INC: Issued October 19,. 201T P.O. Box.1404 Joplin, NI0 64602 (417) 6.24-6* quality- Assurance:. UL LLG(QI A9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Und6dayments Code Sections: '1507:.1.1 Properties: Physical properties PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I TAMKO(8) ASTM Slate ASTM: D 6360, Class. M, Type II underlaymentt-constructed from organic felt saturated Surfaced Roll Roofing with asp.hajt and coated on booth sides with asphalt and surfaced;with granules:. TAMKO® ASTM Tile ASTM D 6380, Class M, Type IL underlayment:constructed from an organic felt saturated Underlayment with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with granules. TAMKO®: Master ASTMb 6580, Class S; Type IV underlayment constructed from an organic felt saturated Smooth with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and; surfaced:with a fine mineral.. For TAMK00_Moisture, Self -adhered ,:,ASTM D 1970, -fiberglass reinforced, modified bitumen sheet membrane Guard® with a mineral s.Urfacing and a: removable, release film' on the -adhesive side and removable selvedge release tape. TAMKO® No:16 ASTM ASTM D1226, Type I underiaymentconstructed from 6-nob-perforated organic'felt that is .Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organid:Felt TAMKOO No.1:5.'UL, ASTM D'226,.T.ype I: undedaymentconstructed from a non -perforated organic felt -that is Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt Organic Felt TAMKO® No.. 30 ASTM ASTM D'226, "Typ`e it underlayment:constructed from,a non -perforated organic feitthatis Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic'Felt TAMKO® No. 30. UL ASTM D 226, Type II undedayment.constfucted from a non -perforated organic felt that is' Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt TAMKO®TW Metal and Self: adhered; tiezible, ASTM D 1970-and TAS:103,, rubberised asphalt sheet' membrane The Underlayment with a polymerfilm on the surface;and:a removabletelease film on the adhesive side. `TAMKOO TW Self -adhered, flexible, ASTM D 1910, :ru66erised asphalt: sheet membrane with a Underlayment polymerfilm on the surfaceand a removable release film. on the -adhesive side. TBP14001.4 _ FL12328.4R8; Page 1 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product, approval under Rule 81G20-3.. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,. LLC of any product'. changes or quality assurance changesthroughout the duration for which this report is; valid. 'This evaluation report does not .express nor Imply warranty, installation,. recommended use; or otherproduct attributes that are not sgecificallyaddressed Herein.. I GREEK. TECHNICALSERYICEs; LLG TAMKOts) TAM -FELT Alternatelo perforated k Installation: shall be in accordance requirements below: Deck substrates; shall be clean, dry, and checked for protrusioh and-corfected prior The roof deck:shall be:constructed of•close shall be installed in accordance with, FBC joints. The -minimum application temperature shal a) 'The minimum application.terr Underlayment shall be 4,0°F: bj 'The;minimum application.terr The minimum roof slope shall be in accord, a} The. minimum slope of TAM Underlayments shall be exposed inII exposure exceed 30 days. Exception. TAMKO® TWMetal a Self -adhering underlayments may be All roof coverings shall be ;411nwahla Rnnf rnvarinna- TAMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS, INC. TAMKO Underlayments 6 226„ Type I and, Type IC underlayment constructed from a non feltahat.issaturated with asphalt: installation and the ie from any Irregularities and debris. All fasteners id. the deck shall be underlayment application: -fitted plywood sheathing fornew or existing, construction. Plywood deck :quirements. Roof decks shall have no more than 1/8" gap -at abutting. be 50OF except as follows: )erature of TAMK00 TIN Metal and Tile Underlayment and TAMKOO. TW ature of TAMKOO'Moisture Guard® shall be 35'F. swith FBC requirements. except;as,follows: ASTM Slate'Surfaced Roll Roofing.shall be.2:12-. rice with 'the manufacturer's ;recommendations, but in no case shall Tile Underlayment may be exposed' -for a n1aximum.90 days.. to primed.or unprimed-plyWood substrates in the non-HVHZ. through -the underlaymerit to th&r.00f deck. y Roof° " Mlnenl,,�- .� Wood , � "5hinglee:apd � --� ._ s'= z Aaphaka Par►ela and i3unc�ed Rol{ Slate _ " Ctey and Underli; merit, _ _ • Shllee .... n Shin lea='-. Roofln '=..wShakee-Shin les`i =, . ConiiroteTtle;7 TAMKO® ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing Y+I N N N N Y TAMKOQ ASTM The NI N N N N Underlayment j Y TAMI(d&Master Smooth I+ N N N N N TAMKO(1 Moisture_Guarcl& Y N N N' N N TAMKO0 No:16 ASTM i Asphalt saturated:Organic Y Y Y Yz N :N Felt TAMKo.®`No. is a Asphalt Saturated Organic Felt IY Y Y Y2 Y N TAMKO®:No. 30 ASTM Asphalt; Saturated Organic Y Y Y Y Y Y Felt TAMKOO No. 30.UL Asphalt ; Saturated Organic Felt Y Y Y N Y N. TAMKO@ TW Metal and.Tile uric®rlayment . Y Y N N N Y TAMKO® TW"Underlayment Y Y N N N' N TAMKO@ TAM -FELT Y N N N N N 2) Wood. shingles only ry 2of4 echnica tServices, LLC of any product changes or quality, assurance changes throughout the duration for which. this report is valid. This evaluation. report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended•use, or other product attributes that are not specHidallyaddressed herein. ; §,CREEK TEC14NI'CAL SERU_ICI3S; LLC LIMIT mm..' 1,) Fire Classification is notwit hin the: s 2) Wind uplift;resistarice in:not within 3) Installation. of the evaluated product application.1ristructions: Where: dis compliant installation detail shall pre 4) Contact the- manufacturer'wh'en Ihst 5) Unless otherwise stated, the minima 6) All underleyments shall be: installed' (n: successive courses installed. up laps shall be staggered between col 7) The underlayment.may be used:as( 8.) The underlayment shall not be: insta 9) .Contact'the manufachrer regarding` 10) :All products,listed in this report shall Rule 61G20-3. fnti PRI Construction Materials, PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials PRi Construction Materials PRI Construction Mbriais PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction''Materials PRI Construction:Materials PRI Construction,Materiais PRI Construction°Materials Technologies PRI,Consiruction'Mate"ri'als Technologies PRI; Construction'Matedals Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies UL LLC (TST9626) TAMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS; INC.. TAMKO'Underlayments. Of this evaluation. of this evaluation. comply with this report, the FBC,,and,the manufacturer's published incies exist between these sources, the more, restrictive and FBC ,,gat temperatures below -the minimum -application temperature. roof slope shall'be In accordance with FBG requirements:: Ili the roll length parallel'to the gave, starting at;the eave, and lapped' deck in a manner that' effectively sheds waterfrom the deck. End .s in accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions, bribed iri..other current. FBC product approval documents. i over exis4ng .roof coverings. ecific.exposure limits foreach underlayrrient: !,manufactured�under a quality assurance program in compliance with Report No. Standard Year 3) TAP-192-02-01 ASTM D 1970 20156 3jf TAP-191;02r01, ASTM. D 1970 2015a 3) TAP-214-62-01 ASTM D 4869 211,96 3) TAP=21,5-02-01. ASTM.D.226' 2009' 3) TAP=216-02-03 ASTM'D`6380: 2003(2013) 3). TAP-217-62-01REV ASTM U6380 2003(2013) )) TAP-218-02,-0'I ASTM D;226 2009 )) TAP-219-02-01 AS17M•D'226 2009 3) TAP-220-02.01 ASTM D:6380 2003(2013) )): TAP-222-02, 01 ASTM:'D 4866, 2016 3) TAP-245-0Mll TAS 163 1995 ASTM15•4766 2011. )) TAP-311=02-01 ,ASTM D 11970 2015a: )) TAP-319- Mi.1 ACC 188 2012 1) TAP-387-02-01 ASTM D 1970• 2015a. 1) TAP-386-02;01 ASTM D 1970 2015a 13.CA12269 ASTM D 226 2009 rnis evaivauonrepon is provideo .for state of Florida product approval under Rule 611320-1, The manufacfuren&hall notify CREEK Technical,$ervices, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance; changes throughaut-the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation, report doesdnot express nor�imply warranty;, installation, recommended use, m other product attributes. that are not specifically "addressed -herein. i � i YY TAMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS, INC. CREEK � �✓ R E it 1 I TAMKO' Underlay_ments TECHNICAL SERVICES, RLC COMPUANCESTATEMENT products Y Zachary I P e Florida: Building The roducts evaluated. herein b Zacha R. Pnest, RiE. have. demonstrated compliance with'th Code;. 6 Edition (2Q17) as. evidenced in the referenced documents submitted, by the.nanted manufacturer. 47 NO :4021 =�.-04'00' CERTIFICATION CREEK Technical Services,'LLC does nothave, nor evaluation. CREEK Technical Serylees;,LLQis notowned; operated; Zachary'R. Priest; P.E. does not have, noPwill-acquire, a Zachary'R. Priest.. P.E Abes not have, nor will acquire, a Zachary R. Priest; P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization' No', AfyE9641 in:anycompany manufacturing or distributing products underthis filed by.any company':manufactunng ordistributing products under'this:evaluafion. Interest.ln any companynranufacturing or distributing, products under this°evaluation. Interest in any.other:entity involved in the approval process of tfiwproduct END OF.REPORT Thiss-evaluation report is provided for. State of Florida product,approval u Technical Services, LLG .of any, product changes or quality assurance.ch This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,'installation; speciticallyaddreSsed herein. I I ?0-3. 'Themanufacturer. shall;notify CREEK rut the duration for which this report'is: valid. use,. or other product attributes that;are not