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Fi1e4 and reoorded t h day of\~eb. A.D. 19~5. ~
P.C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit court.~
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LH'1,ffi CAllT A:m \'IILB~T CAlIT.
OT10 HAUSEN AnD HmtAl: J. ?Et'CH.
THIS DE3D mad~ the Fourteenth day of February L.D. 19~5. by Lizzie Cant IDld Wilbert Caut,
Exeoutors of the Eata~e of Alphonse Cant. Deoeased. of the C~:nt3 of Rock Island. State of
Illinois. hereinafter called the grantors. to Otto Hansen and Herman J. ZO:Ollch. hereinafter cB1~ed
the grantees.
\YI:'lESSRTH. that the said grantors 'in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) gnd other
good end valuable considerations the receipt nhereof Is hereby aoknowledged do give, grant,
bargain, sell. olien, remise. release. enfeoft. convey &nd confirm lunto the said erantee. and
heirs end assisns. i~ fee simple.-the lands situate in Saint Lucie COlulty. State of Florida
described a8 follows:
The west ten (10) acres of the 3ast twentl_(20) 8cre~ of tract ten (10)
in S('ction Three (3). TowDshi,. Thirty throe (33), SOllth. Range thirty-
nine (39) East, as the same is deoignated on the lest genf'xal pllit of lands
of the Indian ~i,er ?arms Company. filed in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court, Saint Lucie COilllty, ?lorica.
And the west ten (10) acree of ~he Eu:t Twenty one and 16/100 (21.16)
] 1
acres of Tract ~hirteen (13) in Sectior-Right (8), 7o~nshir- Thirty-thr5e
(33) south, Range ~irt~ nine (39) Eest. as the same is designated uron
the last gen~at of lands of t1:e Indian !U ".;cr Fer!:ls Com!lany, filed in
the office of the Clerk of the Circ~lt CQ'~t. B~int Lucie County, ~lotida.
J'his deed ie mode bj' vi rtlle of the pO'.er and autheri tJ fi ";en the e;rantors
in the.L'1Gt Will end Testament of seid dec~ased, end by the ellthcrit:: of!l
Decree of ~he Probate Cour\, of Rock Island County. Illinois, en~ered on the
14th ta-./ ('f February, A.D. 1925, authorizing and directing the serne.
WIrr~S3 the honds end seals of said grantors the day and yeer first above written
Lizzie Cent. (3eel)
Signed. sealed and delivered
in the presence of
Wilbert Cant. (S~al)
Executors of the Esta~e of Alphonse Cout. deceased.
P. J. }.{eersmen
t~p.ry Biebo.
$ 7.00 Doc. Stomp~
com.TY O? ROCK I9LA!!D.
I ~BBY CZRTI?Y. that on this day personally appeared before me, en officer dUly
authorized to administer oaths and take acknowled~ents, Lizzie Cant and Wilbert Cant. Exeoutors
of the Estate of Alpbonse Cant. deoeased. to me well known end known to me to be the individuals
desoribed in and who exocuted the foregoing deed. and who aoknowledged before me that they exe-
outed the ~ame freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expre8~.
and offioial seal at Moline. County of Rook Island, ~d state of Illinois
A.D. 1925.
P. J. treeremen
Kotary Publio.
26th, Day of Peb. A.D. 1925.
P.C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit COlat.
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