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AlmE!!90lJ DREDGING co. JNC.
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THIS IlIDF..N7:URE, Uade thLi 17th day of l?ebruary. A.D. 1925, BETlBEll Anderson Dredging
Co., Ino., 8 oorporation existing unuer tho laws of the 3tate of Florida ~~ving ita prinoipal
plaoe of buainess in tha County of Palm Beaoh and State of Flot"ida, party of the first part
and B.D. Boatright. of the County of 3t. r.ucie end State of Florida party of the seo~nd
WITNES9ETH. that the said party of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum
of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to/in hand paid. the receipt where-
of is hereby acknowledged. has granted. bargained. sold. aliened. remis~d. released, ~onveyed
and confirmed. and by these presents doth grant, bargain, se1: . alien, remise, release. con-
vey, and confirm lmto the said rorty of the second part and his heirs and assigns forevf'r.
all tha.t certain psrcel of land lying end being in the County of. 3t. Lucie ond State of
~10ri6a. more particularly de~cribed es follows:
Commencing at the lIortheast corner of land conveyed to 'if .;:. ~,:ervin on
the west brolk of Indiop ~i~er in Section Four (4). Township thirty-se,r.n
(37) South, Range fo:~ty- one (41), ~eotj thence running west ulor.g the
north line of said Hl'rvln's land to the Savanna; thence north alonE the ecst
boundary of said Savanna. to the south line of lend cvnve:,-ed to U. Saunders
and now o',rned \ly John taller; thence east alone saId 11!l1;:r'? south lir.e to
Indian Ri~erj thence southerly meandering the waters ed~e of the river
to the point of beginning. ccntainir.g ten and a half (lO~) acres Dore cr
less, but excepting from this deed the right o~ ~mJ of the ylorido East Coast
Rnilwa;! C o:np any , sleo lot in the northi'nst corner conveyed to schvol co:r,;dssiOIir,rs
for school lot; f!ogether wi th ell rirnrian rights in &!V 'flay apI.ertainin"
Being the same premises conveyed tv the said William ? ~ebb hy Wllliem
P. '(fo1fe. by deed dated ~ay 1st. 1900. ano reccrdet1 in the Clerk's office
of st. Lucie Co~ty in Book 1, pege 578.
This deed is "given, and froperty c011veyed, snb:ect to one mortgage in
the"amount of seyenteen hundred Dollars ($1700.00) executed by herein
parties of the first rort in favor of W.T. Webb. which Dortgage is to be
assumed by ~~re1n party ,of the seccnd rart.
Together with all the tene~ents. hereditaments and e:pplrrtenences. with c~ery rri,iloge
ri~ht. title. interest and estate, reversion. reoainder. and ease~ent thereto belon~inc
or in nqywise appertaining; 10 a\VZ AIill ~ HOLD ?H~ Sfu~e in f~e si~ple forever.
MID ~~ SAID P,R~f of the first part doth co,enant with the snid ~arty of the second
pert that it is lawfully seized of the said premise9; that they are free of all lncur.:brances
and that it has good rightar.d lawful authority to sell the !'l8r.-,e; and t!le Gaid !llrty of the
firot part does hereby fully warrant the title to Daid lend. and will defend the same Bcainst
; the lawful claims of nll pfr90ne wh~msoever.
III '''IT}E~g ;rm:::lEO? the said part:: of the fi rst pert has caused these presen ts to t.e
, signed in its name by its President and its oorpor&te seal to be affixed. attested by its
Secretary the da;! and y.~r above ~~itten.
AUIF:330li lJREOOING CO. lilC.
By A. 3. Anop.reon. President.
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