HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION-VOIDAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETER F.OR AP -Ll�f, O"BE.ACCEPTED' Date:: Permit Numbers, 2201-0361 , T�o ]Lari _ �w : E o BLUE B:uIld1ng.Permit Application, Planning and.DevelopmentSewices J Bwldmg and Code Regulation Division C1!6M 1'(erclai ReS(detltlal. _. Yes- 23o6Virginia Avenue, Fort. Pierce. FL'.34982 Phone; (772) 4624553 Flak: (772) 462-1578 CBDG Funding: yes PERMIT APPUCATION'FOR; NOW- build.4't4.804E1,-Nueva.Avenu'e PROPOSED I'MPR01lEMENT LOCATj@C* 4804 ELNueva Ave, Fort'Plerce, Flor'da, 34946 Address:. - - - � PropertyTaxlD-9 . 1431-703-0.028-000=7 I . -.. LottNo:. T&<8 Site Plan Name: Block Nd. B, .Project Name:, NeW build 4804 6 Nueva Av nue, D'ETAI�LED DE=�S,CR'I'PTI©N OF WORK• NeW.'single-family residence for:GDB.G=DR+Rebuild program - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, no garage. I New Electrical Meter- Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CON 1TRUCTI©N FNF®RMATION: be This. Additf0iiaCwork to performed under permit— check all that apply: _Meehinical _ Gas'Tank, Gas Piping Shutters ;Windows/boors. _ Pond _ Electric Plumbing, _ Sprinklers, _ Generator _ Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of:Cdnstruction:; 1926, Sq: Ft of First. Floor: 1926 Cost, -of COnstrUctlon::$ 15o.000.00 Utilities: ;_XSewer ,Septic,_ Building Height: Se fic on site but ub c,sewer water are used ®WNEROOESSEE C®;NT IIRACT►®.R': .Name Samuel Smith_- Name:: Paut'Judson Address:: 48W4 r fdiiPva Aypni A . Companya Sfonewater' Inc - - 'City: . Fort -Pierce , - States Address 2005 Post Office: Zip:Code• 34946, Fax: City 'Galveston State .TX, Phone, No. 772-489-0776; .. E- Zip Code: 77550 Fax:" Nlail; - Phone No 843-906-0898 Fill in fee simpliEM6e,l olde'r on ne t page (if different E-Mail. 'kannPr1V 9Prmff(MfcwhnmaS rnml from the`Owner listed above) State'oi .County License: CRG1332722., If Value Of tonstruction_is'2500 6_ more„a RECORDED Notice of'Commencement, S required., If value of HAVC s•$7,500 &-mo[e, a RECORDED Notice of,Cominencement-is required. SUPPLE ENTAL CQN, �UCfION LIEN LAW IN�F � JVIA QN: 'OESIGNEIh;ENGINEER• f � Not A " ItcafIe. _ pp MORTGAGE-CQMRgNY - Not Applicaljte Nacre: , Address City., i .Cty :States. P. Zip:., Phone: FEE;SIMRCE'TITLE'HQLDER;Applicablet `BONDING COMPANY;Applicable Name: Name; Address Address. , ,City.. Zlp OWNERS CONTRACTOR AFt=IDVIT� AppUcat�on is hereby matle_to obtatnta permit to-do-the'.work, and'instaitation aslridicated'. Vmrtifythat rio work:or. installafion h'as commencetl priarao the Issuance"gf a permit:; St luErg Cgunty`makes no representattdh4hat (s ant�ngta permit win authorize the permit -holder to build the subject structure vsrhtch;confilcts with an ap, Ica Homeowners A. ssoc[a ion rules; bylaws:or and;eovenants.that tray r�estr�ct or prohlbit such' structure; Please, o .su ll th your Homeowners�Ass&Ntrbd-,a d revtew,y¢urd ed'for arty re5triction5 which may911p[y:; 1R considerattort ofthe;geanting of thts requested•,permit,, l:.do herelsy agreeahat;l wilt, in all'respectsF perform the work' in accordance with the.approved plans] the Elor[da Building Codes and St Cueie County Amendmetats: The following, butttliag,permit applications gNIOe eritipt frog t under'gomg a fu(l concurrency reyiew, room add'ittons; accessory structures, swimrning,,poots,<fencesL walls, signsscreen rooms,and,accessory use to another non=re§fderit it se 1NARNiNG TO OWNER Your farlure, to RecaYd a Not%e O Commencement may. esult in paying twice for Improvements to. your property A Nbtfce of tommencemel�t must be recorded 1n the pubhc,records of St:. Lucie Cqunty arld ppged'.on the. jo6site before the first Inspection [f you intend to obtain #inancfng, co, nsult with lender. or an attorne `be#ore so.mmenein work or recordin. = our Notice.of Commencement:" 1Pma J 6 Sign . urwo Owner% !'essee/G6ntractor All APPLICABLE INFO IVIUST'BE COMPLETED FOICAPPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:,— Pere it NUmbef, .. .�::`. FLU EBiAM lui7 ; Appli at!'' ding " eftit lic on Pldnhwng>dfid Peveldpffiiiht.S&Vkd Buifdir-e4e.ge I .,Cd.M - erdM Resid6rit I Yes g apd'C TU dtionDRdsion 2306: 11irgWo Aye0yeTp-rtPierc 0 FL 34982, Phone- 014 462-iS53'Fax w'(7'7i) 62-1578 'C5D Funding: Yes. Ing. PONT APPLICATION FOR: New, buildat:4804 EI Nueva ,A venueJ _' , 4804 51 Nueva Ave, - Fort" Pierce, Florida, U646 - Address:.' PropertyT,aXIII5.#: 1401408�-0.029-0.0110-7 .8. 7 Site Plan,Narhe: Block, No. B W - Project Name:. New build 4804. E1'NU6 a Av6n I we [JDETAIL Ep.',PE,SS-CMPT104J0P1_ New single-family residenc6;*f6e'CDBGDR,',R6build't)rooram New Electrical'Meter Second, Electrical M ter .'(AfiIdh1vit.reqUir6d)' ;CONSTRUCTIONINFQRMATIbN AdditiOrialwork tob-e,performed' under this pe . rmit check all-that.apply: MOthabical -.G" Tank Gas NO Shutters —,Windbws/Dqprs; 'Pond Eldctric-, Plumbing Sprinkle s Generator koof Pitch Total-Sq. Rof Cons ruction, 1926 8a. Ft. of -FirstFloor- 1926 Cost. of Constrtkction: 1'50.,0001'00- Utilities litim, _XSeWdf Septic Bdilding_1`16ight: GINNER/LESSEE 3 CONTRACTOR Name Samuel Smith PaulJudson Compang:,;St6neWater Inc Address: 4gn4, 1=1 �Nr JpN/A AVP City: Fort Pierce. State- � Address:. 2005 PristQffice. Zip Code: .34946 Fax:, Galve6tofi Stat&: , TX' Phone No. 772-48,M776' Zip Cocl.et. 77550 Faks' Mail: Phone No: 843 1 -906-0 - 898 Fiffiniibe simple Title Holder-omnext page pf'dlm, lent. &Mail kAnnAr*_9iRrrn , t1Ariqwhnmpq reim from the Owner listed'above) State Of C64nty U.66ntd, CIRC13V722 - I) nvaiue of construction is z5uu or Mq(L!i a'KEWROEDINotice of.Commencerrept is required. it value of HAVC is $ q�[ 7,,�qq oe�nidre, �3 RECOgp�EP.Npti qfC0r6Mp6cerheht is required. Name. Address: ess TGAGE=CaMPANY Ndt-Ap'pditAbf State:- � Ph In carisideration of the granting 'o t isl f h*' reqtjestedperrnft,_Cdo fiereby-agreethat] will, .', t ln,all-respects, , , in accordanceWith:ihe�4pproved,p�ghgi.iha,�lor186,6tildi 4�0Lqcw"Co;.*eiWnehts, 'The ,following ,byy i,ngpertap,-pc t­o­ns,grge�enpt,f.,rqM q,n' "T" pn ga,'fu11,"concurrency review,. worn adOicrsj accessory,struciure's,.sWmming.Podt��,f�nc6t,,Wgll�,,��, screem,fdo61s and'acces�Sor uses to; pon�"eLti&... fiaUOse .iL PftyOul Presence or onlineiNotadzielow person making'statement. lv�Kryown.,,/'. OR,P'rbdF4c0 Commission Ashley bp'nne yCqOrniNion,GG949276 REVIEWS, FRONT COUNTERREVIEW 2-6"MW SuOtEAVItOA'. REvgW PLAN REVIEW `VEGETATIQN'l 'REVIEW' SEKTURTLE REVIEW 0% % " �' MA19GROVE' ; I,EW REY MATE fRECEIVEt7 f