HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1224 24 . ----.- ...-.. -- -.. .-... .-_.. - --... .-.- .--. . .. ----..-___~..___ ______-'1 _~_ __-__.4_.._~ _. __J_ _~___ ..'. _.. ."'" . .~._. i; ABD the Grantor. for itlelf an4 its nooeseorl, hereb1 oo'unants and agrees With the Grantee, hi8 heire. legal representative8 en4 as.igna, a8 followe: !hat 1;.\..e Grantor has full power and lawful right tQ oon'fey said land in fee skple anel that it ahall be lawful for the Grantee, ~s heir8, legal representatives and aeslgns, at all time8 peaoeab11 and quietll to enter upon. hold, ooouP'. and en3o, said land. and that 8ai4 land 18 free from all inoUDlbranoes, an4 that the Grantor, it. 8uooesBorw and assigns, will make 8uoh further aseurano_. to perfeot the fee 8imple title to sold land in the Grantee, his heirs and as- eigne, ae -7 rea80nably be required, and that the Grantor does hereb7 ful17 ftrrant the t1 tle to 8aid land and will defend the same aga1net the lawfUl olaime of all per80ns whomsoever; Prodded hownor. that said land Ma all of the oO'fenante and warranties of the Grantor in th18 4ee4 s.~ forth are sub3eot to the f~llow1ng llens, inoumbranoe8 and interest. and to the oovenant. of the Grantee hereinafter set forth. AID the Grantee. for himself and his heirs and legal representatives. hereby cO'fenanta anel agree8 with the Grantor. its sucoe8S0rs and aS8ign8, a8 follows: 1. That he will pay ~ ana all taxes heretofore aS8eS8e4 or which may be hereafter asses8e4 against 8aid 1ana b7 th~ Jensen Bridge District. or ~ other di8trlot or political sub-di'fision of the State of '10rid8 by reason of the oonstruotion or oontraot for oonetruotlon or bonds issue4 of or ooncerning t~e bridge at or near ~eD8en. llorida. aor08S the Indian River. as well as a~ and all other bridge. drainage or speoial roa4 taxe8. if 8D7 there be . heretofore assesse4 or whioh DIJ ma, be her"$:~c;er asses8e4 against said land. all of the same -being aSlJumed by hill A8 a part of the consideration for this oon'feyance: all sub3eot. howeTer. to the right and du!1 on the part of the Grantee to protest and litigate the Talidity of the oontract. bond iS8ue and the asses8ment8 for taxes in oonnaetion with the sai4 Jensen bridge in striot aooordanoe with the te~ms, of an unreoor4e4 written agreement between the .parties hereto elated November 20th 1924. J 2. That all taxes lawfUll, asses8ed against the 8ai4 land for the year 1926 shall be paid by the Grantee a8 part of the oonsideration for thi8 oonveyance; proTided that OU demand of the Grantee after November let of 8uoh ,ear the Grantor shall pa, to the Grantee 7/366tha of suoh taJres. 3. That this deed 18 made sub3eot to the right. of T.R. Bane8 and E.L. Price. their heirp legal representatiTe. and assigns, In the timber on said land. a8 well as ~ and all other righ'.~ whioh they ~ ha'fe under and by Tirtue ot their contraot with the Grantor made under date of 'ebraur, 16th. 1924. and reoor4e4 in Deed Book 66. page 229, in the publio reoords of 8aid Count, and sub3eot therefore to aDy rlgh~under suoh oontraot whioh under the terms thereof may revert to or be aoquired by the 8ai4 Gren tor in the event that the sai4 BaIlee. and Price failed to pay the p~cha8e mone, notes giTeD for the timber on 88id land whioh are desoribe4 in 8aid oontraot 4. That thiB 4ee4 18 made subJeot to the rights of fior1da ...t Coaat BalllfaJ' CompaD1'. their 8UeGe880rS and assigns. uncler the right - of .8:7- agreement, eta., given ~ them by the Grantor dated 16th d., of ~pril, 1924, and reo~~aod in Deed Book 66. page 338, in the publio Reoorc18 of eald Count,. , , 1.1 Ii Ii I III WI!II3SS WHmBO', I'RAlJKLIB LABD COKPABY hu ",aused this Geed to be signea in 1 te name b, i~re8ident, Bnd It. sorporate 8.al to be hereunto affixed. atte8te4 b.J ft8 SearetarT the ~i}8t above witten. '\ J!WiKLDI LAB>> COIIPAIY Dr JOB. .. Bennet. Its President. AT!BS! : Albirt Penells. It. georetarJ. D.C. C.P. DuelnburJ'. ~i!tm~~il~ll~ I l ~~. ','". ~~ ." ': '~.\~1~;~~!~JfIB