HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1226 26 .. ." ',. \ I., . - ......~.. ','- ~'"": -,- -.~..,~-+~-.,-:.,.. '.--~.'. .-.. --,- -.....,. _.~----- ....,..--:0........... - "":"""":-......-~.......... ._-.". '--, . --~-,:,~,-...,--- " _' ."....,.. ...-' -:'''''': -__, - .~- .-, __ ...... _._" 1'.- .. '. ,-- .--- I +-- --.- --.....:- -_._-~----~------- ---.----...------.'- ---- -------..- ---.. ......-------.. -+--- -_._---"--_.. --...--------,---- --.... 8ald aeferrea payment. ~o be eYldeno.d by proaia.or, notes bearin8 slx per oent per annua and 8eoured. 'by mor~88g. on ea1d land. ; . If ~he Puroha8er d.oU.. to puroha8. .del land at aeld prlo., then he 8h&l1 slye the 01nuuL' notlo. of 8alel intentiou and Bald OWner ehall thereupon haye prepar.d at his own expen.. an abstraot of titla to ute ot said land. and a 800d and suffioient warrant7 deeel. with wife's dower T.l~.sed. to s8id land, within ten 4aye aftlr reoeipt of sald notlo., and 881d Owner shall deposit, said abstraot of title and 88i4 exeouted de.d iu the It. Pleroe Bank & ~rU8t Com- pa~. of Pt. Pieroe, fla. to be dallyered to the Purohas.r or hie or4e~n dellyer7 of 8aid oa8h payment and sald notetl and mortgages baok to said Bank. to the order of tha saU Owner. Provided howeYer, that the Purohaser &hall ban the period of thirty 49.18 ..tter 8al4 abstraot and lk 4eed are deposited in Baid Bank for the purpose Of haYing 8aid abstraot and deed examined to determine whether the title is 800d, If the purohaser shall not exeroise the option of purohase herein given on or before the date abov6 stated, th~n this oontraot shall be null and yoid an4 shall be binding upon neither party, anel the Owner shall retain an7 amount whioh has been paid him as 11quidateCl Clamage8. !hie oontraot shall be binding on and ~ure to the be~efit of th~ heirs. suocessors, legal repre~ntatiYee and assigns of the respeotiye parties hereto. IN WITHESS WHEREO', we haye hereunto affixed our names and seals on the day an4 year first above written., Signed. sealed, and deliyered in the pre8enoe of : A.K. Hill (Seal) Joseph J. Heim (Seal) By Rollen R. llartin, Agent. (Seal) A.W. Young, Job LeRoy HutoUBon. STAn 0' PLORIDA ] ss COUlTY 0' ST. LUCIE. I HEREBY CERTIPT that on this (lav personally appeared before me Rollen R. llartin, to me .ell known to be the person desorlbed in. and who exeouted the foregoing inetrument and aoknowleClge4 before ae that he exeouted the same for the purposes set forth: WITlESS my name and offioial seal this 14th day o~ Ka:y 1924, at Vero, ".... P.C. Eldred, Clerk Ciroui t C..'.ll't. I..' /) _ .' , By . / ,/- " ---..,.--- ../thf.-Q'//I''- J(/It< .'.lf~"-i/-;:'1. <-- .' Jllorlda. ~ .~ ~ 7 -<' "" o u ~ . . Bel11e 1(. Babb, Notary Pub11o. State of nor1 de at Luge. My Oolllllisslon expires Kay 28. 19M.- this the 27th d8:y of 'eb. 1926. D.C. ..................................................~....~...*.................$............. w.s.)(. PlIiKHAJl to AJlJlIDAVlT 8t. Augustine. J'lorida. WHOK IT illY COllCERlI. J8~. 13th. 1926. I, W.S.)(. Pinkham, one of the heirs o~ the late Reuben H. Pinkham. formerly of Bre.&rd COUJlt:v, florU., being Cluy norn, deposeth and ea1th that Wil11am Smith ancl I'rederlok ~th .er. the only heirs of rrq sister. AD'lon.tt. Smith long slnoe 4eo88sed, sometimes oalled 10ha14t. j' ~ -:~~ .~ ---'~ ...8.)1. Plnkhu1. b801'1bed ,before me thh 13th Cla7 of January A.D. 1926. H.B. laYer. Botar,r Publlo, stete o~ llor14a ~ C~8.10n expire. ll67 16, 1927. ~~~~l~~\~!w~~tfl! . .... ....:y:.dti~~i~~~