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WITBESS ~ hsnd and offl01.1 aeal "., 'Jfo1.1ne Oounty of Rook Island and State
~hi8 16th d., of Januar,y A.D. 1916. ~
(t 8.00 Doo. Stamp. Cancelled.)
IIJTtle I. Swanson.
BOWl Publio in an4 fur Rool:: Island County. Ill.
~ Commission expiree Boy. 16. 1927.
recorded this the 28th day of Peb. ....D. 1926.
P.C. Eldr~~. Clerk Cirouit Court.
By\ )r/- ! 1/'- '. ,,/ /'. ---;-~'_ >, />>.C.
/,~/v /f-~V~?N-AJ {/I_"~'t_~.(..---e_..._ t; l...-I" .t'"/'-__
of I11ino18
~ ~
I. C. KYLB, and wife.
THIS DEBD Ya4e the 3rd day of Ootober A.D. 1924, by I.C. Kyle. and Lucy R. K~le. his
- wife, of the Countl of Broward. and State of Plorida. hereinafter oalled the grantors to
Vero Highland Park Company, a oorporation organ1sell under the laws of the State of P~on dB
with prinoipal offic. in st. Lucie County atate of Florida. hereinafter called the grantee.
WITBESSETH, that the said grantors in oonsideration of 'lEN DOLLARS AlfD OTHER VALUABLE
CONSIDERATIONS Dollars the receipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged do give. grant. bargain
Bell. alien. remiBe. release, .nteo~f convey and oonfirm unto the Baid grantee and its
successors and asslgns in fee simple, the lands situate in st. Luoie County state of Flori"
desoribed &s follows:
. -,
- ,
All Gf Lot Seven (7). Seotion Eighteen (18), Township Thirty-two (32)
south. Ranae porty (40) East, being approximately forty acres, more or
less. 1320 ooean feet. together with all rip.rian rights and appurtenances
and Lot eight (8) and Lot Wleyen (11). Seotion Eighteen (18). Township
Thirty two (32) South. Range Porty (40) Eest. oontaining eighty acres,
more or less.
TO HAVE AND TO HODD the same together with the herel1tamenta and appurtenanoes, unto
the said grantee, and its suooessors and assigns in fee simple.
AND the said granto~s for themselves and their heirs and legal representatives. covenant
with said gr~tee. heirs. legal representatives and alslgD8, That said grantors are inde-
feasibly seised ot sald land in fee Bimple; that said grantors haTe full power and lawful
right to oonvey Bald lands in fee simple. as a!oresaid; that- it shall be.lawful for said
grantee, its successors legal representatives and assigns, at all times peaceably and quietly
to-enter upon. hold. oooupy and enjoy said land; that said land i8 free from all inoumbrances
lhat said grantors, their heirs and legal representatives, will make such fur~her assurances
to perfeot the tee simple t~tle to seid land in sald grantee, its suooessors legal re-
presentatiyes and assigns as may reasonably be required; and that said grantara do hereby
tul11 warrant the title to 8ald land and will defend the eame against the lawful olaims of
all persone whomsoever.
WITBESS. the ~d~ and seale of said grantors the My anO Year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the Prosenoe of
w.c. Kyle, (Seal)
LUOl R. Kyle. (Seal)
c. J.. 'Oiner
J.B. Cain.
( . 10.00 Doo. Stamps o8Ooelled.)
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