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I H8REBY CBR'!'I" that on th1e day personally appured before me en offioer duly author1sed
to admin1Bter. oaths and take aokJ10.led8lllente W.C. Kyle and Luoy R. X7le, ~18 wife, to me well
known and known to ..e to be the Indlvl4uale desorlbecl in and who exeouted the foregoiD8 deea.
and-they aoknowledged before me that they exeouted the same freely and Toluntari17 for the pur-
poses therein'expre88~
AND I PUR'l'HER CER'Un. that the sald Luoy R. Kyle. known to me to be the wife of the 8a14
W.C. Kyle on a separate and private e~amination taken and made by and before me, separately and
apart from her sald husband, did aoknowledge that she made herself a party to eaid deed for the
purpose~ ~of renounoing, rel1nquhhiD8 and oonTeY~D8 all her right, title. and interest, whetbtr of
dow~r. homestead or of separate property. .tatutory or equitable in and to the lands described
'hereln, and that she exeouted the said deed f'reely and voluntarily ancS without any compulsion
oonetralnt, apprehension or fear of or fro. her eaid husband.
WITlf3SS my Jumd and oftioial seM at Pt. Lauderdale County of Broward, and state ot nor! da
C. J. Joiner. ~
Notary Publio tor the State of Plorida at Large. ~
MY Commission expires Janu9ry 23, 1928. 0
28th d~ of 'eb. A.D. 1925. ~
P.C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. ~
By/)/-/~/- N~'<</ J~~/..Z:; :f/~~D.C.
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............... .....................................................
G. W. BIlfGJIA)(,
JOHN J. O'mUElf.
W.1..~'fi DEED.
'l'HISIIJDD'rURB, JiacSa this 19th day of Pebrua17, A.D. 1925. between .G.\f. Bingham, un-
married, of the County of Palm Beaoh, in the State of P10rida party of the first part and John
J. O'Brien of the County of Palm Beaoh. in the State of Plorida, party of the second part.
WITN&SSETH. that the 8aid party of the first part. for and in oonsideration of the
sum of '!'en D011are, to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part. the reoeipt where-
of is hereby aoknowledged. bas granted, bargained and eold to the said party of the second part.
his heirs and aeslgna forever, the following describecS land. situate. lying and being in the Oounty
of st. LUcie, and State of Plorida. to-wit:
The Korth 3000 feet of Lots 1, 2. 3. 4 . 6 and 6 of Seotion 32. Township 36.
South of Range 41 East, the same being a etrip of land 3000 teet measured from
north to Bouth extending from the north line of Seotion 32 and bounded on the
east by. the Atlantio Ooean and on the Weet by the Ind1an Rl~er. the south line
of said traot being bamnded by a line parallel to and 3000 feet south of the
north boundary lIne of seld Beotion 32.
3ub~6ot to that oertain mortgage heretofore exeouted by the grantor herein
to Trustees of the Internal Improvement Pud of the State of 'loria, in the WIll
ot .33,049 .06 dated Ootober 11, 1923, and reoorded in Vortgsge Book 18 page
.461 in the otfioe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court in ancS for st. LucJ,.e County.
Sub~eot aleo to the taxe. for the year 1926.
Sub)eot also to the reserT8tion8 and rS8triotione oontained in the deed from the
h.aJt..e-" Q.f the Internal ImprO'Y8SIlent I'w1d If the State of Jlor1da. t\) the grantor