HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD & LABORATORY REPORTI UNiVERSALDate Typedt No.: MProjy004, 20181.0007 ENGINEERING S Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Geophysical Services • Materials -Testing Building Code Administration, Compliance] 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638 IENC:ES ronmental Sciences reshold Inspection ction &,Plan Review 8 - F: 321.638.0978 Construction Materials Testing Services FIELD AND LABORATORY REPORT COVER PAGE Client: Ryan Homes I [R-ECEIVED1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 West Palm Beach, FL 33401SCANNE-Q IJ 0 8 2018 Project: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 72 lyFort Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL County, Permitting �tLwip("flif �N, As requested, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc (UES) representative(s) performed construction materials testing and/or field inspection services on the above project. Testing results and/or inspection observations are reported on the attached sheets. The contents of this package are summarized below: IScope of Work Work Order No. I Date I I Type of Report 96110-1 1 04/23/2018 In -Place Density Test Reportw/Activity Record We hope this information is sufficient for your im'Mediate needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. ECE-1vt2l. JIM 1 1 2018 By.. 40 ICC Email: cbugg@nvrinc.com; elibrihi@nvrinc.com; iomcalli@nvdnc.com; sign adn seal to ryan homes it Sincerely, . „ Universal Engi, ievring Sciences, Inc. Certificate of Au-thOri7-ation N'&.'00000549 ..r Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 48796 File Copy PARTIAL APPROVAL UI roject No: 0310.1700251.0007 1-INIVERSAI UES DOCS No: UES Report No: 96110-1 ARC 042318 ENGINEERING SCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering •Environmental Sciences On -Site Time (hrs): 0.60 Lab Time (hrs): 0.00 Geophysical Services • Materials Testing -'Threshold Inspection Travel Time (hrs): 0.25 Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection & Plan Review Total Time (hrs): 0.75 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 Activity Record Client: Ryan Homes 1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 11 Project: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 72 ,Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL i Date of Activity: Monday, 23 April, 2018 Technician: Cliff As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences Technician was present at the above referenced project site for the purpose of earthwork testing for the House lot. While on site, the technician observed the general condition of the areas to be tested and performed 4 density test(s) for House lot. All test(s) were performed in accordance with the ASTM D-6938 Nuclear Gauge Method and were found to meet the project compaction requirements of 95% of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. The Contractor was notified of the test results or a copy was left for their records. i I UNIVERSAL LiK.'S Project UES DOCS No:: 0310.1700251.0007 ENGINEERING S61ENC.ES UES Report No: 96110-1 DT042318 Consultants In: deotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences GeophysicaI.Services • Materials.Testing • TfiresholdInspection 03 Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection.& Plan Review 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32966 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 Client: Ryan Homes i 1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 West Palm Beach,' FL 334011 Project: Area Tested: Type of Test: Technician: Requirements: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 72 ,Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL House lot Field: ASTM D-6938 Nu( Lab: ASTM D1557 Mod Cliff Cherrnay 95% of Proctor maximum dry only and do not address the c r.Gauge Method Date.of Test: 04/23/2018 i Proctor sity. These tests apply to the fill and/or surficial soil conditions ition of the underlvinq soils below the tested depths. Test No. Location of Test Range Depth (inch) Proctor (2) Field Dry Density (PCF) Field Moisture % % Compaction Comments (3) 1 N/W Test 0-1 ft 12.00 21235 112.4 11.3 97 A 2 N/E Test 0-1 ft 12.00 21235 111.7 10.6 96 A 3 S/E Test 0-1 ft 12.00 21235 112.5 11.4 97 A 4 SNV Test 0-1 ft 1 12.00 21235 110.4 10.6 95 A (1) Ref. Datum: 0 = Top of Native (2) Maximum Optimum Proctor Dry Moisture # Density Content 21235 116.0 10.0 (3) Comments Key A. Compaction meets min. requirements B. Compaction does not meet min. requirements C. Moisture does not meet requirements D. Recompaction required E. Recompacted, Retested, Meets Requirements This test was performed without deviation from ASTM procedures. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Universal Engineering Sciences. i 08/08/2009 21:35 77222��=` �9 PAGE 02/02 UOu Planning & Development Services Building & Cade Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave,1Rm 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone:772-462-2165 Fag:772-462-6443 1 BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM House lnfiitratia,n Test Certification Prescriptive arid) Performance Method .Wr�l�•,fiY•�ti�►li�ti;�'• � salt.:.. fc,6� Yotuist ' Permit #. 1� Jci . 2'-L RECEIVED JUN 082018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ....�.i•i;r,.d1' :``E"srrs,':a:••.;.:.. ";7�,•.��..'�:;:f. ',�. •..::.:.�...,•. . air ' ddMarl �lirn�it�•��rie:2• .flit'` • ' nfcex.Vei'e'dk►t8oxi•t�+uket�'fe�s:tiiab.�••�tCM; ass .(:'�:it FUG, Energy The building or dwelling unit shall be tested• and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per hour in Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted with a blower door at a•pressure of 0.2 inches w. g. (so Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes or indlvitluals licensed as set forth in Section 489:105 (3)(f), (g) or (i) -or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any Urn rug* e building thermal envelope. "Cr FOC, Residential Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is. less than 5 air c pressure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402 the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole house mechanical Testlng.Com2an Company Name: GFA Intemational, Inc. I hereby certify that the above hlc requirements* accordance with Printed Name: Michael Anderson License/Certification #: BPI 5059963 h4Khtn1te?i1 � Florida Bur, in accordan ver door at a V Conservation 1507.3, Address: 607 NW Commodity Cove, Port St. Lucie, Florida esults demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation �.2 Climate Zone 2.