HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION INSULLATION CERTIFICATE-ep I 3601A Cro-sisrbads Parkway Port Pierce, FL 34945 404553944 Gale Insulation BUILDER: NVR Inc D/B/A Rya JOB ADblk'IESS: 5353.,Oaklandl PERMIT#: The u.ndersigrjed hereby certifies that Homes SCANNED q t LU f, lie'ltodPOV INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE i 1--�PffEEIVED SEP 0 6 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permittin LOT/13LOCK: 72 has been installed in the above property as -follows: I.. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with Reflective Foil . to thickness of .75". inches, which according tofl-Foil Company 1 Will yield an "R" value of 4.1 2. Exterior frame Wall hai-,been insulated with to a*thickn.6ss of inches, which ,according to Will yield an "R" value of 3. Ceiling Area Olat) has been insulate8 With Fiberglass Blow to. of 13" I .I - been - insulated .- I _'_ ... inches, which - according,td Knauf will yield an "R" value of 38 4. Ceiling Area (vaulted) has been insulated with to a thickness of inches, Which according to 5; Interior knee walls have been insulated with to a thickness of inches, which according to _,_. ;will yield -On "R" value of 6. Gar -age common -on walls adjacent to conditioned living �p5ce have been insulated with Fiberglass Batt to a thickness of 3.5'-' inches, which according to. Knauf will d yi . el an ' "R" value of .13 General Contractor/Builds' i v Insulation Contractbr's Signature - License #.CGC151,2.117.9 signature THEAFFIANT., Jeremy Theisen 19 PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME,.- Sworn to and subscribed before me -this 6 day of Sept Notary Public, Stated t - I.(