HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTNye uumuIlL,✓ PERMIT # BY l ISSUE DATE 01^k`.O.AR9inilrl-i PLANNING & DE Building & 'C, RIDGEWAY PLUMBING (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMING (Type of Trade) For the project located at 53 5 3 B OC ,K lay, TOPMENT SERVIC e Compliance Division PERMIT R AGREEMENT RECEIVED APR 0 6 2018 ST. Lucie linty, Permitting have agreed to be for iJVR, f NC ACL2ycw►-407es ' (Primary Contractor) 1Q,K6 Cird e (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) �i I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned i project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -co ractor, notice. 2 CO TRA GNA URE (Qualifier) �0lberl c�!/h i -f LU PRINT NAME 2-91 17 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofa/Yrl 8 ,eQ 4 W14 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2 day of J gftA ,20_d bey Z0�_f Sr0i�%4wTcK who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as iden ' ati STAMP Signature of Notary Public jai 141q 145:9P. , Print Name of Notary Public ,,111110., IKA LEBBINI State of Florida -Notary Public 5* *_ Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires Revised 11/16/2016 Z4001. SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1-!! day of 20_(gby GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Si ature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public "" 11 11 KATHLEEN 10. HAt:i_ E �`•- Notary Public -State of Florida tsy Comin• Expires ion 17, 2018 CUITl171i33i0n # FF 133586 L'ecdedihrougtiNational Notary ilmn. STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE r NOT T PLANNING & D ` Building BU SUB-CONI One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC LOPMENT SERVICE RECEIVED Compliance Division 3 PERMIT APR os Zoos OR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Ptyrmitting have agreed to be (Cotnpany Name/Individual Name) the 'MechanicatiHVAC ..Sub -contractor for .NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located .at 5 3 5 3 Q IV 10,10 G�,�l e (Project Street.Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that;, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division.ofl'St. Lucie Co inty-will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA SIGNAT RE (Qualifier) SUD-C TRACTO_:S.IGNATURE (Qualifier) ROBERT SMITHW- ICK I KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 28917 I 29939.. _. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,.Codnty of PALM BEACH -State of Florida, County of ORANGE .The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Z�day� of The foregoing'instrument was signed before me this 23 day of P"e_ ;20jjby ROBERT SMITHWICK FEBRUARY 2Q'L b3, KEVIN STINE rho is personally known or hss produced a who is personally koownor has produced a c ns id _ ficalio . < as identification. STAMP j STAMP' Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary i .' .ERIKA LEBRINI :, ERIKA LEBRINI - ,,�a"b orida-Notary Public Print Name of Notary Publi ' V Oetprniooion # GG 084371 Pr' t N�M t+'l��ijytnry Pub1ELLY W?E oTFiotlda_Mllrcf� My®ri9mission Expires 16, 2021 Notary Public; '_ Commiaston N FF978034 _ =°� Camm.Expires Apr 4, 2020 af, My Revised 11/16/2016 _ _ PERMIT # PLANNING & DE Building & C i �I ISSUE DATE : . Compliance Division 7 PERIM 1T DR AGREEMENT RECEIVED APR 0.6 2018• ST, l,ucle.county, Permitting AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company NameftdNmi zil Name) the ,electrical Sub el ntractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES_ (Typo of Trade)... (Pnmai 'Contractor) For the ro'ect locafed at 5 3 S✓3 K �� a , P J �. c1 CLLI�G Ci��� G '(Project Street Address or Properiy'Tax LD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status re arding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Build' g d Code Regulation Division,of Si.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of , Sub -cc/ r notice. SUB-CONTRACJrOR SIGNATURE (Qunlitier) V RbBERT BMITHWI.GK Gaty R. Evans - PRINT,NAME PRINT NAME. 28017 286.2 COUNTX CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY•CERTIFICATION.NUMBER . PALM BEACH,: State of Florida, County of State of Florida, Countyof BrOWard The fore oin instrument wds'si 'ned'before'me this d ' $ 8 g Z day of . I 22 . The"foregoang.mst`rument ivas signed, before me fGs � day,o1 i11Ly1. ;Zg Ig b ROBERT SMITHWICK y.._ February _, y Ga R. Evans .- .. 20l�b r... . wliois. personally known '! or bas,produced:a is lmorvn 1 who personally or has produced a aside a'tion. ceeellt as ideiitificatiod. STAMP Signature of Notary Public C - (/YVI ( STAMP Signature;of Notary Public ERIKA LEBRINI ,��P�aERIKA LEBRINI j Laura G. Linden Print Name,ofNotary-Public of Florida -Notary Public =* * Commission # GG 0843711.Priri tNameofNotaiyPublic ;��oFFtoe°•` My Commission Upires March 16, 2021 Laura E: Linden GGO33695 Revised 1111612016 September 28, 2020 Bonded thou Aaron Notary i QUiVTY' 441 'h PLANNING &c 'DEVE.ILOPMENT SERVICES Buildiitig & Code Compliance IDivisio - RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT APR 0 6 2018 SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting " 1 PetersenDean Roofing And Solar (Company Name/individual Tame) the Roofing Type of Trade) For the project located at 5 3 S 3 00-9/ru! (Project Street Address have agreed to be for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) Gl ra le Property Ta\ ID #) I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildinyfil Code Regulation Division b'f St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK i 28917 C()t�i�'i'1` CIR7'fl�It:A"I'IC)1 NIii61B1ZR ' State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was signed before rut this 5 day of rC/_,30ld,b} SMITHJ8iCrli_ who is personally know. or has produced a aside ' cation. - 4r STAMP Signature oflotary Public � 7771 se� - ERIKALEBRINI `,`YpLEBRINI��rida-Notary PublidPrint lame uflotary Publicon # GG 084371ission Expires �,OF h 16, 2021 Revised 11/16/2016 a ti :ONTR:#CI'OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Byron Keith McStoots PRY\"1' N AM E 29024 COUNTY C"ER'nFI .,%TIo NVAIBER State of Florida, County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of February _, 2018 I,}" Byron Keith M_ cStoots who is personally Itnown-36r has produced a is identification. 51'.+�11P Signature of -Notary Public Beth_Wagner _ Print lame of Notary. Public WHWAGNER A MY COMMISSION # GG 081027 '•;" 'q- EXPIRES: April 13, 2021 ��ifOF F„•e, Bonded 7hru Nolary Public Uo&r**e:s PE - RMIT# ISSUE DATE ------. 'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES E. U, r-Mc"J Dididifig & C 646 -Complia-000 0jvJ I. T1 -R'' —1 ACIFOI su!�.W.N AGIREEW, APR 0 6 2018 .ST. Lucie County,'Pernnitting GALE INSULATION have -agreed to be , Com anyName. nd. i­id4h1Name flle— -V INSULATION bi_cqjjtr',.act Or for.NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES . -- (Type of Trade) (Primary Vor the project located It is wid(erko6d that, fthere i§ alit' clighp OfgtAWro'gdrd - in'' g - o b f participation with the 4bo­vd, ffi­ 6nti . 6iW projOt, the BOildi filing Of and Code Xe.gUldtio--ii Div"isi6iibf St. LbdiKoUhty W-41:be ;w,viae'd . p--ar'-s- u- id tit" to the su,6V6ntfddt6t notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK YRIN.T NXVIE 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATIQl NIQNIP9.1.1 Slate of r. wid.), County 9f Tile' S!&eq before fii*e this. Y. of .20- Ig by ROBERT SMITHWICK ag'i,clel"ci . 6ii� I STAMP Signntiirc'of N61fit'ry Pufi.jk' PHhtNwucorN6t' ERIKA LEBRINI State of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 �z- My Commission Expires C, 1 March 16, 2021 Reyli:4 11/16/2016 COUNTY Q P�TjfJlCATION. NUNIDER: S1AW6fF1&idA, County ii Tile We&nii instrument ;,ih'S'iikfiid'before time this 2 -d ;lY of MARCH •20.1 E, by PAUL W. HASH its identifaifilidii. (2 STAMP Print Name 6f.Notary Public . 4 MELISS _55. _PP -Not ry.'?ubllc=Stateo(Florida 138356 My Comm �xpir'LA-Ayg l o