HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1242 42 . - - _.._"-__._' _.._ __-_0_- .~_ ________.._ ___.__ .___..__...____._____~._-__._.._.._..______._.._ ......__ __.______....___..__._....____... __""-_._____..._...._.. _._..._...__ _ _ . -........-.r.......-, .. "-''''''' -'- -".-,..,.... .....- "-"'. .,'-- Z" '._ -"-. ....--,.- -- - "'::" -..."" _...' ."~''''~''l'Oe-..r. ... "~_.-_...._: ..._....~_.. _._ _ _' , ...' _. .--."'. "-'..'.'.. ", and assigns at all times poooeably and quietly to enter upon. hold. ~ooupy. Qrd enjoy soid lard; that 8aid land is free froM all enoumbranoes; and that it does h_reby fully werront the title to s9id - land and will defend ~he some against the lowful olaim of all -persons whomsoever. III WJTURS~ WHEREOF. the party of tho first port has htreunto affised its nal!le and .eal on the d~y and year firet above written. I Corp. Soa1) (Corpor', te ~ea1) Hoosier Realty Com~ony. 3Y W. E. Williams Bresident. Signed, sealed end delivered in th. presonoe of: RubY Palm 1.60 Doo, Stampa Cano. Ruth Palm State of ?lorida County of Vo1usia. Personally appeared before me this day W. E. Williams. to me well ~nown 88 the President of the Hoosier Realty Compsny. a Corporation of t~A State of Florida. and as the same person de- scribed ~n and who executed the foregOing deed and he aoknowledged that he signed the nal!le and af- fixed tho seal of said Corporation to sold deed; that he was du]:' suthorilled thereunto by the Board of Direotors 0 f 8a id Corporation, and that said deed is the aot and deed 0 f said Corporo- thos 19 tiOll for the purposes set forth. III WI:'lI'ESC! :1iG;f':0? I have her'nto Q) > "0 ... o U. tLt- '.I?;> ~1d affixed my name end offioial eGalrt Daytona ?lorida. Ruth Pale Notary Publio, State of ?lorida: My commission expires Jan. 28-1920. . " P. C. Zldred(Clerk of the Circuit Court) BY tJ ~A"'.-L' ,.?/f a;/l/UJAA /~ ~ D.C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ). A. C. nIllGAt!AN. and wife. to W. ". NEiYllAN. WARRANTY DK&D. THIS INDENTURE Kade the 19th day of Pebruary in the year of ou~ Lord One Thomsand Nine~ Hundred and Twenty five BRTWERl'f A.C. Klingaman. and Pearl Inez ningaman. husband and wIfe. of the County of Shawnee State of Kansas partiea of the first part. and W.W. Newman of the County of Jaokson state of Missouri party of the seoo04 part. WITHESSETH. That the B~id parties of the t1ret part. for and in oonsideration of the sum of Ten (110.00) Dollars and other valuable oonsideration Dollar8 lawful money of the United States of Amerioa, to them in hand paid by the 8aid W.W. Newman party of the s.oond part at or b.fore the ens.aling and delivery of these presents. the reoeipt whereof i8 hereby aoknow1edged haye grantod, bargained. 80ld. conyeyed. and oontirJ:lecl and b; these Pi"f1Sthi';;5--'dn grant. bargain. Bell" oonyey an' oonfirm unto the said part of the seoond part. and to their heirs ano assigns for- eyer. all the following pieoe parcel lot. or traotof land, situate lying and being in the ../ County of Hil18borough and State of Plorlda, and desoribed as follow.: South One half ot Traot (420) 'our Hundred and 'twenty in ~oWD8hip (32) Thirty two. Range (37) Thirt7 Se.en. of st. Luoie. County. 'lorida. Thi8 de.d made to oorreot error ..de in former deed ) ooyering 8ame lande. fOGE!BER with all and singul.r the t.nements. 4ere4itaments and appurtenanoes thereunto be- longing or appertaining; and ..ery right, title or intere8t. legal or equitable. ~f the ea1d parties of the first part oil in and to the 8ame. . '!O HAW AID TO HOLD the lame unto the Bald party of the .eoon4 part. and bie heirs an4 . assigns, to their own pIoper use. benefit and ~hoof for~ver. . ~ i ": ~",''':~~~';2t~fj~