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property. statutor~ or equitable, in and to the lands therein desorlbed. and that 8he exeouted
the said deed treel~ and volunt.ril~, and without any oom8traint. fear, apprehension or
o~pulsion, ot or tram her 8aid hU8band.
WI'l'HESS my 8ignature and offioial 8toal at Hartford, in the County of Hartford, 111 d State
the day and year last afore8aid.
George P~ Dunoan. (Seal)
Bot&r7 Publio MY Commdssion expires Peb. 1927.
I. GKROGX A CONAN!. Clerk of the County of Hartford and of the Superior Calrt of said
State within and for said County and Keeper of the seal thereof. DO lER8BY CBRUrY that .eorge
P. Dunoan Esquire on the 3rd day of Januar~ 1923. wae eyer 8inoe has been. and now 18. a
Bo~~ Publio wlthin and for said State. duly appointed, oommissioned and sworn, wIth authority
by the laws of this State to a~inister oatha. to take affidavits. depositions and the acknow-
ledgaant of deeds and other inst~ents; that his term of offioe oommenood on the 3rd day of
Jsnuary 1923, and will expire on the thirty first day of Janusry 1928.
1ft TES'l'IlmHY 1fHBRXOF, I haye hereunto set my hand and the seal of sat d Superior Covt at
Hartford, in said County and State, on this 3rd day of Pebruary, A.D. 1926.
the 2nd dey of )leroh, A.D. 1925. 0
;'0 Eldred.. Clerk Clr~U1t .~~urt.,._.. &
;J~..-J(J;;;;.h4g~?C' D.C.
George A. Oonant. Clerk.
ALBER! Y/. )lAy ,iNn WIPE.
THIS DERD )lade the 20th day of )lay A.D. 1921, by Albert 'if. Hay and Plora )lay, his wife. of
the County of Cook State of Illinoio, hereinafter oalled the granto=8 to Bellie U. Babb, ot
the County of St. Luola and State of Plorida hereinafter called the grantee.
WITNESSETH. that the satd grantors in oonBlderation of ~en Dollars and other valuable con-
8iderationj the reoeipt ~ereof is hereby aoknowledged, do give. grant. bargain, sell. alien.
remise, release, enfeoff. oonvey and confirm unto the 8aid grantee, and her heirs and a~s1gns
in fGe simple. the lands situate in st. Luoie County. State of Plorida. described as follows:
West ten aores of traot ten, section thirty one towaship thirty two
south range thirty Dine, east, &S the same is designa*ed on last
general plat of lands of Indian River Pa~B Company filed in the otflce
of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court of st. Lucie County, Plorida.
{ I
'l'CI HAV3 AND TO HOLD the same togethtl'r with the herecUtement end appurtenanoes. unto the
s81d grantee and her heira and assigns in fee ai~le.
AID the 8a14 ftrantora for themselve8 and their heirs and legal "repres.ntatiyeB oovenant
with the aai4 grantee, her heirs, legal representatl?e8 acd essigns:
ftat nI' srantore are indefeaelbl~ uehed of selc1 land in tee simple; that selct grantors
. have full power ano lawful right to oonyey 8ald lands In fee 81Vl., as aforesaid; that it
. shall be lawhl for said grante., her heire. legal repre..ntaUyee and uei gnat, at all time8
, peaoeably and quleUy to enter upon. hold Ocoupy and en30y aald lan4; that 881 4 land i8 tre.
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