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theee presents. the reoeipt whereot 18 her~by aoknowledged, haTe grante~. bargained, Bold. alien-
ed. remised. release'. oonveye.. and ~ontirme4. and by theee presents do grant. bargain. 8el1.
alien. remiee. release. oonTey and oontirm unto the said part7 ot the eeoond part. and his heirs
~nd assign8 torever. all those lots. tr_ots, or paroels ot lan~. lyin8 an4 being in the Count7
of St.. Luoie. and Stete of 'lori4a, and desoribed as follows; an undivided one halt interest to
Lots three and six (3 and 6) ot Seotion Nineteon (19) in rowoehip thirty two ~32) somth. of
range forty (40) East, ot the Tallehass6e Meridian, PlorLda. Containing SeTen~y six and ninety
eight hundredths (76.98) aoreB. Said real estate to be held by said Ethel Pitt Donnell and
said Julius Alexander Heasler. as tenants in oommon.
fOGBTHER with all and singular the Improvements tenements, hereditaments. and appur-
tenanoes. thereunto belonging., or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversional
remainder and remainders. rente issuee. and profits thereot, XBD ALSO. all the estate. right.
title, interest, dower and right of dower. separate esta,e. propert7. possession. olaim and
demand whatsoever. .as well in law as in equity, of the 88id parties of the first part. o~ -. in
and to the same. and every part and paroel thereo;t. with the appurtenanoes; 'lO HAVE AlID ro HOLD
THE ABOVE granted, bar~ain94. and desoribed premises. with the appurtenanoes. unto the laid
party ot the second part his heirs and assigns to his own proper Use. benefit and behoot for-
And the said parties ot the rtrst part for themselves and for their heirs. exeoutors.
and administrators. do oovenant, promise. and agree to and with the sald part7 ot the seoond
part. his heirs. and assigns, that the said parties of the tirst part are at the time of the
sealing and delivery ot these presents lawtully seised in fee simple of a good. absolute and
indef8aaible estate of inheritanoe, of and in, all and singular the above ~anted. bargained.
and desoribed premises, with the appurtenanoes and have good right. tall power and lawful
authority to grant. ba~gain. sell. and oODYey the same in manner and form aforesaid. And that
the said party of the eecond part his heirs and assigns. shall and may at all times hereafter
pescefully and quietly have. hold. use. oC9uPY. possess. aud en30Y the above granted. promises,
and every part and par.el thereot, with the appurtenanoes. without any let, suit. trouble.
molestation. eviction or disturbanoe of the said parties of the f1rlt part their heirs or 8S-
sign&. or ot any other person or porso.ns lawfully olaiming or to claim the ..... And that-
the same are now tree. olear. dlsc~arged and uninoumbered of and from all former and other grants,
titles. charges. e~states. 3udgments. taxes. assessments and inonmbranoes, of what natnre and
kind soever. exoepting first perty, Ethel Pitt Donnell, hereby expressly retains and reserves
B Tendor's lien on said real estate to seoure payment of the balanoe of the purchase prioe in
the Bum of Twenty thousand Dol1ars($20,OOO) . evidenoed by fo,r (4) notes of 'ive Thonsand
Dollars (.5,000) each, dated Indisnapolis, Indiana, January 30. 1925. due in one year, two.
years, three years. and tour years respectively from this date of .t..Jmuary 30, 1925.. and payable
to the order of Ethel Pitt Donnell, negotiable and paysble at the Yerohent's National Bank.
of Indianapolis. Indiana.for Talu. reoelved. without any reliet from valuation or appraisement
laws. ~ith Intereet at six percent (6~) per annum from date until paid. The drawer a and endorsers=~~
severally waIve presentment for payment. protest and notioe ot protest, and non-payment of this I_J
It is expresBly agreed that Bald Vbndor's Lleh eo held by tirst party. Ethel Pitt Donnell.
ahall constitute a tirst v8~1. prior and subsisting lien on the above desoribed real estate
to seoure and guarantee the payment of said Dot.. and eaoh ot thea.
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