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Lots three and eIx, (3 ~d 6) of Seotion NIneteen (19) in Township
Thirtr two (~2) eouth, ot Range Porty (40) East ot the Tallahassoe
Keridian. florida. ,Conta~ning Seventy six and ninety eight. hundredths
('/6.90) aoree.
an~ulY reoorded in t~e reoords of St. Lucie lounty on the 10th day of Karch, 1919. as shown
by the oertifioato of P.C. Eldred, Clerk of the Cirouit Court in end tor 88i4 St. L cie County
'lorida. and reoorded In Deed Book 34, page 282.
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. ~c/r7.' Clerk ();;~t ~::t. d /" DC
)//H~>>?c~p/ \(hdL:4P{?!;;t[.f__:-/ · ·
1/1 .
Ethel Pitt Donnell,
Bdward R. Donnell.
Sub'c~~~nd sworn to before me thie 30th day ot January 1925.
H.A. Henderson.
Notary Publio ~ Commi8sion
June 28th, 1927.
,ned and reoorded this the 2nd day of Kar. A.D. 1926. ' .
T~n S ~_~:'.:::;:>.:-:~rT r..ade and entered into this 12th day of August, 1924, by and between ?ho
Vero ~each Deve1opnont Com~any, a cor~cr8tion organized and existing ur.der ond by virtue of the
laws of the St:..t of Ohio, heroill8 fter tOrP.lfld z'irst Party. and ..:oKee-Sexton Land Company, a
corporation orga:1ized and e.isting under aud bj' virtue of the 18w~ of t~ St<:>teof Ohio, l=te1'3188fteI
~t11'iiiEnl ~'iHJL Par~. ~n1t~cY." Sexton- I.&nd Cem!'aRY, 8 QQP!leyatlvu vl~~ eJud uAlatlut; llfilier
~jl' vil'-ue of '-he l8we~bILSta"e oT' <:'lorida, hereill8 fter temed Seoond Part~. 'III T11~SQ~TH:
Tij6t First Party has this dsy sold and Seoond Party has bought all the property both real
and personal owned by ~irs~ Party on the Peninsula, ~8St of Vero, in St. Lucie County, Florida.
and running from the ocean to the Indian River, and contsining approximdtelY. thwee hundred(300)
acres, and more accurat:ely desori bed as follows:..
"All the 80uthwest quartor of Qectton 2~. Township 32. Range 40Zast. to ond in-
cluding the ocean beach and all riparian rights excepting such rights as the ~nited Ststes Gov-
ernment rrsy possess in the property on which the life saving static:1 is located, and compriSing
about eight(8) Bcros;
All the South holf of the Southeast quarter of ~eo~ion 30. ?ownship 22, Horth Range
40 ~ast. and including 011 riparian rights;
All the liorth half of the Uortheast quart.n of Section 31, ".'owoship 32. Horth Hange
40 ~8st. and including all riparian rights
All of the liorth half of the Northwest quarter of Seotion 32, ?owoship 32, Jlorth Range
40 ~88t, ~nd inoluding all riparian rights.
Save and except oertai n lots which have belln Bold by the 'loro BeQoh De'7elop&lcnt Com-
pany out of its allotment of a portion of Baid pr~perty and which ere doslynoted on the plat of
said allotment which is on file 1 n the offioe of the County Clerk of qt. Luoie County. as follows:
lots 3, 4. and 'A' in Block 2.
Lots 13. 14. 18, 19. 20 and 23 in Blook ~t
Lots 'A&. 'B'.. 'C'. end 'D'. arId Lots 6.7,10.11,12.14.15. and 20 in 'Plook 4.
Lots 'A' and'B' and 1. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12 in Blook 6.
i,:Cc-/.1. 10 k/><d II .(';-~/ m~4".
tot 'C' in RInok 7".
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