Doscripttoo; _.
d7,Ct221;,°. 1 "�aY'Crlmp"=(t{i5)
2BC,att�e'•at�l�^aj6 riFxrteigfrt,24'.'-t±lclelapoed„root, panel
metban itaily atioched ba 3 5J32 piywooit br Wood I7cclC tiidt
l: Inns of Use .. a^InStatlk')4itln
hpproved tar use in HVN Nrs
IriStCUCtibl:Z9 - ,
Liy; it p , 7 r'- J CriP t f"
APpravmd for trso dutside NlYH2' Ws ' I
Verified sy: Lotke Bowden:: P E 49704
Create&by TndependenkThird PartVi Yes
llapact Resistant ;No
i3esign Pressure `+NJAI Table A !!!
Eval►iation RopR_ S
Ether. Rtifer to eval,riatton mpPWol con iittons .fistaii the '
tri'tampliahce with Nfe•installoron method listed lir
f1 7 3�r A_ Fix�%4 . �'� R h}P sr.nsif
Created by IndefsendantThird partyr Yes
Kis report and applicable cedes Ctrbns of FBG: IWor 6b. .
rilahufatfttrer•Installtifln InstrvCtiont,.
17022 2 2 5Y`Crimp {.it6}
0.0 32 Alttminu:m, 3/B° Rib:tiglght, 2 "; wrde it+pped roof ..
panel, mechanically attached to YS/32 plywooii or Woad
Detkzwtth eXposed.:fa6tenere
Limits at, uga i
Approvedtot U��,ih HVHZ Na �
npprbveif for use.outsrde,HVHZi Yes'::.
In4tailatlan Instructions
VeriCaesi By Lotka'Batvden P E 4704
Impact Resrstnnr'Na
Ctbated by Independent Third Party. Yes
Desrgri"Pressure: +NJA) Table A
otlI r; Raferta evaluation.report,forconditions Install the
EvalUatian Reports
assembly Irrtampilance wltti the instzrliatibn method ilsted in
ALi1fi9 ^sr pdf
this report and appiicab{e code sections of FBC Refer to
Created kty IndependentThira Party Yes
in re installation inst(l), ti III
k7022 3 .,
3 t5 Menhanital.5eamL { R5} 31
5 rib'fierght, 16" widn, 29 gauge steel, �tandin9 �m
tvaf p�nei rneGhariically attattred,iz�-+i5/32 plytvaarl or"jyood
deck with ciips:arr'dtasteners�
Limits of Use
insteliptrtln instructions
6X sprovbd for trsb in I4VH7:'f4n
E�17h2 l3� Ylf...?'4 i0?. ,_a,.+.5 rt 'nklAtfJS i11
Approueii f6r Use outside HVHZt`Yes
�inpact Resistant: NO
S alit "'Z4aa x
Verified By Locfte Bowden; P E 4970
besipn pressure 4 JAI Tabf
Created bx Independentihhxi Party
6tIher fifer t o evaluation report for -8ni ton , and ' '
limrtatibn,bf use Install the:as5embly In:;cbmplranCe 1Vtth
Evaluation Reprtrts
FLx7Oi R7E' i 402 S F1cCHA)+il
• ttie Instoiiatiian rnedtod listeii,in:this', repnft and appiltabie=„ "'
� Alrrr, �4r�a s<r�f .
dode'secdbns it FOCr„Refer tojttsnufattii" "r's lr staifatian
Created—by,Ind#pendenf Third Party: Yms
17022 4 'p 4 2 i5 1ie6tiatlital 5eatri {RSi
1 5 rib helghtr IV wider, 0,032 a{tirrifnutt}r Standing seam
roof panel mechanicalfysttached_to 15)32 .plywood ar ticiod
Deck with cups and fasteners
E units rif.Use
Approved far use to HVHp Na
TnstaNaltian Instructions
Fr 37a;!t7 it, Ft 17tt�i 4 Ater HANr i,ar s1L.
klpprovedlaf use'c utside HVNZ 1'os
Impact Resrstartt fed
+ 11t1 t$ 1 d
Verified: By Lotke eow tan, P E 49a04
f)esign pressuroirNJAJ ?able A ;
Creaited by Independent Third Party 'Yes
t3tfreT�t2efert6evatuattoni;e*rtfarcandition dhd
tlmitati4ns'af Use nstait thea5sembly In campllance with,FLi7022
R— > L } } � 1st IAL bEA 1
the installatlan method IF•L6dIln;thisfreport and applicahte
codesecUoitsaf•.FBC,',Mere rtb mantrers ufact"Ins,iilation:
r p,df
crest(w by,Yndependent ruitd Party:<Yes',
..: , -
3=j022 5 YY Y 5'- °i In Nail Ship {R5)777
r•ib height 16"4vi8e, 26 6"ge steel, standing sea m,mo •
i penal meth>aMcally attache€1 ter 15152" plywaoii or wood ;.
j.deck wish fasteners
TfitYiits of ;ilea � .
Sppraved for U9e"in flVH . Wci
Installation Instructraris
f"L1,1Q 2 R7 tI :i l 1 41 >:5 1 0 jl iLStRiP's5i_,p
Verified By Locke Boyden, P E. 49704
Approved for"use•outgide HVa{Z; Yes'
':irnpaet ResrStant �fdo i
Creatai by IndejsendentThtrd Party' Yes
i7esrgn Pressure - FNfliiTabie A
Othe} eyalUat3on TePortforsondition� and
Evaluatrtln Reporf�
FLa3U R7 A_F702c£ 0 G'I?f?> Ad.{
ltniliatlons of use install the e55embly 7n cAlnpiland Nvlth
I Createdby Inr3ependerat;7hird Party. Yes
lit laat 'prier._ l�I? 41t1.asps'?par n= wGE4 XQ 7tDc1Y2aI3.i I1�Q{.e... 118/2018
. I
Compliant -with Florida wilding Cod 7 017 (61''e&)
C+na 1ph nt�with Florida Prcaduct;�ppr v i:Ptule # 61G2O:3
Cc�rrl liana. Ke .none, Certl Ic,atioris
Product; 5 V Crimp 26GA Step! Root Ptnel,FRC Sec.1507.4.2 '
Yield, strength: 50 ksi mini.; Attached to min.15/32" plywood or Wood
ck �n J min i.42 �peciflc j�r�v1 with shrews. 24" ::average
Rib Meight'318„ .
Corrosion itjislstant Compliant-.".. FCC Sec..1507.4.3
Fastener l (Method VAttai chrnent : #9 x 1-1j2" Mex iiV'asher.,H6ad mood screw *4 penetrate
3/167 rnin.,thru deck +or.5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient 106gth .to meet
requirements) .
Fastener.2 Wethod 2A 4 Attachment):.#10-x 1-1j2"' Hex-Vasher Mead wood screw to
penetrate J16" rrn�n ti ro d+ k 1r=5%g" �nnbedrnenfinto arc�Od plink. {*or sLaf icient ier>gth
e: ,
to meet,requirementsj
Underieyn*oiot .To.be comOliant with FBC,,Sec. Chart 1507.1.1
Slope -.'Shall be 4n compliance with F®C Sec.1507;
see astene aid-ac�smrert speci c rtions-above
Install Retells: Table, A, #Ailgvi►able" LeaJdS
, METHOD I � ,MET'HO � _
., METHOO 3 _.
; iit1ETH OD 4
'` ` -86 PSF w-g •5 PSF�
: w -.161 P5F
-228 P5F .._
16 ox. 1>5" O.C.
r2" O.C.
120, 0 C. 2" o.c,
12" O.C. .
#9 " #10
_... _.
UL 580-06A 1897.0 1 Test- Report -. i 893.01-45048 W/02/14
Test ii aart F3365.01-45&48
TA5 125-03. , rest -Report Do51�98.02.450-18 07/22/14
EQUIVALEhfiC9 =tdL 1'S9704 ,isyuival�nP ty test'stndard U[ f897-Y *1�os�grr pteszrr� mrgirr vffety Z:Z
_<.. .. ��� F�}i,J�j-��ff
Locke Bowden, R.E &es not have, not Will acrtulre a financial iti Wq 0
under this evaluation:
Locke 8owden,-PsE. !s>not owned, operated, or controiled by a& coeipart pml!Wfatturesi or
rturingor distriliuting..products,
istributing products under this
FL17022.i 6V Crimp (26GA,Steel), 24" Wido noof Pam `DeUils
1. Under ' layment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code I (Pt3C)2017 61h ed. 'installatio n reference.
2. Minimum slope to be compliant with ,Florida. Building Code 2017 6th ed., and per with Manufacturer's
Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: I-D
4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers.
5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, Shear diaphragm values are outside this.report,
6. Support framing in compliance wIFBC 2017 601 _ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for
Structural Loading
7. This report does not imply, warranty., installation, recommended product use outside of this report.
15,137'or gmater Plyvwd; or
Mud plank
09. - 1-1 rZ, Min, ar
910 x 1-117"Min. Per Tgbfs 'A" far ROW 5-v C611V Rod Panel
Spacing and Design Pressures
HaxWasher HeadWood Scre Nvs
Pariel Profile
0. C.
XLT977'17-1/2" Min. or #10 x 1-I12' Min. per
"Table "NHex Washer Head Screw
1. Spaced 12" o.c..across the Panel Wdth
Panel Refer to Table "A"for Spacing Along Panel
Overlap Length
Deck- 15132" or greater
Plywood, or
V\bod plank