HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFING,.' ' t�ntlei'N�tmher.ar'Name Doscripttoo; _. d7,Ct221;,°. 1 "�aY'Crlmp"=(t{i5) i 2BC,att�e'•at�l�^aj6 riFxrteigfrt,24'.'-t±lclelapoed„root, panel metban itaily atioched ba 3 5J32 piywooit br Wood I7cclC tiidt fasteners l: Inns of Use .. a^InStatlk')4itln hpproved tar use in HVN Nrs IriStCUCtibl:Z9 - , Liy; it p , 7 r'- J CriP t f" APpravmd for trso dutside NlYH2' Ws ' I 4. Verified sy: Lotke Bowden:: P E 49704 Create&by TndependenkThird PartVi Yes llapact Resistant ;No i3esign Pressure `+NJAI Table A !!! Eval►iation RopR_ S Ether. Rtifer to eval,riatton mpPWol con iittons .fistaii the ' tri'tampliahce with Nfe•installoron method listed lir f1 7 3�r A_ Fix�%4 . �'� R h}P sr.nsif Created by IndefsendantThird partyr Yes s5embty Kis report and applicable cedes Ctrbns of FBG: IWor 6b. . rilahufatfttrer•Installtifln InstrvCtiont,. - 17022 2 2 5Y`Crimp {.it6} 0.0 32 Alttminu:m, 3/B° Rib:tiglght, 2 "; wrde it+pped roof .. panel, mechanically attached to YS/32 plywooii or Woad Detkzwtth eXposed.:fa6tenere Limits at, uga i Approvedtot U��,ih HVHZ Na � npprbveif for use.outsrde,HVHZi Yes'::. In4tailatlan Instructions .��,Z.3.'�...�3�.-,�&�.�7,�v2.�..� VeriCaesi By Lotka'Batvden P E 4704 Impact Resrstnnr'Na Ctbated by Independent Third Party. Yes Desrgri"Pressure: +NJA) Table A otlI r; Raferta evaluation.report,forconditions Install the EvalUatian Reports assembly Irrtampilance wltti the instzrliatibn method ilsted in ALi1fi9 ^sr pdf this report and appiicab{e code sections of FBC Refer to Created kty IndependentThira Party Yes in re installation inst(l), ti III k7022 3 ., 3 t5 Menhanital.5eamL { R5} 31 5 rib'fierght, 16" widn, 29 gauge steel, �tandin9 �m tvaf p�nei rneGhariically attattred,iz�-+i5/32 plytvaarl or"jyood deck with ciips:arr'dtasteners� Limits of Use insteliptrtln instructions 6X sprovbd for trsb in I4VH7:'f4n E�17h2 l3� Ylf...?'4 i0?. ,_a,.+.5 rt 'nklAtfJS i11 Approueii f6r Use outside HVHZt`Yes �inpact Resistant: NO S alit "'Z4aa x Verified By Locfte Bowden; P E 4970 besipn pressure 4 JAI Tabf Created bx Independentihhxi Party 6tIher fifer t o evaluation report for -8ni ton , and ' ' limrtatibn,bf use Install the:as5embly In:;cbmplranCe 1Vtth Evaluation Reprtrts FLx7Oi R7E' i 402 S F1cCHA)+il • ttie Instoiiatiian rnedtod listeii,in:this', repnft and appiltabie=„ "' � Alrrr, �4r�a s<r�f . dode'secdbns it FOCr„Refer tojttsnufattii" "r's lr staifatian Created—by,Ind#pendenf Third Party: Yms inshuctlons 17022 4 'p 4 2 i5 1ie6tiatlital 5eatri {RSi 1 5 rib helghtr IV wider, 0,032 a{tirrifnutt}r Standing seam roof panel mechanicalfysttached_to 15)32 .plywood ar ticiod Deck with cups and fasteners E units rif.Use Approved far use to HVHp Na TnstaNaltian Instructions Fr 37a;!t7 it, Ft 17tt�i 4 Ater HANr i,ar s1L. } klpprovedlaf use'c utside HVNZ 1'os Impact Resrstartt fed + 11t1 t$ 1 d Verified: By Lotke eow tan, P E 49a04 f)esign pressuroirNJAJ ?able A ; Creaited by Independent Third Party 'Yes t3tfreT�t2efert6evatuattoni;e*rtfarcandition dhd tlmitati4ns'af Use nstait thea5sembly In campllance with,FLi7022 EvaJ46tionRe",rts R— > L } } � 1st IAL bEA 1 the installatlan method IF•L6dIln;thisfreport and applicahte codesecUoitsaf•.FBC,',Mere rtb mantrers ufact"Ins,iilation: r p,df crest(w by,Yndependent ruitd Party:<Yes', ..: , - ... 3=j022 5 YY Y 5'- °i In Nail Ship {R5)777 r•ib height 16"4vi8e, 26 6"ge steel, standing sea m,mo • - i penal meth>aMcally attache€1 ter 15152" plywaoii or wood ;. . j.deck wish fasteners TfitYiits of ;ilea � . Sppraved for U9e"in flVH . Wci Installation Instructraris f"L1,1Q 2 R7 tI :i l 1 41 >:5 1 0 jl iLStRiP's5i_,p Verified By Locke Boyden, P E. 49704 Approved for"use•outgide HVa{Z; Yes' ':irnpaet ResrStant �fdo i Creatai by IndejsendentThtrd Party' Yes i7esrgn Pressure - FNfliiTabie A Othe} eyalUat3on TePortforsondition� and Evaluatrtln Reporf� FLa3U R7 A_F702c£ 0 G'I?f?> Ad.{ yRefi?rto ltniliatlons of use install the e55embly 7n cAlnpiland Nvlth I Createdby Inr3ependerat;7hird Party. Yes lit laat 'prier._ l�I? 41t1.asps'?par n= wGE4 XQ 7tDc1Y2aI3.i I1�Q{.e... 118/2018 f . I Compliant -with Florida wilding Cod 7 017 (61''e&) C+na 1ph nt�with Florida Prcaduct;�ppr v i:Ptule # 61G2O:3 p Cc�rrl liana. Ke .none, Certl Ic,atioris Product; 5 V Crimp 26GA Step! Root Ptnel,FRC Sec.1507.4.2 ' Yield, strength: 50 ksi mini.; Attached to min.15/32" plywood or Wood ck �n J min i.42 �peciflc j�r�v1 with shrews. 24" ::average Rib Meight'318„ . Corrosion itjislstant Compliant-.".. FCC Sec..1507.4.3 Fastener l (Method VAttai chrnent : #9 x 1-1j2" Mex iiV'asher.,H6ad mood screw *4 penetrate 3/167 rnin.,thru deck +or.5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient 106gth .to meet requirements) . Fastener.2 Wethod 2A 4 Attachment):.#10-x 1-1j2"' Hex-Vasher Mead wood screw to penetrate J16" rrn�n ti ro d+ k 1r=5%g" �nnbedrnenfinto arc�Od plink. {*or sLaf icient ier>gth e: , to meet,requirementsj Underieyn*oiot .To.be comOliant with FBC,,Sec. Chart 1507.1.1 Slope -.'Shall be 4n compliance with F®C Sec.1507; see astene aid-ac�smrert speci c rtions-above Install Retells: Table, A, #Ailgvi►able" LeaJdS , METHOD I � ,MET'HO � _ ., METHOO 3 _. ; iit1ETH OD 4 DESIGN PRES�SURE�`.,,.. � 1 '` ` -86 PSF w-g •5 PSF� : w -.161 P5F -228 P5F .._ ®W SPACING 16 ox. 1>5" O.C. gy r2" O.C. _ SPACING (ALONG P n!l Width) 120, 0 C. 2" o.c, 12" 12" O.C. . FASTENER FASTENER SIZE #9 " #10 #10 no _... _. Reference Data' ARCHITECTURAL TESTING INC ST I®#:15 UL 580-06A 1897.0 1 Test- Report -. i 893.01-45048 W/02/14 Test ii aart F3365.01-45&48 TA5 125-03. , rest -Report Do51�98.02.450-18 07/22/14 EQUIVALEhfiC9 =tdL 1'S9704 ,isyuival�nP ty test'stndard U[ f897-Y *1�os�grr pteszrr� mrgirr vffety Z:Z _<.. .. ��� F�}i,J�j-��ff Locke Bowden, R.E &es not have, not Will acrtulre a financial iti Wq 0 under this evaluation: Locke 8owden,-PsE. !s>not owned, operated, or controiled by a& coeipart pml!Wfatturesi or report. Or rturingor distriliuting..products, istributing products under this - FL17022.i 6V Crimp (26GA,Steel), 24" Wido noof Pam `DeUils Limitations: 1. Under ' layment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code I (Pt3C)2017 61h ed. 'installatio n reference. 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with ,Florida. Building Code 2017 6th ed., and per with Manufacturer's 'installation Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: I-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, Shear diaphragm values are outside this.report, 6. Support framing in compliance wIFBC 2017 601 _ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading 7. This report does not imply, warranty., installation, recommended product use outside of this report. DK*: 15,137'or gmater Plyvwd; or Mud plank 09. - 1-1 rZ, Min, ar 910 x 1-117"Min. Per Tgbfs 'A" far ROW 5-v C611V Rod Panel Spacing and Design Pressures HaxWasher HeadWood Scre Nvs Pariel Profile 0. C. 12" ' Fasten XLT977'17-1/2" Min. or #10 x 1-I12' Min. per "Table "NHex Washer Head Screw 1. Spaced 12" o.c..across the Panel Wdth Panel Refer to Table "A"for Spacing Along Panel Overlap Length Deck- 15132" or greater Plywood, or V\bod plank