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I HRR~BY C~~TIPY. That on this day ~erBonolly appeared before ~e. an offiour duly au-
thorized to odminister oaths and toke ooknowledgmants. Robert D. Corter and Liilion D. Cartor
hie Ylife. to ~e well known and known tome to be the indivil\u91s desol'ibed in aM who exeoutQd
the KKMIX foregoing deed. and they aoknowledged beforo me that they exeouted the Bo~e f~eely ond
voluntarily for the purpo~~herein expressed.
AUD I FURTHER~ That the said Lillian D. Carter known to me to be the wife cf the s,id
Robert D. Carter on a soparate and private examination taken and made by and before me . sep-
arately and apart from her Boid husband. did ooknowledge th6t she made herself a party to Bold doed for
the 9nrpose of renouncing. relinquishing and oonveying all her right title and interest whethor
of dower. hOr.'!estead or of Se!)Rrate property, ststatory or equitable. in ond to the lends described
theroin. and that she exeouted the soid doed freely and VOluntarily. and without any oompu1sion
oonstra6nt. apprehension or fear of cr fro~ her said
l'IITI~~~ my hand and official sesl at ~ro
of Bebruary A. D. 1925. ;
this Har.S. 1925. . ::t
County of St. Luoi e and State of ?lorido,
nellie H. Babb
Uotary ?ubl1o. ~tate of ~lorida at "'ari!e.
~~:I oommission expires liay. 9. 1928.
? C. E1dred(C1e . ~f~ ~it Court) ...
By ~ 7/>J./tA~
D. .
TEJ1~Y A. y.um:
" \'AR~.JlTY
THIS nm:':N':'U~~. Hade the 24 day of l~a..ch. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine h'mdred and
Betweon J. William Kuck. o~tte Oounty of Charleston and Stato of South Carolina. party of the
first part, and !Ienry A. Y.uck, Scranton. :0., party of <;ho second part.
TITllE~~~TH, 'l'hat the said party of tho first part f::>r om in consideration of the sum of "I'en
Dol~8rs and other .aluable considerations. lawful m~ney of the United StatstJf ~erica to hlm .
in hand paid by the said party of the second port, at or before the enseo1ing ond delivery of these
presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, haa granted. bargained. sold aliened. re-
mised. released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these ~re8ents do rrant. bargain. oe11. alien. remise.
release. con.ey and confirm unto-the sdd ~arty of the secbnd part. and his heirs and assigns for-
ever. all his right title and interest of. \n and to the Barno b1ing ene-half (1/2) interest of
the two tracts of land hereinafter desoribed: To-wit:
Beginning at tt e llotth ~ast Corner of the Southwest Quar'er of the Southwest (!uarter
of Section thirty-six (36) TownShip thirty -two (32) South or ?angethirty-nine (39) East. 8I1d
running South six hundred and sixty (660). feet, thenoa ~est three hundred and thirty(330) feet,
Thenoe !forth s~x hundred am sixty feet (660) feet Thence East three hunllred an! thiJ,ty feet (330)
to point of beginning. and conteining- .i'lve acres of land, more or less.
I j
Beginning at the Uortheast oorner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter,
Section Thi~tY-Bis. Township Thirty-two. South of Range Thirty-nine. East; thenoe run Three
hundrad and thirtY(330) feot West fcr point of beginning of tract hereby convoyed. thence South
six hundred and sixty (660) feet. thenoe Westthre8 hundred and thirty (33t) feet. thance north six
hundred and sixty (660) feet. thence Eost th~ee hundred and thirty (330) feet, to point of be-
ginning la~t desoribed. containing five ac~es(5l .ore or ~ess.
TOGET!reR with all and singular the ~8s8ments, im~rovement8. tenements, .hereditaments,
and "purtenanoea Ilhereto belonging, or in a~'i8e apper*a1ning. and the reversion and reversions. -Jlefliatn
remainder and remainders. rents, issue. and profits thereof. AIm also. all the eetote. right. title.
interest. tower and rightot dower. separate estate. pro~rty. possession. olaim and demand whateoever,