HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1258 I!n~ '--0 --_~___-~- __ ____._ .--......._......_.._~_____._______ ._... ___.._ _,___.____.. _.__.._."4__._____._~_ ...____._.. _ ...__'--____.-___._____ __ _~_.___~ ... _ _._ ~~re.~.~.,.,"~.:~--..-T'_....,...~... ..,.~ -",-,~,__,,;_ "1.._. ".~' _;.....-.... _.,...',._O',..~..... """_"""___'_. ~.__"'."'.' ""~'''''..''_'_ _._ Florida. more partioularly desoribod a8 fOllow8, to-wit: Troot llo. 1!., The l!orthwest quarter of the llortheast quarter and the Wtist half of t~e Southwest Quarter of the 1l0rtheaot Quarter of Seotion 1. Township 32 South of Ran~e 39 Eaot. ( Exoeptin$ all that oertain pi eoe or poroel of land !.n S9otion 1. Townohip 32 ~outh. Range 39 r:aot. beginninf at 0 point on the Bast shore of tho Indian River in said Seotion. Township and Range where the llorth and South subdivision line running through the oenter of said Seotion 1 inter- seo~s with tho said East bank. from the point of beginning run }forth along the said subdivision line 626.4 feet, thenoe East 417.9 feet. thenoe South 417.9 feet. thenoe 208.4 feet ~est. thenoe South 209 feet, more or less. to the Indian River. thenoe ~eoterly 209 feet more or less. to t~ point of boginning, oontaining 55 aores more or less. Tract no. 2, In Seotion 1. TownShip 32 South, Range ~9 East. beginning at 8 point on the 3ast shore of the Indian lliver in soid ~oot1on. Township !lnd ;lange, where the llorth and South subdivision line running thrOugh the oenter of sait) Seotion 1. intersects said East bank from this point of bel'inning run north along th(ll said eub:Uvision line 626.4 feet; thenoe gast 417.9 feet; thenoe south 417.9 ft.; thenoe ~est 208.4 feet; thence ~outh 20~ feet, more or less to the bani of the Indian River; thenoe run westerly olong the bank of the Indian River 209 feet. more or 1eso. to th~ point of be~inning. containing 5 aores. more or less. Tract Jlo. 3. :gegin at a point on the shore of the Indian Ri ver 62-1/3 ;,'ards due South to the 1!orthwest oorner of Lot 4, in Seotion 1, Township 32 ~outh of Ran~e 39 ~ast. in St. Luoie County, ?lorido; thenoe run due north 62-1/3 yords to the Z;orteast corner of said lot 4, thence run Eost along the llorth boundary line of sIJid Lot 4, 880 :lards to the northeost oorner of soid Lot 4, thence run due south along the ~astern boundary line of said lot 4. 170 yards to a point thence from said point run nue i1est 733 :lards and 5/16 - of a yard to the Indian River, and thence Uorthwestward1y alOng ti>> shore of ".;he Indian River 173-2/3 yards to the point of beginning. The fore~oing fraot is also otherwise desoribed 8S the north 29 acres of Lot 4, of Section 1, Township 32 ~outh, ~ange 39 ~ast. Tract Ho. 4. The east half of the Southwest quarter of th9 aortheast Quarter of ~eo- tion 1, Township 32 South, ~ange 39 ~ast. containing 20 acres more or less. ~ i Tract no. 5. ~ot 3 of the northeast Quarter of ~lortheast Quartdr of Seotion 1, Town- ship 32 so~th. Ronge-39 East,.con~alning 31 aoros more or less. Traot no. 6. The Southeast Quarter of tJ. northeast ~uarter of Section 1, TownShip 32 South. Range 39 ~ast, containing 40 aores, more or less, being the same land oonveyed to i I Thos. L. .Lee by ~enry ?linter the 22d day of november, 1923, Traot Uo, 7. Cormnencing at a point ;';35 feet north of the Southwest corner of Lot 4, in S6ction One (1), Township Thirty-two (32) South. ~anpe Thirt~-~l1ne (39) East, thenoe north along Indian ~iver 720 feet. thence turn at an angle of 90 degr~e8 and run ~ast 1050 feet, thence at S8rne angle run South 720 feot, thenoe West directly to point of beginning. containing 15 acres, more or less. Together with all submerged lands and riparian rights belonging and 'appertaining to e80h of the above trocts of land, respeotively. Exoepting, however, 011 rights of wa:l or casements tor P~bliC roads on and across smd 18 ndo. I I It I I , I ! I " I I at and for the prioe of Eighty-Soven Thcusond(87.000.00) dollars, to be paid as follows, viz, $22.000.00 cash. and the sum of ~65.000.00 to be seoured by a mortgage deed o~ Baid real estate in form to be s8tisfaotory to said oorporation. aecurlng promissory notea as follows: on. note for $22.000.00 due one year after date of I:lortgage de.d; OI:J note for $22,000,00 dU9 two years ~- after said date of mortgage deed; end one not. for $21.000.00 due three ysare after date of Baid mortgagee deed, 81:1 notes to beer interest at the rate of six per oent per anmuD, interest pay- _ able semi-annually. 11~~if~i~~~~j~~ -I I ~ .>~\/}~~trl(.