HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1259 5~ -'-~ '-------'-.~-_...._.....--....- -:--' _.._------~._..~~~~- ,......._.~--~_......---"---~..._-~-_...._....""'""'"---_. ---.---...-....--------- ~-'----~'-- _T~t~-T-.._-........... -..~......... ~_" ~-:'" ......--.",... :.-.r'.....~.........._,.........j.....'''!'! "\"'P........f.."'.-.-..~~,..,.....<'~....~___r:~~.:'r.""''"'r...-~____.."-._ '-~.'~-"'''~~~'''''._"=,'''_'' '.. -'T'-~. . "1"""".'" --............T...,aT--:--._.:~.......- ..,,..,.-,....._~.+ '~,:"." ","TOo -" : --".- ," ..- .._,-,.. - ", "..._, id I Said oorporation shall. and hereby 8,ree8 to. pay Jomes J. Riok. of Vero, Florida. 8 oommiRsion of ten(lO) per oent on the total prioe to be paid, inoluding the sim paid to said oorporation at the delivery o-t these presents. In oaso the privilege of purohase hereby ~iven is exorcised, the prioe above named is seoured, and the securities aooepted. soid oorporation agroes to oonvey tho above de- soribed lands to Jos. ~. Optner, hie heirs and assigns. by e good end 8~fficj9nt deed, anA cove- nants with soid Jos. ~. Optner his heirs or assigns. to fully warrant the title to. soid lands against all enouMbranoes, exoept that eoid doed to be JOven shall operate anti be conetrued as a quit claim only without covenants or 'lrsrranties as to Troct no. 2 al)ove described. Said oorporation shall pay 011 taxes due prior to dote of Baid doed. In case the privilege of purohase hereby giyen is not exorcised and ~he condi- tionB hereof fully perfor~ed by said Jos. H. Optner, his heirs or assigns, on or before the ti~e above specified, said privi1ego sholl thereu~on wholly cease( but no liability to refund the money paid therefor. shall arise): and said abstroots of title shall be returned in ~ood order to -said oorporation.. WITI~SS the hands and seals of the President and Secretary of Baid Corporation this 16th day of Haroh A. D. 1925. Witnesses: Ooean and Indian ~iver Dev. Co. I ~y F. H. Whidden Pres. (S::.U.) 18th day of Haroh.1925. '0 CU .- 't: II > 'E o u C) -------~- - " 1) Touis ~arris ~ec:r. (~EAL) 'r::~o 'n~~!LmD ?A~: C(JUEA1JY -:> 4 . ;O~~}H H. O?r:'~rE~. " AG;:::;;;::l!E"7 FO;::: D:.::D " ,.\:::':'ICL3S 0:' .:\~;U;::::;!~:U'~. l!ade this 14th day of :'arch in the year of onT lord on9 thoussnd rline hundred and t"'/enty-fi vo, Between 'fero :!igh1and ?ar~: CompaIlJ. a corporation undor the l~ws of the State of ~'lorida party of the first part. and Joseph :f. O.)tner part~' of ~he second part. 'n'i'll:::S~::?:!, That if the sdd party of the seo;lnd part shall first r.I8;:e the pay- ~ents and perforo tho covenants hereinafter nentio~eJ on his part to be radc and perforned. tm said !B rt:.: of tre firMt part hereby covenants and agrees to convey and assure ~o the said party I oftha second pert, his heirs; executors. adninistrators or assigns. in foe si~ple, clear of 011 ~ inclUJbrances whatever. by a good and sufficiont doed and abstract of title the lot-- piece--- or - parcel of frot.nd si t';ated in the Cou..ty of St. Lucie ~t!j';o of :'lorida ;:no'ID and described os follows. to-wit: north half of the Uortheast quort;er of section t....ent:l-se\"on. townshi!> 32 south , range 39 east. and the soid port~ of the second part hel'eby ,c07enants ani agrees to pay to the s!:id party of the ."" 1 first part the sum of Eightyhousand, Dollars in the L~nner following: Two Thousand ~011ars on . clOSing of deal ~ delivery of warranty deed (~250 o~.whlch hos boen poid 004 ?hreo Thousand Dollars on or bofore two yoars from closing of deol and Three Thousand Dol10rs on or before . throe yeat's frOM do to of olosing of deal. . with interest at ':he .'tate of eight per centum per anoUI!l (la,able #.4-#. \.-._.# .....,.1 . amually on the whole 6U::. rOCl8inlng from time to time unpaid; and to !lay oil texes. 886esaments ; or impositions that rray be legally levied or impOB~d upon said land '~ubBequant to th6 year 1924 ;8ud to keep tho buildings upon S~~d premises ineured 1~ some ~0~p6ny sotisfeotory to the party ~.':M--f1ys.t )1ort:in Tun not'''re'ss''fllJijj' Dollars-during the 'tem ot this egreo::lOIit. Ana: ffic'es8 , i I I I I I I t.; ~l,i.i{~~i~~ , ,"~~','.:,:.:liJl~I~~