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of the faUl,ro of "he sold party of the seoond port to r:lOl:e el thor of" the p9Ylnents or any port
thereof. or to perform (lny of' tho oovena nts on his part hereby oodo md enterod into. tllis con-
traot sh811, at tho optIon of the party of the f1'-!)t part. bd forfo1ted ~nd toreinated, and the
party of tho oecor.d part shall forfQi t 011 payments r.Odb by him on this contraot: ond suoh oay-
menta shall be retained by the soid party of tho first part in full sotisf"aotion ond liquidation
of all damages by it suetalned. and s&.d part~ of" the first port shall havo the right to ~e-entor
and tal:e possession of the promisee aforesaid wI thont being liable to - al\)' aotion thorefor.
IT !s trJTUALLY agreed, by and betr.een the parties heroto. that tho tino of payment.
shall be on o$sentiol part of this contraot. and that all oovenants ond agreemonts hor6i~ oon-
tainod s1".a11 o):tend to and, obllgotor~ upon tlle succossors. r.oirs, executors, adnin1.strators ond-
oBsirns of tho respoctive DSrties.
III m?l:::~Q ~7a:-:R:~OF, The portj os to theso !)rO[;entE ha.....o hereunto set thei r hands ond
ses1s the day and year first above written.
'r~RO. HIf.tIT-A.!iD ?A~: CO~?A'IT
A. "1. YOUHG
( ?~;.:~ID:mT)
. .
in presence of:
orded this ;~ar. 18. 1925.
,losooh '~. Optner (~=:AL)
H. ~.,. Guthrie
~. C. ",'Ii trnor
!:. l~. ~bb
B~~7;~A!~ ~?:.....\=U?E.
~G:!:-::: "::~T~
T'ns Af'reouent for need !'::ade this 20th do:,- of _'anua!"y, 1925, by ond betvleon G. F.
3aker hOl"E:inafter ter.lod the ?urc!1aser and 3e:-tr07"1 Sharpe hereinafter -:;err::.ed the Owner, \1itnes-
The Owner, f"or and In considerati on of th e sur:1 0 f One !!undred Dollars ($100.00)
Dollars to said Owner tn hand paid by tte soid ?urcr.oser, the :-ecaipt of \'inich is hereby ac~no\'ll-
edged. does hereby agroe to so11 or~ convey by c good and sufficient ~arranty deed, free from
all encu~brance, for the price hereinafter stated, tte following described land, together m th
riparian. rights appurtenant thereto, ai tuate in ~tlLucie County, Florida. to-wit:
The ~} of tho liW~ of ~he 1ret of the SW: of Sootion 9. in township 35 South, Ra~e 40
east, -lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida.
1 _
The said Purchaser shall pay to th~ said Owner. the further sue of" iwenty-seven hun-
dred- dollars for Bai d prop orty .on or before the 1st day of l!arch, 1925, _which stall be in ~1.11l
consideration for the purchose of said land and shall be in addition to the sun already paid
to said Owner 08 hereinbefore set forth. Said purchase prico t~ bo paid as t01lows:-t 2700 1n
cash on de1iverJ of deed and the balanoe in deferred paymants os follows:
. 2000.00 on or befo re one year
$ 2000.00 on or before two yoars
$ 2000.00 On or before three years
$ 2000.00 on or before four years
-I.. .
Said deferred p8ymants to be evidenoed by promissory notes, bearing~Elght per oent interest. and
seouredby MOrtgare on said lend.
The owner agrees to furnish to the Puroh8eer on request at any time before thd
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