HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFING,L,# .. ` NlhciQi,;Pi rnber nr Nome Dttstrptfart... ' 1782E 1. ° i 5V Cr mp"-(it6 ' 26 Gauge steel, 3j8° rib fright ; 24 Y+1cie lapped +oa6, panel mechanically attached Ca 15/32" plywood or Wood Deck tvitit • 1! fa5tan@rS 1 inns of Use Approved for uea tri HVHZ ticr Instapgt+on Instruchans t �- rt1 II f 1in2s J cago Q5r f F1...-•.• Approved far use arri�ida tISAVI Yes' j Verified By Iatke Bavarleh,,P E 49✓04 Impaet,Reststatit: Nn Created by Indepandent,Thi'rd pariV Yas Design, Pressure `+NjA '-Table A .. 6ther. fZefo..rto evatdution report, i or•cbn6tlons, Install theSr BValuation Reports r;LIP assembly in c . .. anse with the i 1:6116 ian method it-ted in, created by Indepnndont Third Party: yes tiSl report and applicbie•eads bns a E PRC aiEdr tti . 11innU(acfuier :InstaliauonImtruc. ons. 17t?222 2 ^sV imp' OR6} ? „#! tl 032 Alumfnumi'3i6 Rib height, 21" t�ildo lapped roof panel,• ntechanica iy attachedi to 15/32." plywaoxllor Wood - Deck etltir rtxposed fasteners i imrts af;!!sa Approved for t[se.lr HVHZ No � InstaNatran instructions L�1�..�=�.•.f�.�.•,,.�I,�.�•{l.�'.2.�: �'L�RI �.,! � 't'�), $.�1'dp�r Approvefa d r use outside AVH Ydt j Varifla ! By: Lucke 13atddahaIn ,i 4, Y, Created bq Independent Tfiid ParijYes I'mp�ct free+staht: Ho [jestf7n',presgure: +NJA!^Table14,, +! EValtiaC oports Other Refer to evaivabon, repo for,condltionallostafl the assembly In compilante tividt thi3 i stxrifatibn inkhod hsted'lri LUt _a loaf thi§,report and appiica Sla cddi bons of FBC Refer to Ctvatatl by YndependentihirGl Party :Yes manufacturers InStatladon"ins'trva orls _.____..... i7Q"a.3 3 1 $ Mechanlcal yearn' (Rs) 1 5' rib Height, Sri, wide, 21 gauge stir 1, sG,nrling earn or, . coed bo wood f p is/3t" plywood oc de with c0 anii falstenars deck p Lttnits o t7se t }rprav d for use in HVH7: t w Installation YrtstrueClons Approved for use outside HVt Impact Ros[stant'1da z:' Ves: 72).li�?t Veifffled By Locke Bowden, P E 491 iO4 Dxts+gn pressure iaJAi Table i raated'by Yndapendeni+Thlyd Party::'Yes Other, f?efer to avaivatiorr +i�por� ((rnitadt�n ofu Stistalith ;ass dte Instc�ilatkrn rnedtad hsi�d;I t c sda s tiEsri� of FB>a,�'t f nr t? for cdiidit(on and mbiyln;ccdnipliance}with' is• report and applicable riufacfliter's installation,f,. ° I Evatuaiion idepitrts s fLi 22 ft7 Al tl �Clx 3 i S itCHAtITCAt. rlfTi . r Gs f 3 Create f by indegendant, Third Party: Yes _ tsb uctfons 1Ttli24 4, 1.5 .. tla:hat]ICa1:s6iti {Rb}' » 15 rf hefghtaiwide,o;tl 2 aldminutnstandingseaim I roof panei`tna4hanicaliy,attached to 15 32" plyvrood or:L rcio6 Deckavlth clip and fasteners thrtits of Use m ;aapproVatllor use i)r WVW2: td : Installattgn Instruetrons f4.�Z �+_Sr �k1Zg3��4 MSC HAPICiAi �.>> Ali �{pprovodNfor use auts+da HV Impact R'®srstanC :,Nd 2 Yes: ' /3413C$ �i.Y,rJ"...pdf Verified B Locke Bowdran, P. B IS!IV Y pesign Pressure„+taJA/ %fy( A Created by IndependantThird Party; Yes C3ther fiefarto nval'uation repo Iimitatlans'af use Ihstal(tho ass fat Candrtlon ,atid mbiy lit, compliance with :" Hvalu:t+dn Rarts FLO ft7 AE 1 L itt2si 4 ttk�H�T�Stt1 ti"e installatIan method fisted irf�ttIs coo a CCion�.of FBG; Refer tp: mangfacttirers report and applicable; ig tallation A ?flEiUht �r pdf Cr>3at 1 by Sndepatadentlhlt� Party, Yes IttSCrur tl,.� s 17022.5' S "3"f Hail ^Strip ,{R5} 1 "rib height, YG"vrlde,6-gauge sti standing seam raoF' . panel mecftii+nically attached to 15/32 piyyaaoil or wood:. tle-C, vfith fas'616s. t-Arnits p(poo Aspprov'edfor use'inHVHZ.,t NZ; Instaliatrdn Instruarions rl"'IJIlai .z--wit'. Verified By LtiCEte Bovadtn, P E 49744 TipproVed ftlr ase"t6ide N Yes _ h tweeted by Indeoeridt[aTb'ird Party: Ye Impant:liesr5tants'No bes(gri Pressure Ftt1AJ=lhbi Other,.,Refertoevtiluatlon.r2pror'ponditionsand rtpA+ EVafuatratt Raport5 (11022 ff7 AB.Ct 1702"z10t{.ktf27�:>.pr�.( limftatio`naof uset;Ynil Cite es eiriblyvin cr+ittpii t?ceymith: ,t ieatl by Indepondoht:Thlaf party -a Y.esz titt ,r/ry �v,.fltiri tat�uildln �r ;ftarlpr pp, t t:aspx`para nr=. I �TXQA DctV2aBC�pI'ipQC2e.:.. t1 12(i18 Pal'01 City, FL 34990 (7?ilg72-8034 Compliant with Florida Building Code 2011-(61 ed.) Compliant with "Florida Product Appri)valAule # 6100r3, 'Compjiant:-,!:,Keton -COrtifitations ys e Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Stee[Roof Oanelf6C Sec. 1507.4.2 Yield Ostren V'plywood orMbod h': 50 ksi min.; Attached to m.in. 1.5/3 Deck min. 0A2 s ,,pqcif ic gavitywith screws. 24". Coverage Rib Height. 3/8" Corrosion -RLisistant,Comp!iatitr.*,:FBC:!iec.,1507.4.3 Attachment) "o6d scr W* to penetrate Fastener-44AA6 hiodl,!"M 7" Hex' e 3/16!1 min. thr'd dedeckor,S/8" eimbedt nent int,owoW plank n or t. length to meet requirements), &A 1-1/e Hex -Washer Head wood screw* to, Fastener 2 (M6thdd 2,3, Aftbehmen t dolank.,(*or�Wfficiont.length penetrat6.3/�V Min-thru dIe-.ckoJ0'-S&' 0 M'4edM'e'nUn o:w6o to meet requirements Underlayment'. To:be"-dompliant wit FRC Sec. Chart 1507.1.1 Slope-. Shall be ln-camplianm`with ,FPC Set. 1507. ,See fastenr attachment specifications above, .. . . ............. .... I nstall'beiajis:,.!Ali , A�,' ',,,AIII6Wabl6.L-6a&,,',. --METH()b I j ', ETHOOZ _M THOO E FTHOD 4 ME 6jSIQN PRE�SURE�.,'- -96 PSF PSF 935 10TV —228 Ptf ROW SPACING ILV' Ox. O.C. all MC.", 6" o.c. FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel width) 12-' ! O.C. 120 12" 2. O.C. FASTENER SIZE .° #10 Reference DAtAt. ARCHITECTURAL TESTI G,ANC * TST,ID#: 152 .0. -06 & 1897- 41 Tcist UL 580' PPO rt M893i01-450-18 05/02/14 I ��eport Test F3366. '01-49048' 12/18/15' TAS - 125-03 test Report D09803.02-450-18 071/221 4- '*EQUIVALENCY-UL 1097-04 'is ecjjjjtrajehi to feet stmdbvd VL• 1897-1� *Design prfq�UTOIaryln .0 fsafety-'2:1 Locke Bowden, P.E. d6psnot have; not will acquire a.fl underthiS eiialuailon..", Locke Bowden, P.E.19 not owned; operated, or cor trot report. ancialInt 006 i 6ringordistributing products ?d by any compaftiq4ila ures, or disttibut'ing,pri).diucts:undet this 0 lip 4A FL17022.1 5V C141111P (' 6GA Steel); 24 Wide Roof Pa ..: - Details Limitations: 1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Flon a Building Code (FBC)2017 611, ed. 2. Minimum slope to be'6ompliant with Florida Buildi ig Code 2017 61h ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of.Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method; 1-D 4. Engineering.analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this, acceptance. S iearldiaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 61l, e ., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 1.6 for Structural Loading.; 7. This report.does not`imply,Warranty, installation, r' commended product. use outside of this report. Fasteners - 119 x 1-112" Min, or 910 x 1.1121 Min, per Table A" for Row % -- 5•V Crimp Roof Panel Spacing and Design Pressures ; Hex Washer Head Wood Screws ; i 15132" or greater .Plywood, or Vubod plank NO" Nominal 1 Panel Profile Nominal 12" Fasten ` f-1/2" Min. or #10 x 1-1/2" Min. per Table "A" telex Washer Head Screw Spaced 12" o.c. across the Panel Wdth Panel Refer to Table "A" for:Spacing Along Panel Overlap % Length Deck 15/32" or greater Plywood, or - Mod plank Underlayment is to e 30# ASTM D226 felt, tin tagged to code.