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I lurid' 331fi lnp; GodU Unlxii i Y 1 o- 4 SCANNED" ' E''i9t,+m ,... tam ? Uarrkep�s"ran n .� "14 :scats n F4cts h`jbl,iz4' js rE4C6Giif i CiCi 'st¢ naap ! Unk �F9rch } p �, ProductApprova) q<na<5' �� ufi%It: I�l1�U tJSR,fi '. '• .. .. .. ...... , 7■ t 5,`Y9.A,-LL Applicaiion`beta ii-,. - .. . . FL FLS7622-R7 lKiM— 's ion + :ZCIf7 _ Code Uetsion. 'A Approved. Comments . , 08/18/2017v, dais ropoly 08121j17 Archiyed' P.roduct;hlanUfacEurer x ExtiVrnfa.Metal (a4061:0m, LLC, AddressJBhonelEma(1; 2160 S%V`Potna Drive. Pairfi Citq,: FL;34990 .- . (772).872-803�i . , fltialldatloittrTYahoo.cuin , Authorized signatu�g Richard hickuhen . fivdlld,06ri ftahoo.com: .". - fiechntcafRepi�ntatly • �RichbrdrhtirKuhen '' Ailtlt�'ssjPtianejEmttll }; 2160 Sw Poma DifV , ' .:Pa1m,Clty FL 34gga. ' �772) 872 8034 ' itchatd0etrifab neC. Quahiy.:46s6ranca"Ro resentiAIV4 ,Aifdreas%PhoneJEmail ' ; Ca*Ory Roofing . Suhcatsgry Metal Rtriifing Compliance Meth ' :Evaluation Repot,tfiom.a Florida Registered.Atnhibeitora Licensed Florida Prpf6sslomil Engineer i `'-Evaluation.Rbport- Hardcopy R eivad norida.,Eitgineer.orArchitectNarhe',who"developed LOCKE0OWDEN' the Evaluation Report- F}orida License PE d9704 Quality A�suran a Entity Key tune'Cettiflcatlons, Inc. Quality As uian�e CarttracL,Ekplration. Date O�J22120Z�t ' Validated By' Zachairy:R Priest, P.E. MT ation Checklist- Hardcopy Recelve+l Certificate qf-Ihdepetidence RdferencedStb dard and Year {af stdhdar'd� U L 189T -10,63 2012 f 11L'S8p .•.2006 . , Equlvalebc$iof Prpd}rzt5tand'ards; - Certified secti6ns from thefCode l . I . lute.°rlwti r:floridabuf lding:ur. 'prpr�app_-ill.a.9p '?pdrarn,=,%,CrVXQ%It17c �2a13QpFIpQQe... 1 $I20C I I 'Flcit=ida 13ttt��rig'+Gcfri�,t�3nlzi<z" . ... P, ge 1 of 4 Product Approval Fi©tho4 I . ' fiathodA Opt!on D mate Submltii 68ji812017 Data Validated 06/25/2017 t7ate Pending:FBC'ttpproyal`' b$j28J2017 ' , D6"e Approgeii "•. 1oJ10/2017, Surnmai' .of products::., _ :_Y Modol Numberor,Namo Doscription i7022 3. i.. "'v•Crinlp" 1116) fff 26 6AIlg'e steal, 3Je rib; helgfAt, 24" wide lapped roof, panel• . mechanically atfached to 15/32 piyrioocl tir Wood Deck with fasteners L mils of Use _ v ; Approved_for use in HVHZ- hlia TnstallAtion Instructions.. gy t7 R7�lvi lrij�4sfi V CQ3a1P s9.,pj <Appraved for use nutsrda 1,WZ Yes Verlfieti By Locke Bowden, P E 49704 impact•liesistant :tlo Created:by Independent Third Party; Yes Oesig Pr'essuro:'1�IAI' ble A i Other. Refer to evaluation tepprtior;conditions.Install the, . Evalitatinrr Rebaits 7L. ixr +F' hr t7t+22 5 V R_;tL: 1 lid assemm bly in cop(larice Hitt life installation meth4rl listed in Created by Independent third Party: Yes _ this reporE and applicable c e'*hons of Fdc Refer to manufacturers t.nsta{latlon Instr;ucdon.,. ',_ - • 17022,2z _.•w 2 "SV ltrimp''(R6} 0 03a ~Aluminum, 3/8 3 ib'IielBht 21' wlde;lippw roof panel, mechanically attached to i5J32 plywood or Wood Dedkwith ,eXposed fasteners 4lmrts of use Approved far use it1 H H z' Installation Instructions. -.$ Yet bt Q t�2•'1 L t1Pis'r ttlf Verified By Loelte Bowden, P E 49704 Approved far u e butsiit e HVHZ Yam` "Impart Resistant! No Ctgat ed by Independent Third Party ,Yes D491an Pressure: +N/,J•Table A t thar Refer to evafuatian report>y condltiuns Inatali the [valuation Reports FLxifi7d R7 t tg I L r 7G22=2 assI mbl'y in wmpliaoGe frith the Installation mmi thod ilsted'in i ALU3 this report arid appiebbl6,t6de.:dctioiis of•FBC. Refer to ( Created by IndependentThird Party: Yes' manufecturer's-Instailatii�n Insttvttiaas: ' .' ' 17022 3 1tS" Mechatilcal SeaW RS) 1 S rib height, 16 wide, 2A au a §teal, standin seam 9 9 9 13 roof a mechanically attached td'.1S/32" plytvood:or'wood ,• , . panel deck til dlpswd fasteners Limits of Use 1Avr use inHVFiVo' Inalaliation hnstructions "` ALW Oroveiforuse o. tside:HHZ:;Yes Iinpact Resistant: 10 rze�iti o r ta8f. Verified By Locke, Bowden, P E 45"0,4 Design Pressure + JA/ TabigA for4oidition and Cued by independentthirr! Party: Yas EValua#ion Repnrts other i?erter te o vel ation'rrport , , Ilmitationg:ot use.,In tail thri,assembiy Irk coinpiiaiice;syith l L17,U Rl ;A L 172 :.3 1 h7wi�NAPiICtil. . tife instaliattan metli'dd listed in'this: report and applicable'• code sections of FBid, Refer to manufacturer s lnstailatlon Instructions. earn, 4ga s,�f . sr Cneateil by independent Third Party:: Yes 17022.h ' 4 a1:"5 ttechaglcaI Seam (RS}' • 1,5. 'rlb hdght,�16 wtde, 0,032 aluminul»,."standing seam roof panel ,mrohPnicallyattiached to'15J 2 plywood or Wood clips and fasteners:,", , Limits af.Usri I I Installation Instructions .Approved for useiin HVHZe No,I �ZB"s.;7 L1 1G ��n.t�HANCIAI �+j. IApproyeii.far use uufsrde HVt12:'Yes AJ-Oi:iZtt011 1:WE ImpacE Resistant`-"hb Verifiref By Locke Boirden; P E 497.9?3 Design Pressure:°+fi/A/ -abfw A Created by Independent"fhhd Party: Yes .Other<'8i?fer to evaluation report forconditlons.and Ilmitations.af use %;fnstall tho=assembty in compliance wiCh 4 EValuation Reports f 1 f �a2 R7 Ai CL 1 `L 4 H t•1 N-Cl° L AKhti meYtfod listed in thisr[eport the In5taliHtlon and.applicable ', mLUtilt{Uhl s r qdi Yes codesectlonsof FBC,=Refer tc%manp[actiirersinjtaltation , Created by?ndepent�entThhri Rarty,: Inswictions. 1�7022;5^ f 71 5 - °1 iiiFlail Strip (R5) ., •� 1 rib height,`16" wl'de, Z6 gauge steel standing seamroof' panel mechShicaily attached to 1SJ4j" Plywood) or.wood . L d'eck with fasteners. Limits,ot,iipe.. Approved for use,in f'IVHZ No:, Installation instructions i L9702� R7 ,IJ �f t t l8?Zs ].Q �3j%il STRtPlw.Ytci[ -Jlppeoved for iisd;otrtsida N"VIM-Yes Verified By: Locke Soviden, P E 49704 .Impact Resrsfant:?too : Created by TndependentThird Party; Yes peslgn Pressure:,+N/AJ Tnbla A. Othor: fteferro`•etialuatlon report forcortditidns:and Evaluation RepbrU I Ft,17022 ft.� ?� rf��•�0'�S' 10lgai,��'i�yp_,�s,C:.I.1�if limitations of usar')nstall,Nie assembly ill.complian e with. T � C,leat©d by Iisdependdpehird Party yes' littp:,'twww:flordabull)ng:or. '1�rtPr app,'c(U'spr7pirun=w EV s( «tDcl`ti•2aB..QpIIi Qe.,.: 1l8/ 018 I ..Palm -City; F!..3499tJ I (77 )872-8034, Compliant with FloridaBuilding Code 2017:(6`" ed.) Compliant'with-Florida ;Product Approva,]`Rule # 6 .�2i3a3 Compliant: -Keystone Certifications Product: 5 V CHnIp 26GA Steal Roof. � anel,FBC Sec.1507.4.E Yield strength: SO ksi ruin.; Attached to Min. 15/32"plywood'or Wood Deck. w/ min: pA2 s �i is g� avity with screws:14"'Coveragg Rib Height'3jib" r Corrosion 'Sec.15d7..3; . Fastenerl '(i�iethbO 1.AttachM� '6t)#9 x. ��./2",Hex= asher:He�d wi.jod�screu * to penetrate 3/1 a""ruin. ihru desk orAS/ „embedment into"wood plank.°(*or sufficient length"to meet requirements) Fastener 2 (M'thdd 2,3, & 4 Attachment) ` IO X 1-1f 2" Neap washer Mead wood screw* to penetrate-3f 1V rain.-thru deck or 5/8"'ernbedment int®`w66d `plank. (for suffidenflength to meet reiquitements): Underlaymdr t.,To be compliant wit FBC Sec. Chart 1507,1.1 Slope: Shall be imcornpliancd,with, F®C Sec.1507: 5-e:.Fastener a'rttachmeitt specifications above Tinstall i3�iaii c .Ttah1 °A ` Allcav able Li d 6 EYHiJC! ME7 FIi `i?t . , ._, METHOD 3 . . MET -HOD 4 DESIGN, i t35 PSF 93:5 PS -101 PSF -228 PSF ROW SPACING. _ I_.. 16" o.�, . 16" o C... 8" o.c. b" o.c. FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel WIdth) 12 o.c. , 12 o c 12 'o..c 12 . O.C. . FASTENER SIZE �: .. #9 1Ci #101 #10 Reffererlce.Data:.ARCHITECi'URAL TESTING] C 'UL 590-06 & 1897' ii4l 7e R Tee 'R6I®rt INC. TST.ID :1 2 Part, 93.01-�50 g 05 OzJi4 F3306.01450 18 x2/sBJ�S f l m3 d d�-V I GSL MCPUM a u ilce� *EQU,FVALENCY-UL 1897 ti4 is, equivalent to test standard UL 1897Y? *Design prPsSur� margin of safety 2:1 Lockeouvden; P.E doffs not hive; not wii acquire a;gtaneial nt'��+,egGr� t!fa�'ur►ntz or distributing, products. »• under this evaluation ; Locke Bowden, P E s not owned, operated, or controiled by air cow pariOpnibW,ure9, or lstributing products under this report.4,41 +wyf • d fT 1 L� ' i `r=*.dt®3satiT14� I FI-17022.1 6V Crimp (26GA Steel); 24" Wide Roof Panel- Details Limitations: 1. Underlayment to bo compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 611' ed 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6th ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of,Florida product, approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Sheardiaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Support framing in compliance wIFBC 2017 611, ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, .Chapter 23 for Wood and,Chapter 16 for Structural loading. 7. This report does not`imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. Deck: 15132" or greater Plywroi , or Wood plank NEW Panel Overlap --- rasteners - #9 x 1-1/2" Min, or #16 x i-id-Min. par Table A•' for Row / —� 5•V Crimp Roof Panel Spacing acid Design Pressures ; Hex Washer Head Wood Screws Panel Profile Nominal 12" Fasten 29x r1/2"Min. or #10 x 1-1/2" Min. per `Table "A" Flex Washer Head Screw Spaced 12" o.c. across the Panel Wdth Refer to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel Length . Deck-15/32" or greater Plywood, or - Vtbod plank