HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1262 tj~ .. ' - ------........:-._-_.-...----------..--~---_....._--------~--_..._- - --_.- -_._#_-._-----_._--~._--~._---~-----_._--_._------ ---...-."- --..-.. '--:-oe.,.,...~'..o:':- ..-....~.....,... ,-".~ ....-.~.- ,'- ~.'~' -....""';..-:-: ...-.... ..'''':-; -.~--...,.~'__.-..r. ".;.,...... ....--.~~ -<!/ --... ---...--_~-"".'.._... .... .....,. '.. -,...~ .~~_... _ .~......-. . .,,~ <"",,"-"';,':"~':'1<~':'''' defend the same 8€oinet the lawful olalrr-e of all perlons wh~Me~ever. WITnESS the hand and sed of said ttro ntor tt.e day and year first abovo written. Signed, .Sea1ed and DeliverAd in the Preeonoe of :f111iern 3. Buroh (~~A!.) I l:ellie H. -Babb James Howard. Sta'e of Florida County. of ~t. tuoie. I herebj' oertify That on this day ~)ersona1ly a ppeared before oe, a n officer duly ou- thor1?:ed to odoinister 08 the and tal:e aoknow1edrlments, William E. Buroh, unmarried to me w~ll l:nown and known to ~ to be the individual desoribod in and who exoouted the foregoing deed and he ac~:no"lodgod beforo no that he exocuted the BOOO froely and volur.sarily for the purposos therein eA~res~od. .:\HD : :.':JR:'H:':~ I CE~I~Y. 1h6t the s8id------l:nown to mo to bo tho wifo of the soid----- .i on 0 soyora~e ond private exaoination taken and r:ado by arn before 00, soparately and apart from her eeid husb!lnd, did 8c~~nowledf.e that she redo herself a party to sai d dood i'or ti:e purpose of renou~cing, yelinquishing and conveying all hor right, title ond interest, whethor of dower, home- st;<:>".ld or of separate oroperty, statutory or equi t'.ble in and to the lands dosert bod theroin, and that she execnted the said doed freely and voluntarily and wi':hQut; orv cor.:pulsi:n, constraint, appre- hension or foar of or from hor said hus\und. ""I'.m~s~ my :.and and eff1cial seal County of St. Luoie and ~tato of ?lorida this t~ar. 8. IJ25. a W! ero 1) :') ;) 1 .A ""'4 1) :I. .... ~, Oi nolllo :~ . 3abb aotarJ Public, State of :'lorP'l at large. .-Vy cor::mission ox!.>lres !~a~ 9, 1'J26. j' of :'ebrut1ry, A. D. 192f. P. C. Court) ) ------------------------------------------------------- -'-::\'1 ::0 ::;. 7iHI?l2.Y ----------------------------------------- TO :18 ?U3!,IC. State of ~lori4a Ccunty of ~aint Lucio). AFP!DAiI? O? T~ PU3LIC f' f 3eforo 00 thi s do;; r.ersonoll~.. appoarod IR'HI!G :;. 'mIIT!2Y, '\7ho being, full:! s'Sorn. oath, says that he iF- the o~er, in fee simple, of tto fo1lowi~g doscribed lauds, situate. on 1 i j ~ ; i lying and bei ng in ';;te County of ~a1nt Luoie and State of :'lorida: 3eginning ot a point on th'l ~aint Lucie River, 1.89 chains South of the !Torth boundary of Tot (4) Section Thirty-fivo (25). Township Thirty-otvon (37) South, "Range Porty-one (41) East; running East parallol with the Horth boundor~/ line of said lot }'our(4) 27.27 chains to tho In- dian River; thence Southeasterly along said Indian River to 0 ~oint 1.81 ohains ~outh of tho line last desoribed; thence West on a line parallel with tho lforth boundary line of S9 id Lot Four (4) twenty-eight (28) ohains to the Saint Luoie River; thence northwestorly to tho place of beginning, containing five (5) ocrea. more or less; the said land aloo being known as the ~outh ono half (S~) of Lot One (1) of a subdivision of Lot Four (4) Section Thirty-five (36) and . . gractional Section Thirty-six (36). Township Thirty-seven (37) South1.Poange Forty One (41) Zest acoordingto a plat of ~aid sub~ivision reoorded in Deed Book "V", page 700, publio records of Brevard County, Florida; and that s8id lands wore oonveyel to hie by l~ry S. Lawronoe and ~.H, Lawrenoe. her husband. b~ :Tarranty deed toted Uaroh 4th. 1902. fUed for l'8oord. April 5th. 1'02 ~ ~ and reoorded in Deed BOOl':)'KK". page 475. of the public reoords of Rreve'fd County, Florida. - " That affiant 1s also the owner, in fee simple. of the following desoribed lands, situate, lYing and being in the County of Saint-luoie. in the Stnte 01 Flurida. to-wit: The North one half (n-l;-) of 8 ten 80re traot whioh 1s desoribed as follows: Bogin at I I 1 ~:~ , II -: - ...... ...:. .',",':\f~I.~)\ltfl~