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THTS lllD:~UTUR?. Uade this 26th day of }'el>ruary. A. D. 1926. Between HoY.ee ~exton
Land Company . a corporation existh'lg under the laws of the Shte of l'lorida having its prinoi-
, .
pal place of business in the County of St. Lucie and Stote of Plorido. party of the first part.
oDd }'ary E. ~pringer.
of the County of St Luoie and Stato of Florida narty of the 8ecor~ part, Witnesseth, that the
said party of the first part. for add in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars an~ othor ~6l-
uabla considerations to it in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby aoknow1edred has granted,
bargained, sold olioned remised, release, conveyed ar~ confirrned~ and by these presents doth
gront. barfain, sell, slien. remise, release. convey and confirm ,unto the soid part of'the sec-
ond part and her heirs and oBsigns forovo~, all that oertain parcel of land lying and being
in the County of St. I.ucie and State of }'lorida, mOTe particularly described as :follows:
The South ;wenty (20) acres of Lot ~our (4) of ~eotion ?welve (12) TO\Ynship Thirty
two (32) South of ~mf-e 'i'hirtynine (39) East.
Topother wi th all submerved lands and ril}arian ri ghts app~lrtenant thel'eunto.
-, 4>00 .
~6.00 Stamps ~snoa1led. .
'i'OGETR:-:R with all t~:e tenoi.lonts, heredita!:lents and ;\fPurtenances, with evor] privilege, right.
title, in~erest and estate. reversion, reaainder and ease~ent thereto belor.~ing or in anywie9
apperts ining To !!ave and ~o 'ro1d the sarre in fee Simple forever.
An' tho soid party of the first part doth covenant with tho ~id party of the second
part that it is lawfully soized of tho said premises; that they ore free of all incl~~rabces
and that is roDS good right and lawful anthority to sell the Bune; and the snid porty of the
first part does hereb:.T full:.' ?itlrrant tho t1 t1e to soid land a lli will defend tho so~e !lfainst
tho lawful claims of all ~ersons whomsoever.
III i1~m:s'" ':!{2~~:Oli'. the Baid party ef the ftrst part 1'18B caused these presents to be
sif-Tled in its naI:e by -p,resident, am i U3
Qecretar~ tho daJ a year .b~e written.
Cor~or!!~o Seal) (orp. !'leal) )
Attest: ~'. I.. He:::nin ~
corp-~ate seal to :'0 affixed. attested by its
Uc;:ee ~exton_land Compan:l
3y .:"rthur G. ::cKee
Qigned, seoled ond dolivered in our ~resenoo:
?rancis L. Brodhead
3'. L. ~{emminfs
: ~a rpo re t ::. ?o Fers
State of ?lorida
~ounty of ~t.Lucie.
! c:Z::::T.r C:';;??IFY. That on this 28th da:: of Pebrnory A. D. 1925. beforo no norsonal1y
appeared .....rthur f:f. HcKee !lnd ='. 1. Har-.mings, respocti"lel~PreHid~nt end Secretary of' :!cY.:eo Sexton
Iand Company. a corporation under the laws of the State of :'lorlda to 00 ~:nown to be tho persons
described'in ar:d who oxecuted the foregoing conveyance to I:ary E. ~pringer and sevorolly oCr:noi;l-
the 8~d instrunent is the aot and deed of suoh corporatlcn.
I. .
edged the execution thereof to be thtir froe aot and deed 6S suoh offioers, for the uses 00 d pur-
poses ~heroln montionod; and that the7 affixed thereto the Official seal of s~id corporationanQ
ifI'l'WC:SS my signature .and off1oial 80~ at .i'ort Pierce in the County of St. t.uolo, and
"'lor!da *he doy am :reer last aforsaid.7,
this Her 3. 1925.
6. Rogers (~~AL)
State of :10rid9 .
expires Qept, 10. l~~a.
P. C: EldredC~1or~ ~i ~~~ Cirouit Courtl
~/L ~~aLA(n.c.__
. U8rr~ret
notary Pu 110
By oannis8 ion
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