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C;1R:I~ E. mnY,Y.IJIG'flOHTH Eo:.' AL
GRACE E. <:OCy.?::n.
TIaS A~R~i":!:En'i' enterod into this 1~ day ('f :'obruary, 1925, bot,yoen Curtis E.
Chillingl'iorth and his wi1'o l~orJorie ~:. Chilltnf:Vlorth of Po1"Ol !3eooh County. l'lorido, portios
of the first ~ort. ond ~rooo R. Cookrol1. 0 ~roo d~oler, porty o~ tho seoond part.
~~m::~~E~H, in oonnidorotion of tho Bun of olr-h': hundred dollors($OOO,OO)
paid by the porty of tho seoond part. to ~he parties of _the f1TstWart on or be foro the exeoution
ond doliver~1 of this oontroot, the parties of the fl rst part hereby covenant !lnd ap-ree to con-
yey nnd asaurll to tho Baid party of the socond !)ort. hor hoirs. executors, adr.linistrators or
ossigns in foo sinp1e. cleor of all encn~.b.roncel' nhatevor b:; 0 rood ond sufficient (Ioed the
following doscribod I)~'operty to-wit:- The S~ of the S:'r:~ of ~oction30. Township 37 South Range
41 ::act.
The said party of the second !>8 rt heroby agroes to pay tho sum of ;-'our tho\1ssnd
dollars (~4.000.00) for the soid property. eight hundrod dol1ars(tBOO.OO) of which is oaid on
Or before the exocution and dolivery of this contract, and ~he ror:l!linder is to be u!lid in th:-oe
oqua1 po;,rl..1onts in 1, 2 and :3 yeors .::roo dote o:f July 21st, 1~24, ot 6;~ interest per annur:\, pay-
able sOr:\i-onnuaIIY, The 1924 taxos 01'0 to be pro-ystod os of ca~e J~1J 21st, 1924.
~ho pBrt~; of ~he :fi tst part alP'ees to de11yer a food ond sufr'icier.t ';/crrunty
doed to the abovo do scribed ~roperty. ~ou1d party o~ tho second part. find the tItle not to be
narl:etsble, or not :.Ul;.:O the pa1lY:1ents on the dfi~os .hen duo the ~Artios of the ~irst !)ort !'.If Tee
to roturn the Eight ~undrod rollars $000.00), and any other suns paid by ~he party of ~he second
pOl't. and the partiet horeto outua1ly releaso each other from all cIa i::T und-:- this orroe:::ent,
and this contract is to be of no further force or effoct.
The ~arty of the second part upon the exocution of s~id deed ~ill ~oke and ex-
acute notes 'payable to the partiel2: of the first part for the l1n~nid nart of the purer-.ase price.
Tho party of the second oart will exocute and doliyor 0 first mortgage upon !'a\..l prooorty
to SOCl:re the promot payr.:l}rit on s<.lid nctl's. At the option of the part;r of the fi "!'st part. the
party of tl:e ~econd ~I)rt will havo her husband, rrohn =:. Coc1:rell, to join in ~he uxecution of ~h6
last nontionod notes and r:lortnges.
III lfItllBSS .n~~::OP, 'I'ha part ies have horeunto set thoi r handt" end - se91s this
13 day of ?ebruary 1925.
Grace z. Coc7.rell
Sirned, sealed add delivered in the ~resence of:
Al to _
(curtiS ~. Chillingworth
~-~arjore l~. Chlllingworth.
11ay ~ea1y J----------
A~es G. Ellison. - -. .
State of :'lorida
Adarns (Wit party of second part)
- A. H. Stewart ( to
-- St. lucie County.
On this day personally oppearod before ~e an officer authorized to take aC7.nowl-
edgments of d09ds. Grace ~. Oockrell, a free dealer, to ~e well known and known to be the ~erson
who executed the within agreement and aoknowledged that ~he 6xecuted the sene for the uses and
purposes ~h~ein expressed.
nitneBB my ~~nd and seal this 13 day of February. 1925. in St. Lucie County.
A. H. Stewart
notary Publ10 for the ~tate of 1i10rida at
large. l~y oommission expires Deo. 19..1928......
State of Florida
Palm Besoh County.
- - - - ._~ --...--....