HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1267 67 ._.._'~.--...--.__. ...-- .-'.-----"-..- ------' -_..__.- --,--- ."'--- ----"'---"" ......- ...--'- --~-_.__. --._-~._-_._--,----_......-- -.... -- -.---.--.-..---'- ----....---.....------ --_..-. - ...-. _.-." --.. ---. -- C__ ''\_ 'I c~.__ ~ -. "_.- -.:... '''0.-'-'" __._....,.~._.. ','_,__ .__ . . '_.', ,.~.... ... .._~. ._,~..,.,~-,,-._,.,.......!'" !'......;. ;__._'" ,........ .... __ .-......... ..~..~ _ .~ .__. __ __._ _, "__,' _,~"' ' '.'__'" _.'_~~_." ._ .... __ ,; .... .. .-. _..... .. I. I ~ I . aoknowledged the oxeoutlon thereof to be th6ir freG aot and daea for the usee and pUrp08es there- in ~ontioned; ond th~ soid Vohala Gil~Bn the wife of tho Baid ~illJam Gil~an on a seprote ~nd privoto exorninatlon token and cade ~y ond before.me. and separately and ap.t ~rorn her sa! d husband, did oQ.:no\"lledged that she made herself 0 party to the so Id Deed of Conveyonce, for the purposep of renounoing, rolinquishing and convoying all her right, title and interost whe~h- er of dowel or of s~prate proporty, statutory or equltable. in end to tho l~nds th6r~in doscrib~ and that she oxeouted tald deod freely and voluntarily and without any constrolnt, fear, a~pre- hension'or ccrnoll1oion of or from her said hUB\land. 'ilTlI::S~ my signature and offioial the da:! 0 nl yoor 1a!OfsfOBSllid. o o I-t Co this Har. 4, 1~25~ 9: eI, ai seal at Vero in the County'of ~t. Luoie ond nelli e :1. !bibb notar~.. Public ~tato of ~(lorid8 at large. I~:; oornnissi on expl res !~oy 9, 1 ~2B. P. court) .."" -4. / ;./ D.C. :.r'_","::)9r. " -:) ZA.?? and ! '..l.3:;1, ,. '7.A??, MiD S. ~. :'0 lID .\!!D AL:'AI U. FO:m .ro . S. ~L\ ni . _..._ ..n~, .. . ;. . .. , " WA~=t.\..?y D:;;:'D .. :~:rO:f AI!. ! :~:l; 3Y T:L~SE .>?::SElr.!.'S. That ~en:l8n ~ ::spf, and ;:li bel " Zapf, his ....i~o , ond ~ 9. =:.. .: . ~. ------------------------------------------ :'ord and Altai ir. ?ord. his wifo. ..the Grantor$, fOor the consideration of "i.'en(and other valuable QOnslderations)-------~ollars,~10.00-----) received to our full satiEfaction of ~. S. ~lain, I Trusteo, of Dad.e County, :'lorida, the Grantee, do five, gront, bargain, sell and cJn"..ey unto the said Grontoe, his heirs ard a$signs. U,e following doscribed !)ror:.ises, sit::a'::ed in ':;;~e------ ./ of-- , County of St. I,ucle and State of ?lorida: ?arcel 1. Comconcin~ at the southwest corner of ~ec':;ion 7, Township 32 ~outh, Ran~e 40 ~ast thenoe TUn north on range line 591.1 feet to the pOint of beginning of tract conveyed. ~rom this point of be~nning run Zast 2684 feet more or less to the waters edge of the Atlantic Ocean; thence run !lortherly along the waters edgo of Atlantic Ocean to a point which is :':~9. 9 feet Uorth of .the South line of the tract hereby conveyed; thence nln West parallel with ~outh line 3265.8 feet, more or less ~o the waters edge of Indian River; thence southerly along waters edge of - Indian River to 0 point which is 398.9 feet South of the Horth line of the t~aot hereby conve:,red; thence run Zast parallel with the north line 672.3 feet, more or less to the placo of beg1.nnlng. The tract hereby conveled oontaining 30.3 acres ar~ situated p~rtly in Section 7, ~owbshi~ 22 Qouth Range 40 Zast, snd partly in Section 12, 'i'ownship 32 South, Range 39 ~ast, Together with all Riparian rifhts and submerged lands appurtenant to the above described tract of lend lying between the axtended Ilorth and South boundaries of the same. I Th~ foregoing described and oonveyed tract of land is also described S6 Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Plat of parts of Section 12. Township 32 South. Range 39 East and Section 7, ~ownsh1p 32 South, Range 40 Zast, dated December 29th. 1919, made by R. D. Carter. C. E. snd recorded on Page 2 of of Plst Book 4in the office of the Clork of tla Oirouit C{~.t of St. Luoie County, rlorida. Parcol 2. The South two-thirds {2/3) of the following desoribed trac) of land; 3eginning at a point 5 ohains and 37 links north of the southwest oorner of Seotion 1. Township 32 South, Ranf8 40 East; thenoe running north 5 chains and 38 links to the line of land 'of Reginald Burton; thenoe East to the Atlantio Ooean; thence soutt.ard alang the line of said Ooean Beaoh to a polr.t Eest and o~/8p~oslte.to the point of beginning; thanee West on a line parallel to the seoond described ; line to the plaoo of begirining said Traot of land boic.g a part of lots numbered 6 and 6 in ~eot1on - : '1. Township 32 South of Range 40 East. and oontoining 25 aoros. moro or less. The traot of l8~~ ) .ftraby cocveyed contolnln ;'.;:~ : .:....-~-:..:,{i(jijl~ 1t~lJ~lig