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The traot hereby oonvey~d io also desoribed 8S lot 4 of Plat of parts of ~eotion 12. Township 32
South. Range 39 East. ond ~ootion 7. Township 32 ~outh. Range 40 East. Mode by R. D. Carter. C.E.
together with riparian rights.
Beginning the llorth 1/3 of 0 oertain pieoe or paroe1 of lond dosoribed 08 follows:
Beginning 8t a point 5 chains and 57 links llorth of the southwest corner or Section 7. ~ownshi9
32 South, Range 40 ::sst: th6nQe running llorth 5 ohains snd 38 links to thlt line of land forrner-
l~wned by Reginald ~lrton; thenoe West to the Indian River; thonoe Bouthiard along ~rgin of
soid River to 8 point Nest and opposite the point of begir.ning; thenoe ~aBt on a line parallel
Paroel 3.
to the seoond doscribed line to point of beginning. oontaining 4 acres. more or less.
This deed is given subject to 8 oertain mo~tgage bearing date of August 1st. l~24,
given by ~. 3. Ford, Alt*1 U. Ford. husb!llld onu wife. om. Hem8n R. Zapf am r~abel H. Zspf, hus-
band and wife to D. J. Zinner in the princi!lal sun of~0500.00. said r:tortrolle roct)rded in '3ook 20
page 503. of tho Publio Records of Qt. Lucie County, Flori da, and the frantee herein t'lentioned
assumes 8aid mortpa~e and ogrees to pay sane.
~ 38.00 Doc. Star:tps Cane.
be the sane nore or less, but subject to all legal highways.
TO tlATI A~ID TO :!OI,D tho above ~ranted and bargained prer:tises. with the appurtenances
thero.)f. unto the said l:rantee. his heirs and assipne fore\"er. and we. the said G~6ntore, do
for ourselves and our hoirs. executors and adMinistrators. covenant with the r.aid ~rontee. his
. .
. .
heirs and assifns, that at and until the ensealing of these !i=eEents. we are \'Iell seized of the
above described prer:tises n~ a good and indefeasible estate in :'ee Simple. and have good right to
bargain and s911 the same in r:l8nner and for:, as obove written. and thot the Slime or!) :.'ree :.'roI:l
all inclJ::ibrances whatsoever except current taxes and asaossnents. ?/hich shall be pro-ra ted.
and that we will warrant and defend said pror.lises, with tl:e a!lpnrtenonc8a thereunto belonging
to the said' {:rantee his heirs and assigns. agail'\st all lawful claims and doo8nds wha~so8ver except ~
as abcve.
And for valuable oonsideration we. !.:abel H. Zap!' (wife of Hemaa R. Zapf) and Altai I:, Ford
(wife of S. S. Ford)
do heroby rer.lise, release 'and forover quitcloim unto the said Grantee. his heirs and 8ssi[ns,
all our right and expectancy of dower in the above described pre~ises.
In ""I'::'lC~Q 'T::~?:;':', we lave hereunto set our hands the 24th daj of IJocemb~r. in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine 'hundred end t~enty-four.
Signed and ~cknowledged in the presence of:
!IllITf:l.8n R. Zap!
( ~:'::_.!...I.)
( S::AL)
( ~:~A'L)
( S"A!)
3. H. Kemler
Habel !I. Zapf'
S.S. Pord
H. E. Y-inR
Al tai H. .?ord
State of Ohio
Cuyo hogs County,
Before oe, 6 liotar.f 2:'ubl1c in Ii nl for said Oounty and StafJe. personal1:; ~peared tf.e
above named Hertl8n R. Zapf and Habel l~. Zap! (husband ani wIfe) aM. S. S. Ford aod Altai !~. Ford
(husband ond wife) who acknowledred that they did sign the foregoing instrlli~ent and thdt the
same is their free aot aDd deed.
testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Official.seal. at Cleveland. Ohio
of December A. D. 1924.
H. P. !-:ggers
nota ry Publ1o.
County of Cuyah~ea)
I tfERBBY CE~'BFY that on tbiu de:: personally appeared beforo me. an officer duly au-
thorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. Uebel Il. Zapf and Altai tr. Ford. to r.lO