HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES tuildhig & Code CompliancO, Division BU, "" ' PERMIT * � �LIDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEM­_ - i' ENT A'Q Qjjlqjity Electric (C6mpany_ Name/Individual Name) the ,OiecfncEif Sub-contr., (Type of T.-"Aqq) For the Project located at, Spa0 '90,94z'n C1 .(Project Street Address! or Proper It is understood if there:is Or that, is any bhdh,.,e of project, the filing Code Regulation I have agreed to be for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES (P-riiniq'Conttactor) 41] fdgAtdi'n'g our pArtkipation with the above mentioned Qn of St. Lucie . County will be -advised pursuant to the C.0ATRAC trjGNAT.U1 (Qualffler) SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 28ql'7 .28626 CoWiTy CERTIFICATION NUMBER. COUNTY'CERTIFICATION.'NUMBER PALM BEACH:., State of Floiriila,16unty q State of Florida, Goority ­'BtoWard. The foittoing lifsttuinifit'Ovig si9jkd1Wdr6 ifie this 22 _4�!dhy of -• day of this ROBERT §MITHWICK Febrqclry.. Aa",h 0,.Y 0.q. - Gary R. Evans 2 )j? li 2 by Vfiojs personally known: b 0 oic has,prod a wh is personally Wowh or has prodnced a aside ation. as identification. LA A A A STAMP V LX/t— STAMP Signature of Ptiblic Notary V Signaturei of Notary rupfic EPUKA LE LE $RINI ERIKA L Laura G. Linden 6 -y ftbl c M.W.-State of Florida -Notary Public in PrihtNaepfN tai. i Commission #.GG 084371 Print Narnebf Notary ru & b My Commission Upire's March 16, 2021 "AIN. Laura !G, Linden Revised unwom :4'Expilis; lefltemb#r 4200 Bonded Wo Aaron NOfkr.v PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & .DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building. & _Code. Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be: (Co m any Name%Individual Name) PLUMING Ib-contractor u1Z C1SGL2 the S (NC for IJ ,,.� yawl- Ones . (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at .55 '3 ao ot,0 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID, #) i It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation_ with the -above mentioned . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of"St. Lucie County.will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub=co .factor notice. i CO TRA GNA URE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of State of Florida, County of : FLORIDA /� i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this " SG day of i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of " ,zol?by RPtXr_t Smi44W r_K ! GARY KOZAN 20_, by who is personally known ✓ or has produced a who is personally known' X or has produced a as id en ' ati as identification.• l STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Sighature of Notary Public jai lz) Leg�i Print Name of Notary Public a,�,,,v; " I KA E B R N 'A' State of Florida -Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Commission # GG 084371. My Commission'Expires . oQ March 115,2121 _ - I(ATH EGtd FV1. liAt:L n`''} n •.•:• Notary Public - $tat2 011 ioriCla Revised 11/16/2016 icy Comma E>;piies Jun 17; 20f sSY; S mm `n CoAsian Fr 133386 Lc��de(, fhrongl1NationalNotaryAssn. i t) PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & -DEVELOMENT SERVICES Buil'd.in'.g.& .Code Compliance Div'ision BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT One StopCppling and Heating, LLC i have -agreed to be (12bl.-nphy, Narne/Ind.i0dii-61 Narri-0 the M6.bhah1C511Hv4Q Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. _dba­RYAN:HOMES (Ty06!of Trade) (Primary Corftract:6 For the project (Project Street Address br P60.ddy Tax I.D,-#) It is understood. that;. if there is any -change of status regarding our participation with the'abo"Ve rnehti . difted project, the Building and Code, Regulation Divisiop-ofSt. Lucie Co. my Will be-AdVised puisuant to the Piing '9 of a Cha of Sub_contractor notice. CONTRA CWK$'I(.NAT,tTRE.(Qdglifiiij 'SUB -Co. TRA:CTOA SIGNATURE ROE3ERTSIVIITHWICK PRINT%NAME 28917 COUNTY'CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFloFida,;Cogntp of. PALM PEACH The foicg6fing instrument was signed WW6 me this_4±day,of 11AIrc, IL i2ole by ROBERTSMIT HM' X who ii IV. produced a -ifeekonilly known —LI-61 has is ad' -_ -ra 'a ft STAMP ftiiature of NolahPublic PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER GE' �Y' I - StAte.ot 17.1okida, iboun of' ORA N, The f6rtgoing'instrumerit,.i-as-signed before me this 23 day of FEbRUARY ­i0,b,'K_EVIN8TINE y who it personally known' ar bas produced a as identification: STAMP Signature of Nota VWN,1.11'. ,ERIKA LEBRINI- ERIKA.LEBRINI.. ­4 Elqrlda�Nptary �ubllc Print Name of Notir� PubliioYV Omffligglon # GG 084371 PH tN -1 ,tfiry PublIKELLY WED IER Np State 61, Florida My. offlMission Expires Margh 16 202 1:: M­101 if FF016604, 4R_-WN_ 'i-0 �W ` 4 mi Revised 11/16/201,0 PLANNING arc DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BulildhIDg & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PetersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES Type of Trade) I (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street /4-1 Cyr or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the BuildinW Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C ,2 Sub -contractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK i'RIrN'T IN#1TE --. �)t�t'ONNTRA, C:'1'oR SiCNi ATURL tQualirj) _ Byron Keith McStoots PRINT' NIL 1YIF.'-- 28917 29024 Ct?['A I'l C I R7'IL IC;A"r14N NU,.N Br R COUNTY C E R'C1FIi::1'I'10\ \t 11I3ER State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of ✓�h. ,20Vby ROBEgT SMiTHWI�� who is personally known —or has produced a as 'cation. __ _. STAMPSignature of \otary Public ERIKA LEBRINI ""'4, ERIKA LEBBINI "`DRVA`A�'- Florida -Notary Public Print Name oftVotary Public =, *= Commission # GG .084371 9rFOI',oQ My Commission Expires' March 16, 2021 Revised 11/16/2016 State of Florida, Cot lrty of Palm Beach '1'hc foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22 d;tv of February __ 20181) . Byron Keith M_ cStoots Who is personally known or has produced a as identification. SIANIP Signature of tiotary Public Beth Wagner. _ Print Name of Notary Public �y : 4' BETH WAGNER �, MY COMMISSIGN # GG 081027 EXPIRES: April 13,021 Bonded llw Nolmy Pubk Undenvrileis I, PERMIT.I1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES Building 8; Code Compli"nee Division . BUILDING PtIWIT SUBniWNTRACTOR AGREEMENT GALE INSULATION _ -, -- �-- _ - _ -- -------,_ _ . .. _ .have agreed to be (Company Name/Indtvidull Name) the INSULATION _Sub corltracfor for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES T c of , yp . ;; , Trade.) (Pnmary Colltraefor) I'or the project located at, s� /¢n of, IA, lee- Ct./' ._ Taz'ID #) It is understood that, if tliee is. airy ehaiige of status regarding our palticipatlon with the above mentioned project, the Build' and Code Regulation Division of St; Lucie County wild N advised pui`suant to the filing 6--fa Cnof`Sub:ntractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME i 28917 COUNTY CERTITICATtgjN NUMBCR ,Siple of rlondi, Count of: ?a] I'r►. � Tire ... going knstrmncnt was signed befo_rc nic this (d ay of rri 202by ROBERT SMITHWICK Who is.personaHy Iwbisn _or bns proaaced n, a0,01 croon: ST,1MP SigniiliireorNo t4.f, .' P.,nblie PI'intNiniu6fNot ER -'A LEBRINI `20~Y PUgGC� State of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 748 My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 Iicviscd II/IG/201G C IQ.g,/-9 COUNTY C; RTITICATION, NUNI,BER` Suite of Florida, Count} of SZ`l�flG'r�Q Tie for eboing instrumint 'ryas sighed before ine this 2 d - MARCH - ,201E by PAUL W. HASH i"vho is personally knorVn_ X or Iia§ produced a , ns identification. 1 STAMP Signature' t o1argPublic Print Namc or.NoMiiY Public _ MEL155AStSAPP -- . +, 00tar,#611c=5taleofFlorlda fh1: • _ .Commission A;GG 138355 Comm.EzpliesAug27,2021 13onkoihrouyhNatio IN,,,ol�iyhssn.