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of Ioke ~orth, Palm !)I)!loh County, Florida, porty of tho seoond part, hert\lnnfter cllled the
Pnrohn~er. his heirs, OAocntors, a<lnini:;tratore or al.:sifr.s:
'fITJr::~~;:T!{ That for and in considerotiOn t)f tho sum of Ten Thousand Do11aro
($lO,OO~~OO) oash in hond paid by the Purohasar tot~o Vendors at and before tha execution ond
delivery of theso presonts, yhe recei9t whereof 16 h~reby ocknowledrod, nod in furthBr consid-
or~tion of tho m\ltua1 covenant~'~nd arree~ents and oblir,otions of the reu~octivo parties to this
contract horeina:'tor sot forth, tho soid parties hove oovenanted and af!reed with each other as
1. That for ond'in oonsideration and upon tho terr,a and condi ttons hereinafter'
set forth, t~.e Vondors \'1111 sell and oonvo:i to the ?urcr.lJser by 0 [rood and sufficient 7l'arr9nt;:
Deed, subjeot,~~o'\'1Qver, to orv Dnd .011 ':;OXOS ~.oreto:'ore assessod or '..;hich !~D:" bo horeafter as-
sossed by the ,:!ensen 3ridf:o "Distriot for t!lXOS now clair.od or ~ha"t r.1oy be clair.od horeafter
b:,J each lHstrict, or any other d~strict or !loliti~ol subdivision of the Rt.te 0:: ~'lor1.d6, except
A v
St:.to Bnd Count:, ':"axes lo':iod for tr.o JeaT 1')24; sUbJ ect also -to thl) rif'ht~ of Massos, '?3r,es
and Price in and to tho tl~bor on sr.id londs arn other rights os na~ be set 'orth in Gontr~ct
fro' J:l the .r'rank1in I.and Compon;.' to tho s'.,! ii 3anes and Price datod en the 15th doy of :'"ebrmJrY
X. D., 1924, OM of rocord in the o;'iicf.l of ~he CIerI: ;)f ,:;}-s Circuit Go~'rt in and :'or ~aint
Luci e County lo'lorida, and subject therefore to an:.. ri ;-h' s undor such Contract 71hich under t~le
terns .thoroof !:.ay revort to or be acquirell bJ ~he :'ronklin Lanll Coopan~; in the event that the
said 3anes orrl ?rice fail to COMPl~ith ooch and every tern of ~ho said contract. Subject also
to the rights of too ;.'lorida 30st ~oi1\'iay COIJ!>sny nndor the ~ight-of-"aJ _',greorr.ont g'ranted to
tholJ by the :'rnnklin Lund Com!1an:," \.nde~ the date of April l5t~ A, D., 1924, and of record ill thE;
Offico of tho Clerk of the Cirouit Court, Suidt Lucie County, Florida! and the Purcharer ~i11
t!l~=lt und !lur(}hase I'roo tho "londors all of the ;'ollo\'iinf,' deseri bod rro!,erty s1 t~late in ~aint
Lucie Gou~ty, Florida, oore particularly doscribed a6 :ollows!
AU. 0:' "3LOC}:~ OllE, T"O AITD T:I?EE AnD LOTS OnE TO T:7ELTI. '3:l7:! :!:;~r;~r;::. Iii
BLOC;: ?OPR I~; ~:~~~Ion ?J:'!ri'3:.:Ii;
All of blocks one, two, threo and four of section t~enty-three;
All of b1oc~:s one, two, throe and four of section twenty-four;
All of b1oo;: one, Lots one to eight, both incl:181ve, and lots ole.on to sh:tol3n,
both inclusivo, in block two; lots one, two ODd three in block three.
both incl~si,e, in block four of section twenty-five;
~ots t7l0 to sixteen,
All of blocks one, two, three and four of secti~n twonty six;
Lots two, eigh~, thirt~en, fou~teeQ, flft9cn and sixteen in bloc1: ono. Lots five
to nine, both inclusive, 011 of lot ten !ling ~ast of ~t. Lucie ?ivor and lots eloven to sixteen
both inclusive, in block two; all of bloc}: throe lying :::ast of the St. I.ucle ~iver; all of
block four of section thirty-five.'
I All of t~ fore~oin~ seotions aTe situa~e in tounshi, thirty-six and ran~e for~
Lota one and two and 8even to sixteen. both inolusive, In ~lock one; lots one
to twelve, both inclueiwe. in blook two; lots one to twelve, both inclusive, in block throe;
lots fivo to eight, both ino1usive. in blook four of section o~.
All o:9hlOOk one; 811 of blook two lying East of the St. Luvie River. and all of
blooks three and four of section two.
All at blooks one and two of s.otion eleven.
Lots three to sixteen, both 1 nolu81 ve, in blook.. one:
all of blook two;
Seotion ,
for~;y :::8&t.
All ~f the foregoing seotions are situate in TOtmLail> tbirtY-Boveu South. R811P:,
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