HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1276 7() All of blOok three of seotion nino teen. All of blooks two and three and Iota five to sixtQen. both inolusive, in block four of seotion thirty. Lots nino to sixteen. both ino1usive, in block one; lots five to sixteen, both inolu- sive, in block two; lot one, the north half of lot three; llorth half 01' lot four; lots five to twelvo, both inolusive, in block threat lots one, two. oight. nine, fifteen and oixtoon, in J block four of seotion thirty-one. Lots nine to two1~o. both ino1usive, in block two; lots C and D ond lots five to . sixteen, both inclusiv6, in block three, of seotion th'rt~-two. All of the foroRoinp. soctions are aitllata in township thirty-six ~outh, ?ango forty- one ",,!let. All of bloc% ono;- lots ono to four, bot~ inclusive, and lots nine to sixtoen. both inclusive, of bloc;: ':'.10; lot two, ~outh half of let ':hroo; ~outh half of lot four; lots ele'.'en to sixtoen, both ina1usive, in block throe; lots one to nine, both inclusive, and lots twe1vo to sixteen, beth inclusive, in block four, of section six~ . tots 0.16 to tVle}-..'e, botp. ino1usivo, In block ono; lots one to four, both inclusive lots nIno e n;1 olet'e!'l, ~outh half "hf lot ':'hirteen and ~outh half of lot ::"011rtee:1 and all of lot sixteen, in block two, of Section ~oven. All tr:e foregoinf:" sectior,s ora situate in t07mship thirty-eo":en ~outh,~:rt:r-one East. , ':'he sections, towm:l:ips and rongos herein mentioned ara occordlng to the- i.!nited St!)~OS ~ r.ovornnont ~ur~5Ss; the lots and bloc~s herei!'l wontionod aTO according to ~ap cr plat of ~t. I.uoie C:erd9ns preparod by the :'ranklin I.and CO!:'lpanj I1nd rocorded in the Publi c ~ecords of f;l9id ~t. Lucie County, in Plat 300k one, tit pogo thirty-five, of said records. ) st anI} for the price of 040.00 per oore, In c!llcu1ati~g the acreogo so as to arrive a:; the 9gC're- Fr: ,;e ourchase ~::-ice. encil section of said lams 81"111.1 be dcer;:od ar.l tu::en to 'contain u~o .~.orc8, with no deduction :.'or_road:-: or wator a:1d onc~l lot f:nall be ';,,;:en end deeDed to contain 10 Acree, ~lth tr~ oxception of the land lying ~est of the ~t. Lucie 31vor in Qoction two, ?ownship thi~tj- II seven, and in <>ection thirty-five, ':.'ownshlp thirty-six, ~ol1th of Hanfe forty ~~aEt, which land - - Shall be deened to 8~eregato fifty-fi~o Acres, and the fractional lots in 3look four of ~ection t1:irty-one, TownshIp thirt;;,:-six South, ;wnge forty-one Eost, nunbored three, i'our five, six. A, 3. rtnd D, shall each be taken and deeDed to contain 5 ,;'cros. It is furti18r nndorstood and 0- Fr~od tl~t in calcl1l6tinr ocreoFo for ~artial releasos at a later dato, tho Sfi~e bases as here- in'before set forth 8~1 be used. 2. That the oggregate pllrchas(; price of 89 id lands, ascortainod as above proYided, shal1-bo poid by the Purchaser ss fol1ows:- $10.000 in cash, the recei!1t whereof Is hereby 8C- ;:nowledged; S59,250.00 on or Qeforo ~irtJ days sfter dolivory of ~ho Vendors to the !urchaser of the abstracts of title to Baid lands. whioh are this'day delivered to the Purchoser, the receipt ~hereof by hlo i6 hereby 8cr.nowledred; thG balance of said pllrcr~ae price BrBll bo paid in thre~ oqua1 installcents, as follows:- e~9,250 on :6nu8r~ 2. 1~2G;. '09,250.00 on January 2nd, 1~27; and $G~.250.00 on Janllar~ 2nd, 192e; the said phreo d~ferred payments to bo evidoncjd by pro~; issory notes in the "s.a1 ~o~, payable at the Port Pierce 3ank & Trust Company, of Port Pierco, Plorlda, and bearine- interest froo date at the rote of 7% per annuo, and stipulating or. the :tace of the note~ that thoy are given as a part of the purohase price of said pTe~i8es; with interest .~ .. 1 ! i ! 1 1 f ~87ab1e 8Q~l-8nn118l1y. In the event that it de~elops that good title oannot ne dolivered to all of said lands then and in that ovent the purohaser sholl accept all of the said property to whioh good title oan be del1vned at and for the price herein stinulated. i" , ; . 3. TbatwheDGTer the purohaser ehell havo ft.Jlly nade the payment duo th1t'ty days from this dote and 8lso f:\ndfl fnllp8V'1ent ot the promi880r;; notos heroinbefore dOGcrlbed duo ~?~f#~iai~~t~~, " ':'.-\>~_}I~~~i~~ !."'on~le "ry