HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1278 7~ - -- -..--.....-----..--..---.-- .-.---..-- -- --- -----.--....------.----.----.-- . --.-..-"....."!::"'I:.~.--.._- --....':" .-c..... '" -..."......-.-. '--", ".- -~,-. .___ ......~...- -.-.-,-, .........._ . ___..._... __.....-. "_-~"'"'' ..~..._~_...,. ._:', ._ for the purpose of ronounoing. rellr.quiahing and oonveying 011 hor right, title and interest, whother of dower or of separate rroporty. stotutory or equitable, in end to the lands therein desoribed and t~t she executed soid doed freely and voluntarIly, and without any oonstrednt, fear,' appre- hension or oom!llllsion of or fron her sa id husband. ~fITIE':~", DY bond ond offioia1 seal at }'ort Pi eroe. in the County of ~aint Lucie and orida. the doy and yeer last afo~cu.aid. Wal ter H. Rogers t: Uotory Publio for the State of Florida at CV 1arl?e. ?fy oommission oxpires AUg'.l8t 12,1927. eoorded !!arch 20. 1925. :> . 1: P. C. ~red(Cl? of th~ ,C~it Court) -----------------------------------~------_:~~::_~~~~----~~~::~::~~~-~:- ) T':RO FnrA!rc~ A!n> !!:?RO'r.";!~::H':' COR:>('~-\TIOn " TO C .R. "FAY, R.A. ItAR"m, PAT B03::RSOli. ArID 11. C. ~EA30Rn.. ~ARRAnTY m~~D " T:rrs r'D:~';TU?3, trade this 25th day of ~'ebruary A. D. 1925. B~T?8::!l Vero Rinonoe &: Improvenent Corporation, a cor~oration existing under the laws of the State of PI'ride l~,ln~ its principol place of bUsiness in the County of St. Lucie and Sta~o of ~'1orilla party of the fir~t Dart and C. R. Pay, R. A. l!artin, Pat Roberson and !~. O. Seaborn of the Oounty of St. Clair and ~tote of AIsbana port-':' of the second ~rt, ltITn3S~ETH, that the SMid party of the :first part, for ond in oonsideration of the sum of ?en Dollars and other valuab19 considarations to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted. bargained, sold. aliened. remis6d , re- 1~as9d; ~onv~y~d and confirmed, and by theso prosonts doth grant bargain. saIl, alien, remise, release, convey and confjrn unto .the s9id g~rties of the second pert and thoir heirs and assigns foreyer. all those oertain paroels of ~and lying and being in the COunt:l of St..Lucie and State of ?lorida more ~articu1ar1y described as follows: The ~est t~n ar.d 70/100 scres of traot sixteen. sectior. three, Township thirty-trJee ] south, rar.go thirty-pine east, 88 the SO~9 is desieooted on the lost general plat of 1arns of the Indian River :'aTms Company filed in t~e office of the 'Cler~: of the Circui t Court of ~t. ~uoie County, ?lorida, 37 the acceptance of this conveyance the grantge herein ~ssu~es a certoin indebtedness represen- ted b~ three notes given by Vero Finance & Improvement C~rpor8tion to Prank ~. ~ltherford each for $300 and each do';ed December 16, 1924, ard each due on or before one, two and throe yv.rs respecth-e1y frolJ Gate am all secured by mortgage on herein described property with interest at 8~ por annun, payable semi-annually. Subject to all taxos or aseessments if ony be levied for the year 1~25 am all Eubsequent years, TOG~T~~ with all the tenements, h~rodito~ents and appurtenences with 9~er7 privilefe, right, title, interest and estate, reversion. re~ainder and ease~ent -thereto belonging or in an~~is9 a-ppertai ning; TO HA v:: A!rD ':'0 HOLD the sa~ ,e in fee siaple forever. And the said party of the first 90rt doth covor~nt with the said part- of the socond part that it is lawfully sei?ed of the said pr6~lse5; thot they are free of all incum~rances. and that it has good right and lawful 8uthorit~ to sell the sooe; and the Baid party of the firft part does iiereby fu.ll:: W81rant the title to Baid land, and viill defend the 8ar.e of:8inst the 1a?l- signed In 'IfI'i'llF.~S ~.~?.EOF. the BSJ 1d pa rty of the first cart; r.as aouaed these !lres9nts to be it~8 oorporate cea1 to be affixed, attosted by its Sec- 1 fu1 c1ai~a of 011 persons whornsoe~er. retary Vcro ?in~noe & Improvenont Corporation Attest: BY A. .H, 'illl John Preeldent. Signed,Sesled and dolivered in our preeenoe: t3.~ Doo. ~tamp8 Cono.